One Thing You Learned Today

That our word "eavesdrop" actually comes from the late middle age peasant houses, which were roofed with thatch and could be easily snooped into merely by lifting the eaves.
That our word "eavesdrop" actually comes from the late middle age peasant houses, which were roofed with thatch and could be easily snooped into merely by lifting the eaves.

That's cool!

Leaf blowers are actually a lot of fun to use, although they're heavier than they look.
That apparently the expression "Grin and bear it" came from the Odyssey. I was reading along happily and then Telemachus said it to the king Nestor. It was devastating somehow....
there are people who are much bigger Harry Potter fans then me:p

LOL! I've got the books meorized. Ask me who said a certain line and I can almost always tell you who said it, in which book and why. ;)

I learned that my friends hate him as much I do.
I learned that there are 2 kinds of Atheist.

1. Is theoretical Atheist, one who denies the existence of God but acts as if there is GOD.

2. Practical, the person who declares that God exist but acts as if there is no GOD.
I've learned that to drag Oly back from "life," one should mention his pink beard and to start speaking Shakespearian. (not quite today, but within 24 hours, so it counts.)
I learned that today is November 10, 2010, an event that is unique in Earth's history. :eek:

Here in Narnia it is June 17th, 1029, 4:30 pm Royal Standard Daylight Time. At the sound of the tone.... [ding!]

People ask me how I get an internet connection from Narnia. Well, your laptop has Wi-Fi and mine has Sci-Fi. Neener neener!
I learned that today is November 10, 2010, an event that is unique in Earth's history. :eek:

Here in Narnia it is June 17th, 1029, 4:30 pm Royal Standard Daylight Time. At the sound of the tone.... [ding!]

People ask me how I get an internet connection from Narnia. Well, your laptop has Wi-Fi and mine has Sci-Fi. Neener neener!

LOL I laughed out loud at this.

I learned that it is 42 degrees in Searsport Maine right now. At you can find out the weather anywhere. Amazing.
I learned that shots hurt a lot less than giving blood.

Really? I gave blood for the first time this year and it didn't hurt at all. 0.o What did hurt was when they poke your finger to check your iron level.

I learned that most of my friends are planning on going to the same university as me and the same program! ^.^
I learned that certain people in government are STILL heavily pushing for deceptively-named "food safety legislation," whose REAL purpose is to crush and eliminate small independent food producers, and place our ability to get food under the total control of ONLY whatever big producers the government favors. If it were about protecting consumers from food poisoning, the politicians would admit what they all know: that BIG food producers have ALSO had contamination scares.
If you're home from school sick you should take that oppurtunity to get your Conceptual Physics homework done, not play video games...=_= Heh...heh....