One Thing You Learned Today

I learned that I may get the chance to work and perform with Yo-Yo Ma at the Bach Festival here in Oregon. I just found out today that he's going to be at the festival and may work with our Bach Youth Choir. It would be so wonderful! :D
I LOVE what you have said narnia ice cream!:)

Thank you :)

Here's something else I learned today:

We need to get back to having our sin break our heart and bring the kind of conviction that will cause us to change. We need to come to a point where our sin is detestable to us. That is the only way we can grow as a Christian. God will then show us what we need to work on next in our life, and then we can grow. There is so much we can accomplish for God; only the sin in our life will hold us back. We need true repentance of sin, not something fake, or what others want to hear. Our sin has to bother us. We cannot become calloused to our sin. A tender heart will help keep you on the straight and narrow. When God speaks to your heart, don't ignore it. Do something about it.

the whole article can be found at-
Staying Pure

Revelation 14:4
"These are they which were not defiled with women: for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb."

Staying pure in a day when purity is not admired is quite a feat. The young people of our day don't seem to be concerned with staying pure and virgin until the day they get married. Purity among adults seems to be a rare commodity when extra-marital affairs are accepted as long as nobody finds out.
Yet, when you look at the verse above, God talks about the importance of not being defiled. God went further when He described the hundred and forty and four thousand when He said they were virgins. Being a virgin is important to God or else He would not have mentioned this virtue regarding these people. I find in the verse above some things that young people and adults ought to do in order to stay pure. When I say pure, I say it with a two-fold purpose. Regarding the youth, I am talking about staying a virgin, and with the adults I am talking about staying pure and keeping themselves only for their spouse.
The first step to staying pure is to follow God. Notice it says in the verse above that they "follow the Lamb." In others words, when you keep your eyes completely on Jesus, you will have a better chance of keeping yourself pure. Jesus must be the focus of your life, and when you make Him your focus, then purity will be your focus as well.
Secondly, to stay pure you should not follow the opposite gender. I want you to notice that the people in the verse above followed the "Lamb" making Him the "firstfruits" of their lives. These people were not concerned with following the opposite gender; they were concerned with following Christ. When you start following the opposite gender and make them your focus, you will end up losing your purity. Following the opposite gender will get you focused upon what they can give you instead of what you can do for God. Never follow the opposite gender, for your focus should be upon Christ.
Next, to stay pure you should associate with the right crowd. You will notice in the verse above that to stay pure they associated with others who wanted to stay pure. You will never keep your purity while running with a crowd that could care less about their purity. You must learn to associate yourself with the right crowd. When you associate yourself with the crowd that wants to stay pure, you lessen the pure pressure to lose your purity.
Last of all, to stay pure you must have pure conversations. You will notice in verse 5, that " their mouth was found no guile..." In other words, keeping your conversation pure will help you to keep your purity. You will have a hard time keeping your mind pure when you have inappropriate conversations. The words you speak come from your heart, therefore, you should be sure to speak the right words and only listen to those who speak properly.
As a Christian you should do your best to stay pure. A married person should desire to be pure throughout their marriage. Keep yourself pure from inappropriate relationships with the opposite gender by keeping yourself for your spouse. Young people should desire to stay a virgin until the day they get married. Walking down the aisle a virgin on the day of your wedding should be your ultimate desire.
You will never accomplish these feats unless you purposely set out to do them by following the Scriptural suggestions above. You can stay pure if you will follow these steps. Decide now to be pure from this day forward.
I learned to not fall asleep the night before while doing homework that is due the next day...You regret it when you wake up the next day and slap yourself in the head...=_=
I've learned that it's hugely relieving to wake up at 5:30 A.M. ...When you just dreamed that you had a $230 library fine.
It's easy to forget the name of an anime series that you really wanted to watch...I hate it when that happens...=_=
A few years ago, there was some excitement over the discovery of _another_ extra planet in our own Solar System, _besides_ Charon, which may have been demoted in rank to a "dwarf planet" as the more familiar Pluto has been by now. The NEW-new planet was given a "temporary" name of Xena, like the television character; but since no MTV videos were being produced ON that planet, it soon disappeared from public attention.

But now I have learned that a _permanent_ name was assigned to "Xena": it is now called Eris. And a small moon accompanying Eris was give the name Dysnomia.

Somebody call Doctor Who and ask him to check there for Cybermen.
I learned why we use aprons when cooking. I couldn't have spilled that chocolate on me in a million years even if I'd tried! :rolleyes: (And I wasn't wearing an apron. Hence why I know aprons were invented)