Paper Mario The RPG:

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Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
It's been almost a year since Mushroom Kingdom was last in peril and the villan known as Bowser King of Kopas was destroyed. Many of the inhabitants of Mushroom Kingdom inlcuding it's hero Mario have embraced this time of peace with welcome, but others are troubled calling this peace the calm before the storm. Rumors have spread throughout the Kingdom that there has been a discovery in Dry Dry Ruins. The rumors speak of a mythical beast known as the Dry Dragon and the Chaos Star. Answering the call to investigate these rumors is are beloved hero Mario and his pals. Will this Mythical Dragon and Chaos Star prove to be a rumor or will it prove to be the greatest threat that the Mushroom Kingdom will ever face? Join now to find out.

Cast of Characters:

Mario, Parakarry, Dry Bowser, and The "Chaos" Star -Sir Godfrey

Luigi and Ray the Goomba -Mrs. Gil Galad Took

Rosalina and Starbright -KathrynChakotayJaneway
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For this rpg I am willing to return even only for this ;)
Thanks Jeff for letting me know about this rpg. I will play a good guy and a bad guy.
Character: Luigi
Personality: Loyal but sometimes a bit like a coward. But when he is forced he often proofs himself to be true and he is willing to join on a adventure.
Strength: His high jumps. And because he is a bit taller than his brother he has an advantage when it comes to kicking enemies.
Weaknesses: He often runs away and he easily cries but in this rpg I try to keep him from doing that...:D

Second character: Ray the Goomba (he is mentioned in Super Paper Mario when Luigi tries to escape from Count Bleck and on his way he meets two Goomba's)
Personality: He joins whoever is winning. He is a Goomba who are loyal servants of Bowser.
Strength: He is fast and alhough he has no arms he has sharp teeth and he kicks enemies with his head)
Weaknesses: He has no arms and he can easily be splatted by his enemies
but I try to prevend this from happening :D

Because of time differences it is easy to get lost when more people join the rpg so I try to check on here as much as I can.
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Welcome and Notes:

Welcome Vanessa and Hannah, I'm glad you both could join.

Before we start I must make it clear how the RPG will be played. As stated above in the guidlines it shall be very much like a traditional RPG and like writing a story. So first thing you might want to do is type the words HP FP BP EXP and LV. I would copy these and keep them in Microsoft Word so that you can just keep pasting them in your posts. Note: Main characters will start with the standard HP 25, FP 15, BP 5, EXP 0, and LV. 1. Secondary characters or Team members will have HP 10 and BP 5. In conversations with other characters would ask that you write in script form for cleafication. Example, Mario: Where was Dry Bones last seen heading? If you are in combat please put a * above, like this *Mario Hammered Goomba or *Luigi fled the battle. Also you shall have three forms of attacks: the first will be the standard pounce or dash, the second will be a speciality item like the Hammer and the third will be your Party member. In addtion you can also purchase items like the fire flower to cause extra damage and effects on enemies. In this addition of Paper Mario I am reintroducing the Badges. Badges are enhancments that affect your gear and abilities. You can purchase them or find them hidden throughout the world. Well I think that is all, we shall commence the RPG very soon.
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The Beginning of a Adventure:

The sounds of cherping birds and the soft blow of the wind was the only noise heard within the wood. The hustle and bustle of Mushroom Castle was drowned out by the calm and peaceful tranquility. Deep within the wood there was small cabbin. Just an ordinary cabin built to house the maximum of two. Within was simple furniture made out of the same cedar as the lodge itself. A small table and chairs was assorted in the middle of the cabin. Adjacent to the kitchen was two rooms. One was empty with made bed, whiel other was occupied by tired plumber snoozing. Light began to seep through the window, causing a ray to encompass the Plumber. He rolled and tossed a little ,causing the white sheets to ruffle. Then finally he popped open his brown eyes and squinted. Then push back the covers he rose to sitting postion and yawned.

Stretching out his two nimble arms the Plumber ubbed his eyes and proccedded to get up. His hair was autumn brown and after sleeping it looked a mess. Walking over to chair nearby he grabbed a red cap with the insignia M above the brim. He then clipped his two blue suspenders and exited the room. In the kitchen he saw pot was brewing and steaming. On the hard wood table was a paper and some white cups. Hearing the the pot begin to hiss a tall Plumber clade in Green and blue lodging entered. While the Tall Plumber got the pot Mario took a seat and took the paper. He began reading some of the news. Whne the Tall Plumber had seated and began to pour the coffee, Mario took one of the filled cups and sipped.

Mario: Ahhhh...

Mario *looks at the tall Plumber*

Mario: Good morning Luigi.. thank you for making the coffee.
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Good start Jeff ;)

The tall plumber looked up. You could see at his eyes he was still a bit sleepy but often he was the first one to get up and make coffee. He knew his brother would love to drink coffee and read the paper and together they often talked about everything what happened.
The tall plumber was dressed in his usual blue set of trousers and his green shirt. He looked a bit dumb. His hair was like his brother's a bit messy but he didn't mind. His green cap with the big L on it was covering his hair anyway.

Luigi *looks up at Mario*
Luigi: Good morning to you Mario. I have slept very well last night and what about you? I hope I didn't ruin the coffee because I accidentally put in a bit too much
Mario *smiled and took another sip*

Mario: I had a rather pleasent night of sleep. Infact I had a dream about one of are old adventures. Do you remember when we visited Flipside? I dreamt we returned and that Peach had been captured again and was being held in some interdeminsonal prison. It was just a strange dream I guess...

Mario went into a daze for moment as he held his coffee cup. When he came ot again he *looked a Luigi*

Mario: I'm sorry brother.. the coffee is just fine.. just how I like it.

Mario *took another sip and smiled*
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For a tiny moment Luigi turned a bit pale. He looked at his brother.

Luigi: Flipside you said? Well...I don't know what to think about that.
I mean you said I turned into Mister L but I can't remember a thing about it.

Luigi remembere Dimentio who tried to use him as the evil host of the dark prophecy.

Luigi: How long has it been since we came back from this adventure? Whatever happened to Timpani and Bleck?

And then Luigi took another cup of coffee. The memories of this adventure seemed less nice to him than to his brother. But Luigi could not remember Mister L. He tried often after the adventure stopped but Mister L remained a complete black spot to him. He knew it was partly because he was brainwashed.
Mario *nodded as he listened to Luigi*

Mario wasn't surpsied that his brother had nearly forgotten most of everything that had happened. Being brainwashed clouds your memories and sometimes it's best you never remember.

Mario *took another sip of his coffee*

Mario: Ahem.. well it was a bit complicated what happen with Bleck and Timpania. In the end they ended up together and the Light Prognosticus prevailed over the Dark Prognosticus. Flipeside and Flopside were saved and we returned home safely.

Mario *looked at Luigi*

Luigi looked a little confused and seemed to be trying really hard to remember.

Mario: It matters not that you remember everything brother.. what does matter is the inhabitants of Flipside are now safe.

Mario *smiled and took one last sip of his coffee*
At first Luigi seemed to be troubled by this memory loss caused by brainwashing but then he had to think about Bowser.

Luigi *starts to laugh* He laughed so loud his coffee dropped on the floor.
Washing the tears from his eyes he looked at his brother.
Luigi: you remember how silly Bowser was lying on the floor with his feet in the air everytime you defeated him? I just had to think about that. Oh was so funny!!

Luigi recalled all the silly Bowser adventures. It was strange Bowser who supposed to be their most evil opponent turned out to be good even if it was for once. But the thought of Bowser cheered Luigi somehow up a bit.

Luigi: I didn't know he had this big feet
Secrets in Dry Dry Desert:

Mario *laughed*

He recalled the memories as well, he thought of his arch nemisis and how he had joined Mario in the fight against Bleck. Mario knew that Bowser wasn't motivated soley by good but by pride. He didn't want anyone except him to bully and defeat Mario. The memories brought a smile to Mario's face. In a way he missed the King of the Kopas. Since his death, things just didn't seem right in the mushroom Kingdom. Life had become to quiet and to relaxed. Mario longed for adventure again. He longed to stretch his legs.

Mario *Sighed*

Mario: Yes.. I remember my many victories over Bowser. I must say.. that is something I miss. No enemy shall ever take his place.

Mario *dazed once again*

Meanwhile several pipe lengths away, in Dry Dry Desert a group Kopa Archaeologists lead by famous Kolorondo were excvating some ruins in Dry Dry Ruins. They had found a sacred find, the ancient ruins of Dragoon's palace. Kolorado stood under his tan tent looking at the site. His black mustash xrumptle as he smiled. One of Kopa archaeologists came running from the franticly. Waving his hand up and down with overwheling excitment the Kopa Archaologist approached Kolorado.

Kopa Archaeologist: We've found it! We've found it!

Kolorado *looks shocked*

Kolorado: You've found it! You've found the lost tomb of Dragoon?!

Kopa Archaeologist: Yes.. and more!

Kolorado quickly fallowed the Kopa Archaeologist in excitment. He traveled through the excavated ruins to a spot still covered by mcuh sand. Several archaelogists were still excvating. Below them was dark opening were a few archaeologists were expolring. Kolorado made his way with the other Archaeologist to the opening. Kolorado took a torch and began entering the opening. Inside he could see stone walls with carvings on it. Kolorando paused and too look at ancient runes. He saw images of ancient Kopas whom were bowing to image of what appeared to be beast. The beast was long and giant. It had lnog neck and it mouth was arrayed with sharp teeth.

Kolorado *looked at it further*

Kolorado: It looks as if the ancient Kopas are worshiping a dragon liek beast. How facinating.

As Kolorado fallowed the runes he noticed the dragon beast's skin began to disspear. It began to looked like Skeleton. The ancient Kopas too looked like skeletons.

Kolorado *Looked at it intently*

Kolorado: Hmm.. how intresting.. it seems this Dragon gave the people the Cup of Immortality. But the price of taking it.. was that they would serve him for all eternity.. how facinating indeed.

The Kopa Archaeologist looked little nervious as they stood in the darkness. He thought he could hear the sounds of groaning and moaning.

Kopa Archaeologist: Sir.. I think we better return to the surface.

Kolorado: Why? This is facinating find.. we should spend more time examing it.

Kopa Archaeologist: Cause.. I have bad feeling.

Kolorado: A bad feeling? Nonsense.. it's just nerves.

There was the sound footsteps and breathing in the tunnel.

Kolorado took his torch and looked into the darkness. His eyes peered into the black, but could find no trace of anything out of the ordinary.

Kopa Archaeologist: We should really go!

Kolorado: Oh.. don't be such frady Kopa.. there is nothing here but ancient ruins and sand.

Suddenly the Kopa Archaeologist was snatched by grey hands and pulled into the darkness. he attempted to scream, but his mouth was covered by grey claws. Kolorado turned around and looked for the Archaeologist.

Kolorado *Sighed*

Kolorado: He must have gotten too frightened and returned to the surface.

Kolorado decided to return to the dig site. When reach the site, he found it abbandoned. There was no signs of the archaeologists. All that remained was soem spades and pick hammers. Kolorado "looked around puzzled*.

Kolorado: Where did everyone go?

He looked around some more and after some searching found the tents all empty. After thinking deeply for moment he returned to the dig sie. There he exaimed the tools. As he looked at pick hammer, he saw shaodw overcast him. He looked up as saw the shape of Kopa standing above the dig site.

Kolorado: There you are.. I was wondering where everyone had gone.

As Kolorado looked at figure more closely he felt himself become startled. The Kopa was not one of his fellow archaeologists. It was a skeleton with bright yellwo eyes. Kolorado immediatly recongnized that it reseembled the image of the skeleton Kopas in the runes of tunnel. He frightened back away and triped over spade. More shadows appeared over the dig side. There was dozens of them! Kolorado frightened did the only thing he could do, he ran into the opening. As he passed into the darkness he could hear cracking of bones and the sound of moaning behiend. He stopped for nothing, running in terror into chambers that he could not see. At last he entered room with sandy floor. There he stopped to catch his breath, when suddenly he felt the sandy floor give way under him. He fell down into a lower chamber where he hit his head on a stone and was knocked unconcious.

As his body lay in sand, numious yellow eyes popped open in blackness. The sound of groans echoed throughout the chamber.
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Luigi was sitting opposite his brother and he too thought about the silly adventures they had in the past. He even stopped counting the times Bowser kidnapped Peach.

Luigi: You know brother...I wonder what ever happened to the Koopa's and Goomba's. I have not seen any of them for a long time now except for Koopa The quick. I wonder if they live their own life now or maybe they all moved?

In the meantime a bit further outside Bowser jr's castle a couple of Goomba's were gathering. One of them was Ray. He had a bad look on his face and complained to his fellow Goomba.

Ray: Kamek gathered us. I know what this is about. We are going to be sent to Dry dry Dessert to check on the dry ruines.

The other Goomba looked at Ray and partly looked interested and not interested. It was a typical Goomba thing. They often didn't care about what was going on unless there was victory waiting for them.

Ray: You know...those stupid archeologists thought they discovered a treasure but they all disappeared. Not only them. Ha! I wish it would be true but also all the Koopa's who joined them. And now Bowser jr wants us to check what happened? This Bowser jr is even more crazy than his father. How are we supposed to find them?

The other Goomba agreed. But since there was nothing they could do against it they had to continue their journey to the Castle. There they would hear more details about the strange disappearing of the group Koopa archeologists including Kolorondo.
Mail Call:

Mario *pondered*

He began to think on the subject Luigi had just brought up. He too was curious about the fate of the Kopas and Goombas. Since Bowser's death there had been no sign or word of them.

Mario *coming out of his daze turned to look at Luigi*

Mario: I too have wonder what has happen to the Kopas and Goombas. It is strange how suddenly after Bowser's demise they all vanished.

As Mario said this there was knock at the door.

Mario turned his gaze to the door and after a second knock he rose from his wooden chair and went to the door. Opening it he was met with quite a surpise. Standing before him was a Paratropa with a white sack slung over his shoulder. Mario recognized him right away. It was none other than Mario's old friend Parakarry the mailman.

Mario *with excitment embraced Parakarry with a hug*

Mario: It's so good to see you my old friend.. please come in.

Parakarry: I would love to come in.. but I have many more deliveries to make.

Parakarry *pulled a letter out of his sack*

Parakarry: Here.. this is for you.

Mario *took the letter and opened it*

Mario: It's letter from Princess Peach.. she has invited us to the castle.

Mario *pondered a little as he read more of the letter in silence*

Parakarry: We'll I better be off to make more deliveries.

Mario *turned his attention to Parakarry*

Mario: I understand.. hey. .wait a sec..

Mario *took another look at the letter and then looked again at Parakarry*

Mario: This invitation is for tomorrow.. How about we go together today.. we can stop along the way as you make your deliveries.

Parakarry *put his hand under his chin and thought for moment*

Parakarry: Well.. I do only have a few more deliveries on my route to make, before I must return to the Post office.. I suppose we could all go back together.

Mario *turned around to see Luigi standing near them*

Mario: What do you say bro? Up for another adventure?
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Luigi lookd at his brother.

Luigi: Well this could be a great idea but I guess we must pack some things before we go brother?

This was typically Luigi. He always thought about clothing and stuff. Luigi always wanted to go on a journey prepaired and well. They didn't know how long they were gonna stay at Peach's Castle.

Luigi *runs upstairs*

Luigi: I'm going to pack a few things Mario!

A few minutes later Luigi arrived with two heavy suitcases.

Luigi: I'm back! Now we're ready for adventure!

Luigi * watches his brother's face*

Luigi: Alright, alright...I'm right back.

A few moment later both brothers are ready to leave with Parakarry.

On their way out Luigi suddenly stopped.

Luigi: know what I'm thinking of? We haven't seen Yoshi either for a long time now. What ever happened to him? I know he is living on his own island but still....alright, let's go!
In the meantime Ray and his fellow Goomba's were heading towards Bowser jr's Castle. One of the parakoopa's was carrying a bell.

Parakoopa: Come on you fools! Hurry up! We can't let our king wait!

Ray was still not happy about them all going to Dry dry Dessert and he didn't hide it.
Ray *smashes the bell with his head*
Ray: Shut up you idiot! We aren't deaf. We know we should go to Bowser jr's castle but we are not going to hurry. Understood?

Ray continued his journey. Parakoopa was lying on the ground. Confused and his eyes saw stars dancing around his head.

Parakoopa: I will get you for this Ray! I can't wait till you are send to the Dry dry ruines. And you bet I will make sure you are send first!
Parakoopa *laughs loud*

Ray *shakes his head*

Ray: I don't care! The sooner you send me the quicker I'm home!

One koopa turned to the other.

Koopa: It's always the same. Everytime we are going on a mission the Goomba's are complaining.

Then the whole troop conitnued their journey to the Castle.
The Adventure Begins:

Mario waited patiently as his brother gathered together the essentials.

Mario *turned to Parakarry*

Mario: So.. what news have learned lately?

Parakarry *looked at Mario*

Parakarry: Well.. there have been lot of invitations sent out from Mushroom Castle. Rumor has it that there is going to be celebration. What of I do not know.

Mario *rubbed his chin*

Mario: Interesting.. I wonder what Peach is planning?

Luigi finnaly returned from inside with the essential needs.

Mario *looked at Luigi with paticular look*

Luigi *returned inside*

Mario *turned his attention back to Parakarry*

Mario: Sorry.. he will only hold us up one more minute.

Parakarry *sighed*

Mario: So.. has there been any other news worth sharing?

ParakarrY: Well.. I've heard that some archaeologists have found something in Dry Dry ruins. Mushroom Kingdom has been buzzing over it for the past couple of days.

Parakarry *puased with another sigh*

Parakarry: I'm suppose to deliver a letter to Kolorado the chief Arcaeologist tomorrow.

Mario *thought for moment, the name seemed to be familar*

Mario: Kolorado.. that name is familar.. oh now I've got it.. he was the archaeologist we met in Dry Dry Ruins during are adventure together right?

Parakarry: Yup.. that's him.. He's been spending a lot of time in Dry Dry Ruins lately. It probably has something to do with his recent find.

Mario: Do you know what exactly he has discovered?

Parakarry: No.. I've onyl heard the rumors.. which vary from the possible Temple of Dragoon to another Tomb of some ancient forgotten nobody.

Mario *went into deep thought*

Mario: Hmm.. well whatever it is.. it would be worth checking out, don't you think?

ParakarrY: Prehapes.. but first thing is first.. we msut head to Mushroom Kingdom. We can worry about Kolorado find and Dry Dry Desert later.

Mario *nodded*

Mario: Agreed..

Luigi finally turned up with two sacks full of nessesaities like extra cloths, food for the road, and other provisions.

Mario *nodded at Luigi suggestion*

Mario: I agree.. we better get started.. we've already held Parakarry up to long.

As they sat out Mario walked alnog side of Luigi on the golden road. As he listened to Lugi comment and *nodded.

Mario: Yeah.. I have wonder what has become of a Dinosaur pal. He's probably been busy on his Island and not had the time to visit.

As the Company of three made there way down the trail they got the feeling they were being watched. Suddenly from the bushs came a Shy Guy Bandit.

Bandit: Give me your coins!

Mario *made ready and put his fists up*

Parakarry *took to the sky and hover closely above*

Mario: There is no way we are giving up our coins!

Bandit: Then I shall have to take them by force!


Mario: LV1 HP25 FP15 BP5 EXP12

Parakarry: LV2 HP 27 FP 20 EXP40

Bandit: HP15 FP15

First turn!

Mario *Jumps and pounces on Bandit's head 2d*

Parakarry *Does Shell Shot -3FP and hits donig total of 5d*

Total Damage to Shy Guy Bandit: 6d
Total remaining HP: 9

Luigi's Turn!
Meet Rosalina and starbright

Rosalina is her comet observatory. Which is her home and a ship. A Star watcher she has a little stars she rasises He is named Starbright.

She is a protector and a mother Very wise and strong . She raises new born stars.

One she raised that perched on her shoulder most of the time His name is starbright. Her ship is very fast and only comes around every 100 years To assist the Mario brotherss when she is needed.

Rosalina was Looking out her telescope Watching new stars form when Starbright is on her shoulder. Whispering to her excited

StarBright: Mama what are you looking at.

Rosalina: Just looking out at newer forming stars. they will be your brothers and sisters somday.

Starbright Really mama?

Rosalina: Yes my dear and we will help when we are needed. As a mother of the Stars its my duty to help them as a shepherd and a mother.
Chaos and Darkness:

Meanwhile back in Dry Dry ruins, Kolorado the Archaeologist regained conciousness. he found himself in dark chamber lite by only one torch. Next to him he saw some chains and skeleton. Kolorado stood up and looked around the room. There was no doorway, just wallks. He looked up a saw an opening, like sky light. When saw the flciker of falmnig lgiht above he realized he was in primitive dunegon. A pit. Kolorado sat back down and moaned.

He said to himself.

Kolorado: What have I gotten myself into?

Suddenly he felt the floro begin to rumble. He noticed that the ceilnig was getting closer and opening was within his reach. In the dark he coudl see what looked like chains on a belt hooked to wheels. Kolorado was now in upper chamber. He saw many torchs stretch out along lnog and an wall. Approaching him was two of Skeleton Kopas or Dry Bones. Kolorado attempted to escape and run, but when he truend around he saw two more blocking his path. Two of the Dry bones took his arms and began leading him through the passaway. Before long he found himself in large chamber. As he looked around he noticed a bone liek structure wrapped around large oblisc.

Kolorado looked at and finally piece the whole thing together. It was the shape of dragon's skeleton. It seemed to have been moulded or attatched to the oblisc. Kolorado could see more of the runes that he had found at enterance all over the oblisc. Kolorado then heard a very gruff voice.

Voice: Gwa ha ha ha ha

Emrging out of the shaodws was the shape of skeleton. Kolorado looked at it closely and then realized what it was.

Kolorado *gasped*

Kolorado: Bowser? No.. that's impossible.. he was destroyed.

The Voice *laughed*

The Voice: No.. only defeated.. not destroyed..

Kolorado's eyesgrew big as he looked in horror.

Dry Bowser: Mario thought I was destroyed in the blast.. and in a way he was correct. But he didn't know about the Chaos Star.

Kolorado: Chaos Star?

Dry Bowser: Yes.. the Chaos Star.. it is the reason I survivied.

Emerging from the shadows was bright redl ight, as it came clsoer it grew more distinct. Hovering above the ground was Red and black star, it's form was bit destorted. All over it was runes of an unkown language. Glowing like bright beam of yellow light were two eyes. Sharp and curved were they, liek crecent moons. They gazed upon Kolorado.

Dry Bowser: You see.. it has granted me new life and a chance to live forever! Guwahahaha!

Chaos: ...Life from.. Kopa... desendant of the Great Kopas... enemy.. purpose: death..
Kolorado *looked at the Star terffied*

The Chaos Star hovered over to Kolorado and energy egan to emerge from the Star's eyes. Dry Bowser moved in the way of Chaos and Kolorado.

Dry Bowser: Wait.. wait.. we could use him..

Chaos: He has no purpose.. none in his forsaken galaxy deserve to live!

Dry Bowser *attempts to calm the Star*

Dry Bowser: Calm down.. please.. time to excute revenge will come soon enough.. but for now.. let us spare him.. until his usefulness is up.

Chaos powered down it's energy and looked sternly at Dry Bowser.

Chaos: I will comply with you on this.. but remember your place.. I gavel ife to you.. I own you.. I can take that life back.. so do not talk to me as the master.. for if anyone is the master.. I am!

Dry Bowser: Yes.. of course.. I just didn't want you to waste an asset.. my liege.

Chaos hovered up and turn away from Dry Bowser and Kolorado.

Kolorado: He seems a little edgy.. and I must say it sure is strange seeing the King of the Kopas ruled by a star.

Dry Boweser *turned and growled*

Dry Bowser: Shut your mouth! I am only using him so that I may obtain immortality. Once I have.. I shall discard him and rule Mushroom Kingdom forever!

Kolorado: So.. he's using you and you are using him.. well that's intresting.

Dry Boweser: Enough! Gaurds! Take him back to his cell.

Two Dry bones came to Kolorado and took him by the arms. They lead him back down passageway and threw him into his cell. Kolorado went into his shell to protect hismelf from the brunt of the fall. Kolorado once on the floor of the cell, pooked his head back out. He then slowly put out his hands and legs again. he sat on the floor with falme of torch burning above him. He began to ponder all that had happen. He was curious what this Chaos Star was planning and what Bowser part was. Indeed Kolorado had found much more than just some ruins, he had found trouble.. lots and lots of trouble.
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