Lady Chloe
New member
Okay... Uh.... Chloe, Eringuard, Lucy, You, Ocean, Neva are all going to Tashbaan with the group. Everyone else is battling at the castle.
Okay... Uh.... Chloe, Eringuard, Lucy, You, Ocean, Neva are all going to Tashbaan with the group. Everyone else is battling at the castle.
Thorn died........... lots of people died........ *cries*
OOC: Chloe brought him back, I have no idea what for exactly.. I was hoping to have him fall in love with youHehe....
Just a little payback... But I never got around to it.
OMG YOU scared me CHLOE [ I am IAMSpoken4 and ElfianPrincess should I change my user name back to EP??] WHat's up>????OOC: Thorn Died, and now Godfrey Died! Thank God he's been brought back to life, but geez... way to make me cry!![]()
ooc: I wish I had the time to read this stuff![]()
OMG YOU scared me CHLOE [ I am IAMSpoken4 and ElfianPrincess should I change my user name back to EP??] WHat's up>????
Poor Jadie...Yeah I fell asleep then woke up at 12:01...LOLI didn't get to have fun for my new year cuz some punks were shooting bullets near our house, and some other people were shooting fireworks over our house.
now what happened?
ooc:May I helpAfter defeating Godfrey, Mizar moved through the rest of the castle. He came upon a room filled with narnian troops, who where being overwhlemed by his forces. Mizar extended his hands and began lifting the armed troops into the air. He then closed his hands, causing the troops to scream as they crushed from within. Mizar then crept towards the remaining troops, turning thme into ash and breaking there necks. Once he was finished, he moved on into the next hall. Where he found more narnian forces. As Mizar prepared to end there lives, Queen Susan using her bow shot a swift arrow into Mizar's chest. Mizar stumbled and looked at the arrow sticking in his torso. he then turned to Queen Susan and lifted his hand. Mizar then shouted "Reisa!" and Queen Susan fell backward unto the hard stone ground. Mizar then crept slowly towards her, smiling in a vile manner.
As he reached her postion, he extended his hands and prepared a spell. But before he could use the speel, King Peter leapt of the stair well and struck Mizar in the back. Mizar froze, as he felt the blade enter his flesh and dig deep. Peter the pulled it out in a slicing manner, cauing Mizar's side to cut open. Mizar fell to the ground, while Peter grabbed Susan's arm and procceded down the hall. Mizar arose with a great anger, his eyes flaring red, his teeth looking like daggers. Mizar extended his hands to the walls, expanding them. Mizar then raised a spear into the air and flung it towards them. Seeing the spear, a noble knight leapt into danger and took the blow, saving his King and Queen.
Looking back King Peter gazed at the heroic soldier, sheding tears for his bravery. King Peter and Queen Susan headed to a secret exit, where theuy escaped. Meanwhile Mizar walked over to the brave knight. Mizar glared at the knight and raised him into the air. Mizar then unsheathed his dark blade and cut the noble knight's throat. The knight fell to the ground, covered in blood. Mizar standing triumph moved on to the next hall, where he was met by a commander of his army. "My lord, we have taken the castle" said the comamnder. Mizar smerked and said "Victory!". All of Mizar's forces cheered and raised there blades up high.