One Thing You Learned Today

Red Roses

New member
So you've probably heard the saying You learn something new everyday. Well, the title says it all. What's one thing you learned today? It can be something you learned at school or some random thing you figured out yourself.

One thing I learned today is that if you haven't worn really high heels in well over a year, it's painful when you finally do wear them again. :p
I learned that an Italian composer named Romualdo Marenco composed a piece of music (intended for ballet, I believe) titled "Excelsior," which was in honor of scientific and industrial achievements generally, and of a certain railway tunnel project in particular.
You can force yourself to get ahead on homework by doing next friday's assignment BEFORE the one that's due on monday :D
Not only today but this whole week I'm confronted with my OWN self :eek: I get angry at things he does which means they are my OWN weaknesses I am angry about. It is like I look in a mirror :eek: because we are almost 100% alike
I will always be lonely for the rest of my life...
lonelyness comes and goes. often, we ignore the very people that wish to be our friends. thing to remember, most people are shy. throughout their life, most people get lonely. the world is full of lonely people. sometimes, we need to remember, that it is not us who are the lonelyest. who are we also ignoring? the very people who from across the room only wish that they could be our friends? one of my roomates and i just watched a movie called "To Save a Life". It was very good in showing the lonelyness of people. Very thought provoking. remember, dearie, just because you feel lonely yesterday, today, or tomorrow does not mean you will always be lonely. i miss being with you. whether you enjoyed me being home or not, i enjoyed being with you.
It is still better to do business in person or by phone (with a live person) rather than online, as most web pages do not update automatically!
Today I finally learned about Faustus. I'd been wondering who he was for a long time after having heard the Switchfoot song "Faust, Midas, and Myself."
I found out that the beatles never even knew how to read music
Really? Maybe not at the beginning of their careers. I'm pretty sure they had to learn really fast. How would they have been able to create such cool songs when they all went their separate ways? I'm pretty sure they had to learn at least the basic scales.
Trust me, drunks can drive buses. No matter how many empty vodka bottles are next to the front seat, they can. But they do it pretty badly.

(watching the drunks in downtown Warsaw near school. A bus almost tipped over today! Instead it ran into a streetlamp.)
no matter how many times people tell you that in a month you'll forget him...
you're still not over the hurt or pain.

It's not as easy as closing your eyes and pretending the hurt will just run really isn't..