One Thing You Learned Today

I learned that sitting in a airport with your grandpa doing school, waiting for your mom to get back from escorting your sis to the plane is really boring!
Psalm 23:2
"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."
One of the most misused terms by Christians is, "God is leading me." It always amazes me what Christian's say that God is leading them to do. Quite often what someone says that God is leading them to do is contrary to what the Scriptures teach. I can assure you of one thing, God will never lead you to do something that goes against the Scriptures.
Twice God uses the term in Psalm 23, "...he leadeth me..." Throughout this great psalm we find six things about God's leading. It is highly important that when you think God is leading you that you look at these six areas to be sure that this "leading" is not an excuse to get what you want.
First of all, God never leads where He cannot feed. You will notice in the verse above that God leads us to "lie down in green pastures." God will never lead you to a place where He cannot spiritually feed you. If there is not a good church where you feel that you should move, you can be assured that God is not leading you to that place. God never leads where He does not feed. If your job is leading you to a place where there is not a good church, then you would be wise to follow God's leading and not the leading of your job.
Secondly, God never leads where you cannot grow. In verse 3, God talks about leading in the "paths of righteousness." Righteousness is different than being righteous, for righteousness is the act of doing right. If you do righteousness, then you will be righteous. Therefore, if you do right then you will grow. God will only lead a Christian to do something that makes them grow. If what you feel God is leading you to do does not cause you to grow, then God is not leading. God only leads where His people will grow.
Thirdly, God never leads you into sin. This seems obvious, but many times I see people say that God is leading them when what they would be doing is a sin against Him. God's leading will only cause you to do right and will never cause you to do wrong. If compromise is a part of what you say God is leading you to do, then rest assured that this is not God's leading.
Fourthly, God never leads where He will leave. In verse 4, God was with the Psalmist. Christian, if God is going to lead you to do something, then you can be assured He will stay with you to the end. God is not going to lead you somewhere and then leave you. He will lead you somewhere and will stay with you.
Fifthly, God never leads where He cannot protect. In verse 5, God set the table of the Psalmist in the presence of his enemies. Even though God's leading may seem to be dangerous, you can be assured that He will protect you in the midst of that danger. It is always safer to live in the will of God than outside of His will. God's protection is in the midst of His will.
Lastly, wherever God leads, you will always find His goodness and mercy. The greatest rewards in life come from following the leading of God. If you choose to follow God, you will experience His great blessings and rewards.
We commonly sing a song that says, "Where He leads me I will follow," be sure that this is your heart. Be the type of Christian that at God's leading voice, you don't question what He commands, but you follow where He leads. Be sure that when you say God is leading in your life, that the "leading" falls into the guidelines of what this psalm says about His leading.
I learned that I really should try to arrange a ride home when I have tons of packing with me, and not go to the library with it, and then discover that the bus is packed with people and I have absolutely no space in the bus for my all my stuff.

I made it home in one piece, though.
That after Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead reduced all mathematics to two postulates, they spent 465 pages of their book Principia Mathematica using logic to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. Is that making "a mountain out of a molehill," or what?
That after Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead reduced all mathematics to two postulates, they spent 465 pages of their book Principia Mathematica using logic to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. Is that making "a mountain out of a molehill," or what?
Is this some sort of Duffer joke?! :eek:
I learned that no matter how carefully you tried to word something, they still don't get it. Iin this case i'm referring to a male who seems to be completely oblivious to what I was referring to. GAH!