One Thing You Learned Today

It takes quite a bit of faith in yourself to start cutting the extra fabric off a piece of clothing you've hemmed.:p
one thing I learned to day is that Racoons are scary at night :cool:
(I'm serious,in my back yard they are HUGE!!! )

Oh my goodness!! I know exactly what you mean!!! I used to think they were very cute, until one night my cat was laying out in her bed and the raccoon tried to grab her. Needless to say, our cat has been sleeping inside ever since. Ha Ha.
I learned that while snow may be magical by itself, it is even more so when you listen to the Narnia soundtrack on your ipod while out in it. We hardly ever get snow at the beach so it was exciting to wake up to it today! :D
I'm so sorry. :(

Argh, I just really dislike my teacher. He doesn't teach a thing and he gives really hard tests. How is anyone supposed to pass? >.<

I learned that I can't stand my partner for my biology project. She's so annoying and I'm stuck doing all the freakin work. ARGH! So frustrated. :mad:
The last couple days of Thanksgiving break are SERIOUSLY depressing... :( Geez, I really don't want to go back to school...
I learned the friends I made this year and have met multiple times now are true friends and I love them all. They are simply amazing. Internet can be dangerous but sometimes the internet really does help a lot!
I learned that old-time movie producer Merian C. Cooper, who co-produced the original "King Kong" movie, also co-produced (with John Ford) the John Wayne movie "Rio Grande."
I learned that the rock that gave the Israelites water in the wilderness represented Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:1-4). Kind of explains why God was so angry when Moses struck the rock the second time instead of just speaking to it; it messed up the symbolism since Jesus only had to die once.