One Thing You Learned Today

That two people can admit to liking each other, and talk about it, and then see each other and still be shy, lol. :rolleyes: I need to get over that...
I learned that it is difficult to try on clothing at a department store while plugging your ears to block out a Justin Bieber song. :D
Fudging a bit on the term "learning": I could say that I have learned again that five years doesn't make you forget true love. Today (Friday) was the fifth anniversary of my wedding to Janalee. (Looks up to Heaven) Happy anniversary, darling.
"Lukewarm people probably drink and swear less than average, but beides that, they really aren't very different from your typical unbeliver. They equate sanitized lives with holiness, but they couldn't be more wrong."

"Crazy Love" - Francis Chan
I learned that smacking Telmarines in the Prince Caspian video game is sinfully fun. :p No seriously, I'm glad I learned how to play the game...though I feel like I'm going in circles.
I learned where the U.S. Marines GOT their old battlecry of "Gung Ho!" Early in World War Two, a Marine officer served for a time in the Nationalist Chinese Army, fighting the Japanese. The American learned a Chinese expression, "gung ho," meaning "working together for a common cause in harmony." When he returned to the Corps, he taught this expression, WITH its meaning, to men coming under his command. This also became the title of a true-life movie ABOUT that Marine officer, who was played by Randolph Scott.
I learned that a thing called the Pirenne Thesis exists. I believe it means that the fall of the Roman empire was not primarily the result of barbarian invasions, but of the spread of Islam. Supposedly, the Germanic tribes mainly wished to assimilate with the Romans and would have kept Roman civilization going, but were forced by Muslim expansion into a kind of European isolation, which allowed them to produce their own non-Roman civilization.

I withhold judgment.
I have a friend who is currently touring Austria and Germany, and he taught me something in his latest travelogue that I didn't know about Salzburg:

"Saltzburgers are know as 'Bullwashers' Legend is that during the tradesman & peasant revolt, when they surrounded & besieged the city, all food was gone in the city except one bull. City faced starvation, the general took the brown bull up on the fortress wall & paraded him around.
That night, they painted the bull white, next day paraded him on the wall.
Next night painted him black, 3rd day paraded him on the wall. The tradesman & peasants saw this, assumed city still had plenty of food & gave up on the siege.

People of the city celebrated by taking the bull to the river & washing off all the paint. Thus, the name 'Bull Washers.'

This is an early example of a little bull fooling a lot of people."