One Thing You Learned Today

*songs plays on iPod*
Kid 1: Oh I hate this song so much! It's so annoying!
Kid 2: Yeah, me too.
Both: *sing along to annoying song*

Oh the power of denial. And the temptation involved.
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^ ahaha I've done that. I think Lady Gaga is so annoying but I'm always singing her songs. :p

I learned that I'm addicted to coffee. I've been denying it for weeks now but I've finally learned the truth. :p:rolleyes:
I learned to always read bottles...

Today I woke up and put "lotion" on my face...
When I got home and took a shower, I noticed that the "lotion" was in the shower...
I thought why is the lotion in the shower? Then I looked and saw that the "lotion" was actually...shampoo....
Yes...I put shampoo on my face this morning thinking it was lotion =_=
I learned that I hate graphing circles...honestly, what's the point????

I totally agree! I hate graphing too!

I learned tons of things today. Like, if you're sitting at the very back of the library you can eat food and no one's going to notice/yell at you and that Niko's been going around telling people that he got his black eye because he slammed into a door. Yeah, right! :rolleyes:
I learned that my group of friends is sort of divided right now, and it's getting a little too complicated for me to handle. :rolleyes:
I learned today that it's best to wake up( get out of bed right then and there)when the alarm on your clock rings,instead of being lazy and "try" to sleep in for 5 minutes.:p
I learned that I can read the entire body of surviving Moabite literature in five minutes.
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I learned today that you can't make four sunny side up eggs in the same small skillet, at the same time, without burning the bottom of them and undercooking the top.
When playing online, if your team wins it's always "great game guys! We rock!" but if you loose it's always "Auugghh!! Why did I get stuck on the n00b team?!?!"

Funny how winning or losing can change one's perspective of your teammates so much! :p
When playing online, if your team wins it's always "great game guys! We rock!" but if you loose it's always "Auugghh!! Why did I get stuck on the n00b team?!?!"

Funny how winning or losing can change one's perspective of your teammates so much! :p

LOL! So true! XD But today when I was playing Halo: Reach online, I really, truly, honestly did get stuck on the n00b team. I usually get stuck on the n00b teams. -.-'

I learned that sometimes when you're donating blood, it can take up to 20 minutes to fill the bottle. :eek:
Today, I realized how hard grade 10 is compared to grade 9, especially when you're dealing with support teachers and their meticulousness.
Chocolate is actually very good for you. It raises a lot of helpful chemicals in your body, such as serotonin. It also increases antioxidant levels in the blood.
When given a movie selection to watch while you are getting a cavity fixed or crown worked on, don't pick "The Cross and the Switchblade."
Way too tense :eek: