oh no..another..HIGH SCHOOL

ic - He smirked.

ooc - BAHAHA! yes i said smirked...even though that word disturbs me... O_O BADLY DISTURBS ME! but i didn't feel like saying smiled or grinned because grinned disturbs me even more than smirked o.o

ooc: lol. Smirked is a good word. It says alot about a person if they smirk instead of smiling or grinning.
Smirked says confident. Smirked says pleased. Smirked says secure.

ic: "So, what have you been up to for the past, eh.. ten minutes?"
ooc: lol. Smirked is a good word. It says alot about a person if they smirk instead of smiling or grinning.
Smirked says confident. Smirked says pleased. Smirked says secure.

ic: "So, what have you been up to for the past, eh.. ten minutes?"

ooc - lol okay haha the word still disturbs me though hahaha

ic - "Nothing... I listened to some music for a little bit then I came outside for a nice walk."

ooc - bahaha nice walk =| that sounds stupid coming from him =|
"No, it doesn't."

ooc - =| sorry thats all i could think of

ooc: lol, it's okay...

ic: "God, Josh, why are you so nice? I mean, there are so many guys that would just avoid me after what happened with the teenage princess, but, you don't... Why? I mean, I'm not that special and I know I'm not gorgeous. So, why bother?"