
"it is the safest way to get the sand away without hurting her and unless you want the sand to recede into the gourd taking Hinata with it I suggest you make a desision soon"
gaara of the desert said:
"it is the safest way to get the sand away without hurting her and unless you want the sand to recede into the gourd taking Hinata with it I suggest you make a desision soon"

OOC: I just got confused. Sorry I got to go after this post sorry.

IC: "What do you mean? What desision?"
gaara of the desert said:
Gaara looked at Kin "where did you come from sound sludge
ooc:sorry Kin no offense

" NO I'm from a batter place then you so watch it all right" she grabbed some thing fromher pocket it was ninja stars
Gaaras sand started to move up Hinatas arm swiriling around her body "I hope your ready as if this goes wrong you might be killed so dont scream"