One Thing You Learned Today

no matter how many times people tell you that in a month you'll forget him...
you're still not over the hurt or pain.

It's not as easy as closing your eyes and pretending the hurt will just run really isn't..

That is true ToJ. Even though you know it's for the better it is still hard. This means time. Only time can heal wounds and sometimes it takes weeks and sometimes it only takes a few tears.
If you're going to a friends birthday party to spend the entire day watching sad, heart-breaking movies,then you should either not wear mascara at all or wear water-proof mascara. Especially if you cry a lot when watching sad movies. :p
Really? Maybe not at the beginning of their careers. I'm pretty sure they had to learn really fast. How would they have been able to create such cool songs when they all went their separate ways? I'm pretty sure they had to learn at least the basic scales.

Well, they knew basic chords-and scales too I suppose-but they never learned to write music using traditional notation. Pretty crazy.
I learned that I have some sort of psychological aversion to the sound of people eating (granted, it's a self-diagnosis). I always knew that it was a pet peeve of mine... but recently it's been literally driving me CRAZY. I have to turn my iPod up really loud whenever my family chews, crunches, slurps, etc. And dinner is basically torture, because I obviously can't listen to my iPod then. :rolleyes: This is getting annoying.
I learned that I have some sort of psychological aversion to the sound of people eating (granted, it's a self-diagnosis). I always knew that it was a pet peeve of mine... but recently it's been literally driving me CRAZY. I have to turn my iPod up really loud whenever my family chews, crunches, slurps, etc. And dinner is basically torture, because I obviously can't listen to my iPod then. This is getting annoying.
Haha! I am the same way! I eat by myself as often as possible. :p I thought I was the only one who was like that...

I learned that Ben Rector is gonna play a live show near me--can't wait!
I learned that I have some sort of psychological aversion to the sound of people eating (granted, it's a self-diagnosis). I always knew that it was a pet peeve of mine... but recently it's been literally driving me CRAZY. I have to turn my iPod up really loud whenever my family chews, crunches, slurps, etc. And dinner is basically torture, because I obviously can't listen to my iPod then. :rolleyes: This is getting annoying.

LOL! I hate the sound of eating too. It drives me insane. XD

I learned that if you both finish playing a video game where everyone's dead at the end, and finish reading a book where the most amazing and wonderful character is dead at the end, you'll be very depressed and cry for hours and won't know what to do with your life. :(:p
That Indian (as in, from India) food isn't always spicy. At least, it depends on who makes it.
I learned that on this day in 1937 J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit.:D

Yay Mewsie for mentioning Hobbit Day!

I learned that my son celebrated Hobbit Day at his high school by going barefoot almost all day. No teachers noticed except his Spanish II teacher (5th period), and when he told her he was barefoot in honor of Hobbit Day she just laughed and then sent him to his locker to put his shoes back on. Then after her class he simply took off his shoes again for 6th period and kept them off the rest of the day, including youth symphony rehearsal that evening.
I learned that if you both finish playing a video game where everyone's dead at the end, and finish reading a book where the most amazing and wonderful character is dead at the end, you'll be very depressed and cry for hours and won't know what to do with your life.

Totally understand that, and I emphathize! Though with me, its usually not the death of the best character as much as just an overall depressing book/movie/etc., especially if it holds a lot of truth. It can affect my mood for house, and my mind for days...

time management

You are a wiser person than I! I unfortunately have yet to decipher the trick to this power...

I learned that I have some sort of psychological aversion to the sound of people eating (granted, it's a self-diagnosis). I always knew that it was a pet peeve of mine... but recently it's been literally driving me CRAZY. I have to turn my iPod up really loud whenever my family chews, crunches, slurps, etc. And dinner is basically torture, because I obviously can't listen to my iPod then. This is getting annoying.

Ahh yes! Haha, I'm not the lecturing, bossy type (I have to really care about something to even talk at all), but I was actually just lecturing my siblings on table manners at lunch yesterday... :p

Today I learned that humans turn into snakes if exposed too long to the sun without sun block... :rolleyes: As C. S. Lewis said (or something along the lines of), experience is the harshest of teachers, but you learn; my God, do you learn. :p
That even kids my age can be followers of folk culture,and not of pop culture.

What a surprise!In my old school I was constantly being ridiculed because of my "freakishness and folk obsession"...and in my new school they're ENCOURAGING ME to continue! And not just the teachers,but the KIDS! :eek::D
I'm so happy and surprised and happy and sad and confused and....*coughs*.

But wow

Good for you, Ola!

I finally learned what "transcendent" means. All the times I've read it, thought I understood what it meant...*shakes head* I was in the ballpark, but I still missed the ball.
Yeah Ola that is really great news and hopefully it will become even better for you!!

I learned that changing the controller can make a game much more fun to play and a lot easier too :D