Paper Mario The RPG:

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Phase Three:

Bowser made his way through undergroudn tunnels of the ruins. He entered cavenr riddle with runes and pillars. There in the dark he saw the red glow of Chaos. He approached him slowly and when he reached the Star he kept silent.

Chaos: Well? Have your troops taken the Outpost?

Bowser: Yes.. they have taken the Outpost and are heading for Kopa Village as we speak.

Chaos: Good.. although I will need you to recall a regement.

Bowser: Why?

Chaos: The Mario brothers were seen in the Undegound pipe lines. They are attempting to make there way here.

Bowser: grrr... Mario is always messing with my plans.. eh.. I mean he is messing with our plans.

Chaos: It is no matter.. if he reachs us.. he shall be trapped. I just prefer to slow him down a little. You see I must depart for Star Haven, there I intend to cut off any aid he or his friends might call upon.

Bowser: You mean the Star Spirits right?

Chaos: Yes.. they've helped him before no?

Bowser: Grrr.. yes.. he used there power to defeat me when I had the Star Rod.

Chaos: How pitiful.. you were invincible.. yet you still were defeated by a plumber.

Bowser: You don't understand.. Mario isn't just some plumber.. he is nusiance.. he seems to always figure out how to stop me. whatever you do.. do not underestimate him.

Chaos: I know full well the Plumber's capabilties.. and I assure you he is not the one to worry about.

Bowser: Well.. if your so sure.. then why do you need to send a regment of my troops to stop him? Can't you just destroy him now?

Chaos *eyes flared like flames*

Chaos: Do not question my orders.. just obey them!

Bowser: Alright.. I'm sorry.. I just don't understand why you delay to take him out of the picture.. that's all.

Chaos: It's complicated..

Bowser *looked hard at Chaos*

Boweser: Very well.. I will recall a regement and direct them to the pipe line as you've ordered.

Bowser *left the cavern*

Chaos stayed hovering in the darkness, Bowser's question was indeed a good one. Why didn't Chaos just whipe his enmeies out? Why did he insist on letting them live? The answer would remain for now a secret.

Chaos broke through the roof of Ruins and took to the sky. He overlooked the entire desert. His red glowing figure stood out among the white stars. He looked above and saw a bright light in the distance. It was the portal to Star Haven which resides just above Shooting Star Summit. Chaos crept against the evening sky. He then bursted into a blaze and soared at amazing speeds towards the Summit.
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An unexpected friend returns

In the 8th dimension at the world were all characters would go once their games have been ended two figures were enjoying a wonderful time together.
They were sitting at a table while another figure was sitting in a tree.
Two of them belonged together. They seemed to enjoy each other's compagny very much. The other one up in the tree was a miserable figure. He didn't seem to be happy and was mean to then others all the time. But those two didn't care at all. They pretended like they had been alone all the time. They were in the 8th dimension for a while now.

It was on the day when the Red Star appeared when the pixl became scared.
She hurried to her beloved one who was having troubles with the guy still sitting in the tree.

Tippi: Blumiere! I must return to the first world immidiatly. There is something wrong with Mario!

Blumiere -once Count Bleck-: What? What are you saying Timpani?

Tippi: It's Mario...our queen looked at the stars and she sensed the appearance of an unwanted evil star. It attacked Mushroom Kingdom. I must go back and help Mario and his friends!

Blumiere: But that's impossible Tippi. You know our game has ended once we married each other. It was the price we paid after our sacrifice to stop this fool over there.

Blumiere *points at Dimentio in the tree*

Tippi: Yes, we have indeed my love but we didn't die. We are still alive and we still are able to go back to the worlds if our help is needed.

Blumiere: But what can you do Timp? There isn't much you can do.

Tippi: You might be right love but I have my powers to help Mario out. I can show him hidden doors and secrets he might need.

Blumiere: But still you are unable to do much for him. You mean it well but...

Tippi *interrupts Blumiere*

Tippi: Blumiere! I have been on an adventure with Mario and Luigi when you tried to destroy the world..remember? I'm not going to let them fall into the hands of this aweful red star!

Tippi * looks angry*

Blumiere: Alright Timp! Alright! I can't stop you so I must let you go to help them. You know I don't like it. I have been without you for such an aweful long time and now we're finally together I hate the idea of losing you again.

Tippi: I know my love. Don't worry. I will return once the Red Star is destroyed.

Dimentio: Hahahahahaha!!! I will send my evil power behind you to make your task as difficult as possible! My revenge will come on this stupid Mario and his more stupid brother......Luigi!

Dimentio had a deep hatred against everything good. He hated Luigi even more than Mario because Luigi once hosted the dark power but this was only because he had been brainwashed. Luigi had defeated Dimentio with his high jumps and Dimentio never could stand this.

Blumiere *looks at Tippi*

Blumiere whispers: Timpani, be careful! I don't like Dimentio. Do you think he is up to something?

Timpani: No Blumiere. Don't worry. We still have our powers because we have sacrificed ourselves with our love. Dimentio died. He lost his powers and he can't do anything. He will never accept this happened but it's true. He can't do anything any more. He is not allowed to go anywhere without our queen knowing it. His game is over. He tries to scare you but his game is over.

Blumiere and Timpani * walks to the queen*

Queen: It's a noble deed you are doing Timpani. Mario and Luigi need your help. You can't do much but what you can do is important enough. Remember also my dear your time there will be short. The 8th dimesion is going to take you back sooner than you thought so be wise in your decisions. I have decided to give you enough time to lead the brothers to the most important place they should go. Remember...from there they must do it alone and you will return. I won't tell you what this place will be and where it will be but you will know it in your heart.

Tippi *kisses Blumiere on his cheeck*

Dimentio: Hahahahahahaha!!! My horror will follow you!

The queen *looks angry at Dimentio*

Queen: Enough! You better get out of my eyes before I will make you do the dishes again!

Dimentio *quickly goes off*

Tippi * flies through time and dimensions*


Luigi: I do whatever we can do my brother. If this way is more dangerous then it will be. We have no other choice.

Suddenly a couple of spranking stars appeared and Tippi appeared.

Mario and Luigi and Koopa jr looked extremely surprised.

Luigi: Tippi!!! How on earth is this possible?

Tippi: No questions my time is short and my help is needed.

Tippi *turns to Mario*

Tippi: know how to use my powers? Well in the dark you can use them to reveal hidden doors and to find hidden chests with treasures. Now come on and let's go before it's too late!
The Path Through the Sewers:

Mario was startled by Tippi's arrival. He like the others had believed she and Blumiere had perished. Mario didn't have the time to ask her questions, he acted quickly.

Mario *took ahold of Tippi*

Mario using her skill looked for any hidden doors or chests hiding in the sewers. they serached for a while, to find nothing.

Mario *Let go of Tippi*

Mario: Sorry Tippi.. but it seems that we have no choice.. but to take the long and diffcult route.

Mario *turned to kooper*

Mario: You lead.. we fallow.

Kooper: Alright.. come.. this way.

Kooper lead them through vast maze of pipes and rooms. They came at last to flow of sewage water heading thorugh deep connals.

Mario *turned to his brother and then to Tippi*

Mario: Is everyone ready? Ok.. then.. lets do this.

Kooper was the first to jump in the water, Mario fallowed him closely behiend plunging into the green and stink filled water. Mario used his arms and legs to stroke through the water. Kooper lead the through the conale. They came to the end of pipe, where they heard the sound of rushing water.

Kooper *turned to Mario and friends*

Kooper: Everyone.. get ready for the drop!

Suddenly Kooper, Mario and the rest of company where pulled, like current down the pipe. They where for moment submerged completey in the green slimy water. Then they where shot out into a small pool that connected to another conale. On the side of the sewage was brick wall with narrow walkway. Kooper led them to the walk way. Everyone was glade to be out of the water and back on a dry surface.

Kooper: Now.. this is when it gets tricky.

Kooper lead the Group in single file across the narrow wall of the sewer. As they trudged on they where suddenly haulted. Rising out of the sewage was Giant Blooper. Mario and Company just looked at it in awe.

The Blooper without a word initated hostility and the battle began.

Giant Blooper: HP30 DF10
Primary Attack: Tentical DP3
Secondary Attacks:
Ink burst DP5
Spawn *Spawns little Bloopers with 7HP each*

Mario: HP25 FP15 BP5 EXP25
Primary Attack: Pounce
Secondary Attack: Hammer

Kooper Jr: HP25 FP15
Primary Attack: Shell Toss
Secondary Attack: Shell Dash FP5

First turn: Mario

Mario *Pounced on the Giant Blooper's head, getting a perfect 4DP*

Kooper *Went into his shell and jumped up into Mario hand, he then was tossed, hitting the Blooper 2DP*

Total Damage: 6 -30= 24HP

Luigi's turn!
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Rosalina investigates

*Rosalina walked thru the desert looking around for some sort of sign that might show her what this chaos star does. She saw a red form climb up the summit.
She remembered what she saw at peaches castle though the manifestation of Chaos wondering what could be possibly ignited it for a celebration to go off like that and Ruin the celebration. Forcing her freinds to rush off to battle. And cause peach to be so worried.

She watched the form launch up. maybe i should follow him. If he is going to do something to my babies or the Spirits. She felt her anger rise But she kept herself under control. If any of her babies were in danger Starbright would have warned her if they were. He would sense it and she would as well.

Don't confront him yet Rosalina the time is not yet right for you to reveal yourself. She thought to herself

She decided to leave him be and focus on the form and reason why this chaos star attacked Peach's. Could The castle be a target could peach be in danger as well. There has to be a way to do something about this.

*She tapped her wand on her palm. Starting to format a plan in her mind.

She walked near the summit to get a closer look at the awful red glow above her. She climbed up the same summit in her Star scooter but the dark feelings she felt from it was enough to cause her to go back down and stop those dark feelings. That seemed to intensify the larger the cloud and the Darkness and Red got nearer that engulfed the star.

Starbright followed Mario As they went thru the Tubes above him as much as he could and Hovered down the waterfall as the others dropped onto a dry surface He hovered above Mario and Koopa. He saw this giant blooper getting ready to fight Mario. He gasped and watched Mario fight. Mario could fight and had hope and confidence in his eyes if anything that will pull him thru Starbright thought.
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Luigi HP25 FP15 BP5 EXP20
Primairy attack : High jump
Secondairy attack: Fire flower

Luigi turned his back to the Giant Blooper.
Blooper *rushes up to Luigi*
Luigi * Jumps backwards and lands on Bloopers head*
Luigi *quickly pounced*
Blooper 2 DP. Left 22 HP.

Luigi *lands and quickly grabs fire flower*
Luigi *changes into Fire Luigi and starts shooting at Blooper*

*Beng* Beng* Beng* Beng* Beng* Beng*

The fireflower is done and Luigi *turns into normal Luigi again*

Blooper 12 DP and has left 10 HP.

Now it's Mario's turn again or Kooper.


The Goomba's and Koopa's were half way on their journey. They already reached the borders of Dry Dry Dessert. Now they only had to go to the ruins which were a bit further away.

Parakoopa: Alright....we will stay here for the night. You won't get a rest for long. We must reach the Ruins before dawn. So you better eat something and then go to sleep.

Ray: Right....this means we will get only aboput 4 or 5 hours of sleep before we must walk another 6 hours.

Goomba 1: You must be used to it now Ray. We never sleep that long.

Ray: It's not about the sleep you fool it's about the hurry. Why such a hurry?

Koopa 1: Because we are needed I guess.

Ray: Well...I'm going to sleep now. See you all later guys.

Ray * lies down and falls asleep*

Goomba 1: Ray is right....I'm going to sleep too.

Soon all troops were sleeping.

The red chaos star was shining awefully strong

Suddenly a very loud noise was heard. It was so loud everybody woke up.

Ray *walks upto his fellow Goomba's.

Ray: What was that?

Goomba 1: I don't know. But look at the sky. This is really not normal.

Ray *looks at the sky and the Red Star shines like it didn't before*

Ray: long as it stays there it is fine with me. I'm going back to sleep.

Ray *lays down again and falls asleep*

Soon all troops were sleeping again.
Calamary and Chaos in the Heavens:

Mario *activated his hammer throw badge and tossed his hammer at the Blooper 7DP*

The Blooper *Spun a little, and shook it's head*

Kooper *Again jumped into Mario's hand and preformed Shell Toss 5D*

The Blooper *spun around widly and then poofed into nothing, leaving some hearts, 10 coins and a item: lighting Bolt.

Mario *quickly began to pick up the hearts and coins*

When the Company had finished, Kooper led them on thorugh the sewers. Everyone felt rather exhilerated by there victory. But there was no time for celebration, ahead where several Dark Koopas. Kooper hautled the company forseeing ahead their dark shells.

Kooper: There's trouble ahead.. everyone get ready!

Mario *Squinted his eyes to see the Dark shells*

Mario: .. Dark Koopas.. this isn't going to be easy...


In Star Haven tings were peaceful, all the Star Spirits where enjoying themselves. Some Juvinil Star Spirts where spending there time looking down on the world, they where facinated by all the activity.

Star Spirit: It sure is busy down there... I wonder what's happening.

Star Spirit 2: Ddin't you see the Red Star?

Star Spirit: Red Star? What Red Star?

Star Spirit 2: You didn't see it attack the castle?

Star Spirit: oh... that was a Star? I couldn't tell.. it was so cloudy and it sure didn't feel like a star.

Star Spirit 2: Well.. it is.. and I'm afraid it might be heading this way.

A voice interupted the young star spirits conversation.

Voice: Ahem.. what are you two juvinals talking about?

The two Juvinal Star Spirits turned around to see a large golden star with grey msutache.

Star Spirit: Hello.. Elderstar.. we where just talking about the events going on in Mushroom Kingdom.

Elderstar: Hmf.. well what have you two learned?

Star Spirit 2: We saw a Red Star attack the castle!

Star Spirit: Yeah.. at least we think it is a star.

Elderstar: Hmmm.. how odd.. I don't recollect or recall there being a Red Star in these parts...

As Ederstar pondered, a red flash pierced lite up Star Haven. Elderstar turned his attention to the light, behold it was the Chaos Star! Elderstar approached the Red Star with caution. He could fell a dark and heavy oppression around it.

Elderstar: Welcome.. to Star Haven.. uhhh.. wait.. your the Red Star everyone is talking about.

Chaos: Really? I'm the talk of the Star eh?

Chaos *chuckled*

Elderstar: I've heard.. that you attacked the castle.. why?

Chaos: I don't need a reason to do things.. I don't need a plan.. I just do things.. hahahahaha.

Elderstar: Your a very naughty star indeed.. I must take you before the Council.

Chaos: Old fool.. I did not travel here to sqaunder my time with your pathetic Council.. I have come to ensure that Chaos riegns!

Elderstar: You are a disrespectful and unkind star.. you must be punished!

Chaos: Hahahaha.. go ahead and try!

Elderstar *attempted to use his power to subdue Chaos, but it was unsucessful*

Chaos: I'm grow tired of this.. now I shall show you the way of Chaos!

Chaos *emmited a red energy from it's five star points, the beam struck Elderstar*

Chaos: Now.. you shall serve me!

Elderstar *eyes became red and his figure corrupted with shadows and dark clouds*

The Two Junvinal Stars fled in horror. They headed further into Star Haven where they attempted to warn the other Star Spirits.

Star Spirit: Misstar! Muskstar! Skolar! Help! Help! Help!

Immediatly the Remaining Star Spirits appeared. They looked at Junvinal Stars with consern.

Skolar: Ahem.. what seems to be the problem?

Misstar: Is everything alright?

Muskstar: Where is Elderstar? He's late for the meeting.

Star Spirit: Everything is not alright! A new Star arrived and it attacked Elderstar.. now he's acting weird and looks terrfiying!

Misstar: Oh my! That's terrible! We must go and help Elderstar at once!

Skolar: Wait a minute.. we mustin be too hasty.. we need to varfiy the Juvinal's report. One of us must go check on Elderstar.

Muskstar: I'll go.. I'm not afraid of any new star.. I'll just ruff em up if he trys

Skolar: Very well... Muskstar you go and check on Elderstar.. while we wait here and listen to the full account of what happened.

Muskstar *left the others*

The Two Juvinal Star Spriits began to retale what happened to the other Star Spirits. There account was quite accurate with a few embishments here and there. Muskstar made his way to enterance of Star Haven. There he found nothing, or at least he couldn't see anything. Suddenly he felt a presence behiend him. He turned to see the face of Elderstar. He looked fine.

Muskstar: There you are.. the Juvinal Stars made a big fuse about you being currupted by some New star.

Elderstar: What wild imaginations they have...

Muskstar: Yes indeed.. well we better get back to the Council and show them your alright.

As Muskstar hovered back towards the council he felt hismelf grabbed from behiend.

Muskstar: Hmf.. what are you doing?

Elderstar: Making the way for Chaos!

Suddenly a red beam hit Muskstar, causing his image to change from the sky blue with white salior hat to a charcoal grey with a black hat with a C insigna on the brim.

Chaos emerged from out of sight.

Chaos: Well done.. soon all of Star Haven will be under my control! Hahahahaha.
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Luigi, Mario and Kooper made their way towards the Dry ruins. Dark Koopa's were ahead of them.
Suddenly Tippi made a signal. Mario was standing a bit further away so Tippi turned to Luigi:

Tippi: I sense something!

Luigi *holds Tippi and points at the front*
A light was shining and suddenly a chest was revealed.

Luigi *walks up to the chest and opens it*
A 1-up mushroom appeared.
Luigi *grabs the mushroom*

Luigi: At least we can go forward for a while now without being worried too much.

Kooper in front with Mario and Luigi behind him continued walking. The road was still long and dangerous.


Ray was one of the first to get up after he felt asleep the second time. He joined his fellow compagnons who were awake.

Parakoopa: Wake up you idiots!! We must hurry! We can't let Bowser wait! I mean we can't let JR wait!

Ray *whispers*: I knew it...the old Koopa king is behind all this. So we must serve him again. I wonder what he is up to and why he needed only a few of us?

Ray's fellow Goomba's joined him.

Goomba 1: What are you saying Ray?

Ray: Nothing....this silly Parakoopa is going to make us hurry up


A while later:

Ray *walks towards his fellow goomba's*

All Goomba's were wearing a huge pack around their necks.

Ray: What's going on?
Parakoopa: We are making sure every Goomba will carry a pack with them.
Ray: What is that for?
Parakoopa: It's what we need on our journey. The Koopa's are carrying shields and the black bombs.
Ray: Whatever..........when are we reaching the Dry dry Ruins?

Parakoopa *puts Pack around ray's neck*

Parakoopa: If we continue walking like we did so far we will reach them within 5 hours.

Ray *joins his friends*

Goomba 1: We are going to leave soon Ray. I wonder how much of us can walk on with these ridiculous packs.

Ray: We have carried them before so don't complain. And if you are will get used to it soon enough.

Goomba 2: I also wonder what the use of this Red Star is.

Ray: It has something to do with Bowser. I'm convinced we are going to meet him again.

Goomba 1: What make you think this Ray?

Ray: Because earlier today the Parakoopa made a misspelling but I doiubt if it was a misspelling.

Goomba 2: Did he mention Bowser?

Ray *nodds* : Yep...he did. He quickly said it as JR but we know better.

Goomba 1: But what if it's true? I mean if we are going to meet Bowser? Why is he doing this and why all this mysterious behavior here?

Ray: I'm one of those who served Bowser for years and since his death I serve JR. But I must say I miss those good old days with Bowser. We had fun! He had the most ridiculous plans. We often suprised Mario and his dumb brother. Unfortunately Mario always defeated Bowser. Those days were great! But to be honest; I have no clue why Bowser is putting up such a mystery. How much I miss those days I rather serve this silly JR than going on a trip which is not clear enough.

Goomba 1: we must look for those archeologists?

Ray: Yes...that's the intention but how do you explain this strange Red Star? The attack at Peach's castle? The misspelling of JR? Nah my friend...there are way too many questions and I can assure you; we are not sent here to look for the archeologists. We are sent to assist Bowser in whatever he is planning to do....
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What Rosalina sensed

Rosalina bought herself out of her revere when she sensed the Star Sprits troubled about the takeover. She forgot complety about avoiding that red Star and Started up the Summit.

She sensed the Fear and Anger from the Star Heavens and Saw the Red star grow stronger she became Angry and wanted to go after Chaos then When she sensed the Star Spirits Fear and Elderstar being taken over.

She circled around the summit wondering why She didn't sense before the problems She sensed the juvenile Stars panic and sadness.

Why don't i like this one but she drew closer to the top of the summit sensing the heavy dark feelngs from it. She didn't back down this time she stood at the summit. Closer to the Star. The feelings of sadness from the juvnenile stars saddened her she wiped a tear away.

Starbright sensed his mama was upset he left the others and hovered near her.

Starbright: Mama what is wrong.

Rosalina: Elderstar was taken over by whatever enity is controlling the Red STar and all the juvenile stars are sad a frightened. It saddens me. I just wish there was somthing more i could do to help or put the pieces of the puzzle together. It makes me so mad and upset.

Starbright: Mama we will your the guardein of the cosmos that has to stand for somthing. Mario and Luigi seem to have hope I am sure you can to.
Combat and Chaos:

Mario *looked at Kooper*

Mario: Is there any way to get past them unoticed?

Kooper: I'm afraid not.. the pipe we need to get to is rgiht behiend them.

Mario *sighed*

Mario: Well.. I guess we better get it over with.

Mario *stepped out and began walking towards the Dark Koopas*

The Dark Koopas where talking to each other, when they noticed Mario and his companions.

Dark Koopa: Well.. well.. what do we have here?

Dark Koopa 2: Looks like some wonderers in the wrong pipeline...

Dark Koopa 3: Oh.. you guys are in for it!

Dark Koopa 1: These tunnels and pipes are our turf.. and no one is allow in them save us! So you better skidadle.. or else your in for some punishment!

Mario: We have to use that pipe.. and we are willing to do whatver it takes to get to it!

Dark Troopa: Do you hear that boys? That's threat! Get him and his friends too!


Dark Troopa Bros: THP:23
Primary Attack: Shell dash
Secondary: Dizzy Shell
Special: Tower of Power

Mario: HP23 FP15 BP5 EXP102

Kooper: HP25 FP15

Mario *jumps on the first dark Troopa causing him to fall on his back 4DP*

Kooper *uses Spin dash.. hitting all three Dark Koopas 2DP each*

Total Damage: 6 DK1 2 DK2 2DK3 =10DP

*Luigi's Turn*

Skolar, Misstar and Juvinals waited in patiently for Muskstar to return, but when he didn't there conserns grew.

Skolar: Well.. Muskstar hasn't returned.. so we best gathered together and wait for the others to arrive.

Misstar: Look! I think I can see them.

Skolar and the two Juvinals looked up at the black sky and saw three stars approaching. One was all pink with golden ribbon wrapped around, another held a book in hand and had bow upon his chest and the last star was like Elderstar baring mustache only it was brown rather than grey.

Misstar: Mamar! Klevar! and Kalmar!

The Three Star Spirits approached them.

Mamar: Hello darlings..

Klevar: Greetings and salutations to all..

Kalmar: Ahem.. hi

Skolar: You three have just arrived in time.. we have crisis on are hands!

Mamar: Oh my!

Klevar: Intresting..

Kalmar: Ah....

Skolar: It seems these two Juvinals saw Elderstar become corrupted by a Red Star. We sent Muskstar to varfy this and he didn't return.

Klevar: How peculiar..

Mamar *turned to the Juvinals*

Mamar: Poor dearies.. how tragic..

Kalmar: I find it hard to believe Elderstar could be corrupted so easily. How do you know these two Juvinals arn't just telling a fib or imagined it?

Misstar: Kalmar! How dare you accuse these Juvinals of lieing! Look they are terffied.

Kalmar: I'm just saying we should check it out.. before we assume the worst.

Skolar: I told you.. we already have and he hasn't returned.

Kalmar: What makes you think Muskstar's absence varfies these two Junvinal's story? For all you know he found Elderstar and they are having discussion right now.

Klevar: I must concure with Kalmar.. we don't have enoguh evidence leaning either way.

Misstar: That's not true! We have to eyewitness.

Kalmar: Who may be telling a lie!

Misstar *looked at Kalmar with glare*

Skolar: Enough! This is getting s nowhere. In order to solve this crisis, we must work together and trust each other.

The rest of Star Spirits agreed with Skolar.

Skolar: It seems the only way logical way to solve are dispute is to speak once agai nwith Juvinals and then send two of us to find what has befallen both Elderstar and Muskstar.

On this the Council of Star Spirits agreed.

Kelvar: I shall question the two Juvinals, Kalmar will you join me?

Kalmar *fallowed Klevar over to the two Juvinals*

THe Two Juvinal Star Spirits retodl their account quickly. THey felt rather upset stil;.. both by what they had seen and how Kalmar mistrusted them.

When the rest of the Star Spirits had heard the account,they returned ot council.

Klevar: Well.. I must say.. I'm convinced.. both of them told the same account and with my power I could see no error or lie in their eyes.

Kalmar: I'm still not convinced.. I must see Elderstar with my own eyes.

Skolar: So you shall.. I and you shall go and seracho ut the fate of Elderstar and Muskstar. The rest of you stay here and protect the Juvinals.

Skolar and Kalmar *hovered away*

Misstar: It will be alright.. little ones.. Skolar and Kalmar shall know what to do.

Mamar: Misstar is right.. little dearies.. no wicked star can stand against two Star Spirits.

Thsi seemed to cheer the two Juvinal Spirits up, but jsut as they both began to smile a loud cry came.

Kalmar came rushing towards them.

Kalmar: Flee! Flee! Flee quickly!

Red beam began zooming over head, behiend him was three balckened stars who's hapes where all too familar.

Kalmar was struck by the red beam and his form began to change. His once golden shine became clouded and grey. His eyes shimemred red as he looked at the rest of Star Spirits. Klevar immediatly took action and tried ot hodl them back swinnig his book and commanding the stars to attack, but he to was in the end overcome by the corruption. Misstar and Mamar took the tow Juvinals and fled as quickly as they could. Red beam flew overhead and below them. They coudl see the Mushroom Kingdom below. Just as they seemed to be hoem free, a Dark Star bigger than the rest got in front of them.

Chaos: Where did you think you all are going? Don't you wantto join your friends?

Misstar: Your the one! Oh I would knock you into blackhole if I could.

Chaos: Hahahaha I like yourattitude.. you shall make great addition to my army.

The Chaos Star began spinning causing a red beam to emmit. Mamar qucikly too kthe other Juvinal Star and fled. She coudl see near Star Haven a fair figure hidden, yet visible to her. She let go of the two Juvinals.

Mamar: Go.. fly!

Juvinal Star Spirit 1: We can't leave you!

Mamar: You must go.. otherwise he will corrupt you! Go!

Mamar *then with her point she tossed the two Juvinals towards the fair being*
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Who Rosalina meets

Rosalina walked more towarsd the opening at the top of the Summit Climbing up holding her wand at ready. Starbright hovered to the side of her. She saw two Stars coming towards her.

Starbright Mama what are you doing?

Roslanina: Just looking at the entrance to this place I sensed Sadness from just beyond that gateway from Juvenile Stars That are confused and sad.
Maybe you should go back to the others starbright. I get the feeling i need to go up that way. Somehow I need to get to those juvenile Stars Maybe i can help them and maybe head off whatever is harming them.

She called some magic from her memory And armed her arssneal just in case she might need to use some of them. Calling some magic to memory she hope she won't have to use it.

Starbright i will go back to the brother's mama He hovered back down towards the brothers Watching.

Rosalina walked closer to the top of the summit waiting to see how she could get to where they are. She sensed a few stars coming near her to investigate.

"Hell My name is Roslina Guardien of the Stars i came to help. I mean no harm.


Starbright watched the Mario brothers. In combat. He watched the Dark koopas moving around as well. He tries to look around and up trying to find antoher passagway and doesn't see one.
Luigi quickly Jumped on a dark Koopa and took away his shell. *2 DP*

Luigi * 25 HP, 15 FP, 5BP 25 EXP*

Luigi *quickly kicks Koopa shell and hits all three Koopa's*

2 DP each which makes a total of 10DP.

Luigi *quickly steps aside*

Mario or Kooper's turn.

A loud noise was heard underground. It was the sound of laughter. For a moment Luigi and his compagnons looked up. Because it looked like the sound was coming from behind them. Then they realized the sound was coming from above.

Dark Koopa's *quickly hide but returned*

Dark Koopa 1:'s not important for now. I think it's time I'm going to make meat of you matey!

Dark Koopa 1 *Runs towards Mario with a piece of stone he grabbed from the ground*


Ray and the other Goomba's walked quietly. The journey was far but somehow Ray had the feeling they would be stopped soon.
A bit later kamek showed up.

Kamek: You better stop now and don't go any further!

Ray *whispers*: How could I guess?

Kamek: If you continue walking that way you will walk into a trap!

The Goomba's and Koopa's *start to laugh*

Ray: You must be joking man...a trap? Who would trap us? We are the evil ones!

Kamek: have a point Ray but not all evil creatures are our friends. You see...till yesterday this strange hole wasn't there but after this strange star appeared it suddenly showed up.

Parakoopa: You mean this star might have something to do with it?

Kamek: We don't know for sure but it must be. I don't think this red star is a friend of ours.

Goomba 1: But if Bowser..

Kamek *interrupts*: Bowser! Bowser! How can you be so sure Bowser is alive? We have no evidewnce he is and if he is we don't know if he has something to do with this red star!

Ray: Oh give me a break! We all know the star attacked a certain Castle and we also know which Castle and we also know who used to attack the same Castle every time! This must be the work of Bowser!

Kamek: You have made your statement clear ray but still we have no evidence! And how on earth can Bowser create such a star??? We know one person who controls the stars and that's this Rosalina woman. So maybe she's behind all this and maybe because out of jealousy???

Again the Goomba' and Koopa's laughed.

Ray: Don't be so ridiculous! And please don't remind me of this silly adventure of Bowser. This Rosalina woman as you say indeed controls the stars but to attack a castle like that is very rude and why do we see the Star appear all the time? And what does she have to do with this hole you are talking about?

Kamek *sighs*.

It was clear his story didn't sound like a good one to the troops.

Kamek: Whatever! But you are NOT going to that direction! Let me show you why if you don't believe it!

The troops *walk towards the direction Kamek shows*

A view miles away an unbelievable giant hole showed up. It was so huge the troops immidiatly walked backards.

Kamek: Do you believe me now?

Ray *whispers*: This is the most horrible thing I've ever seen besides the two Plumbers.

Goomba 1: Do you think Mario Bros are behind this?

Ray *shakes head*: No. Mario is not behind this and neither is his stupid brother. Besides...they were attacked too. No, this is the work of something more evil than we have ever known.

Goomba 1: That Rosalina lady?

Ray: No. I do believe it's the work of something else but what? And what role is Bowser playing in all this? What does he need us for?

Mario *saw the Dark Koopa running at him stone in hand and dodged causing the Dark Koopa to miss and slam into the brick wall 1D*

Mario *Gripped his hammer and hit the fallen Dark Koopa 5D*

Kooper *prepared to attacked, when a noise interrupted*

It sounded like crackling of bones and it reverbrated throughout the sewers. There was another laugh.. but this time it was different. Suddenly the pipes in the sewers spit out large groups of Dry bones. The Dark Koopa Bros looked at them in horror and began to flee whne they found there exit blocked by more Dry bones.

Dark Koopa 1: Oh no are exit is blocked! There is no escape!

Dark Koopa 2: Were doomed!

Mario *peered around the area taking into account the hordes of Dry bones*

He expected them to attack at once, but instead they just stood their lifeless. Suddenly he heard a deep and shrill voice echo from the shadows. Mario knew it well, it was beyond familiar.

Voice: Well.. well.. so you've tried to reach the Ruins through the pipe system.. very clever.. my old nemisis.

Emrging from the shadows was a giant Kopa with long horns and a skeleton body. His eyes where red like fire and upon his head was red star insignia.

Mario: Bowser! Your alive?

Bowser: Ha ha.. well sorta.. you could say I'm half alive and half dead.. I'm undead.. hahahahaha.

Mario: So your behiend this! You using the Star to take control of the Mashroom Kingdom!

Bowser: Ha ha ha.. you never seize to amaze me.. I shall miss your cunning.. but I'm afraid your only half right this see the Star or Chaos has promised to grant my wish.. of eternal life.. long as I serve him faithfully. Then once I am invincible I shall take the Mushroom Kingdom forever! Hahahaha.

Mario *pondered for moment*

Bowser's reveal was not as he had expected. The story he told was similar to the old attempts to take Mushroom Kingdom.. but never had he resorted to serving anyone in those attempts. This was unlike Bowser and it frightened him. Obviously this Star was more dangerious than he had anticpated.. if it could bind Bowser to it's will.

Mario: Let me get this straight.. your serving a corrupt Evil Star.. that has the power to grant you immortailty and you think something powerful enough to grant such a wish.. will actually keep it's promise?

Bowser *had the look of someone dumbstruck or unable to make good reply*

Bowser: Eh.. uh.. well.. grrrr.. shut up!

Mario: Think about it Bowser.. you would have to be a fool to believe that this crafty Star would keep it's word. When it's done with you.. it will just discard you like a heap of bones.

Bowser: That' enough.. I told you shut up! Minions take them!

The Dry Bones began to surround Mario and his companions. Mario stood back to back with his brother and Kooper.

Mario: *whispered* After we take the first wave down.. make for the pipe.



Back above the sky in the heavens, the two Juvinal Star Spirits hurrled towards Rosalina. They stopped just short of colliding with her. THey turned shaking a little and looked at her. Her beauty was incomparable, her blond hair glimmered like the sun.. her eyes sparkled like the bright blue sky and her dress shimmered like colors of the ocean. The tow Juvinal Star Spirits began to calm in her presence. Her coie was soothing and her words comforting. They came cloe to her.

Starr Spirit 1: We are glade to meet you.. oh great gaurdian.. we need protection.. that evil Star has tranformed all are peers into dark shadows.

The Second Star Spirit *began to cry a bit and shake*

Star Spirit 2: It's oh so terrible.. poor Senior Star Sprits.. they couldn't do a thing.. I'm so afraid.

The two Juvinal Star Spirits *huddle close to Rosalina*

Both: Please.. help us!
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Rosalina's comfort

*Rosalina stooped down pulling the juvenile stars in her arms using her magic to comfort them. she placed them up on her shoulders.

Rosalina: I will help and protect you don't you worry about that. she calmed there shuddering and shivering bodies. I won't leave you guys you can stay with me and starbright. When i go back home you can stay with me. This chaos star taking over all the sneior sprits turning them or killing them is not the way it should be.

Fear not my little dears i will be sure stuff it set right I will not settle for these dark shadows to take over mushroom world. I laugh at Bowser and Chaos once the deal with me they wont know what they are dealing with. As the guardien of the stars i give you my vow i will protect and help you and help re establish the senior spirts.


Starbright shuddered as he saw the bony turtles come out of the pipes and he felt Roslaina troubled at the two juvniles stars' sadness
Luigi *looks at his brother*

Luigi: If I get this straight you want us to beat the first row of Dry Bones till we reach that pipe over there?

Luigi *quickly jumps on the first Dry Bone Koopa and continues jumping on the next till he reachs the pipe Mario pointed at*

Luigi *climbs on pipe*: Hurry up Bro! Hurry up Kooper!

It was typically Luigi. He always ran away first but he had to wait to see what Mario would do.

Luigi * turns around and watches Mario*
Luigi *grabs rock in case a Dry Bone Koopa would attack Mario or Kooper*


Kamek thought he had done the right thing by leading the Koopa's and Goomba's away from this giant hole. He took them to the opposite direction. While they walked on Ray felt the heavy pack around his neck.

Ray: I wish we could get rid off this thing now!

Suddenly they all heard an aweful sound. It was so aweful and loud even the Kamek screamed.
Then the sound was over and they looked up. Before them another hole showed up.

Kamek: Backwards! Everybody backwards!

A wind was blowing and suddenly a kinda twister appeared. It appeared in the middle of the hole. Then a couple of minutes later a huge red star appeared.

Ray: My god! It's the red star! We must get away!!!

Kamek *turns to the star*

Kamek: I demand you go away! We are on our way to the ruins and we won't serve you! Please leave us alone before....

Kamek was interrupted and a giant wave of wind took him into the hole.
A panic attack stroke everybody. The Koopa's and Goomba's started to run.
Suddenly kamek returned. But he had changed. His eyes were red and his color was pale.

Kamek * looked around*

Kamek: Listen everybody. It's the best for us if we follow the red star!

Parakoopa 1: You must be joking man! We are not going to follow this red star! WE have orders from Jr and we must....

Parakoopa 1 was interrupted. He too was blown into the hole. And when he returned he looked the same as Kamek.

Ray: OMG! It's a trap! They are going to make us serve him! We are doomed to serve him!

Goomba 1: No way! I'm not going to serve this aweful red star! Bowser is our King!

Everybody *agree*

Kamek: You fools! You are doomed to die if you won't listen!

Parakoopa: We must run before it's too late!

Everybody *start running*

A huge wave of wind appears and takes many of the troops with them. A chaos is following. Goomba's and Koopa's were all taken by the wind.

Ray: NOOO!! I'm not going with them! I'm not going with them!

The wind *catches Ray and blows him towards the hole*
Ray *holds himself to the ground but loses grip*
Ray *screams and screams*

Suddenly Ray felt two hands holding his feet. Everything turned dark before his eyes and Ray felt into darkness.

A while later Ray woke up.

Parakoopa: Ray! Ray! Are you alright?

Ray *opens his eyes*

Ray: Where am I?

Parakoopa: You are here Ray.

Ray: Are we taken by the red star yet?

Parakoopa: No Ray. We survived.

Suddenly Ray remembered. Ray *jumped up*

Ray: I must get rid off this pack.

Parakoopa: I will help you. Wait a second.

Parakoopa *takes off the pack of Ray's neck*

Parakoopa: This pack saved your life Ray. It was the heaviest of all and saved you.

Ray *looked around* Everything looked like nothing ever happened.

Ray: Where are the others?

Parakoopa: You and I seem to be the only survivors. All the others are taken by this red star.

Ray: This star is very evil. I wonder what the purpose is of this all.

Parakoopa: It wants to controle everything so it seems. I bet even Bowser isn't behind all this.

Ray: What can we do next? I mean it's you and I alone against this star. I mean everybody is taken! What happened to them? Are they dead?

Parakoopa *shakes head*

Parakoopa: No they are servants now. You saw what it did to Kamek and Parakoopa 1. The same faith happened to the rest of the troops and if I didn't grab your feet you would have been the same as them I guess.

Ray *looks at his feet*

Ray: We must think what we are going to do next.

Parakoopa: We can't return. If we return and tell Jr you can tell he will send all of his troops here to defeat the red star. And with the power this thing has we all are doomed. No Ray...we must think about something else. There must be away to destroy this thing?

Ray: Yeah, Jr isn't the smartest. His dad is far more wiser when it comes to this. Whatever happened to Bowser? We thought he died?

Parakoopa: Bowser isn't dead. I can tell you the truth Ray. Bowser sent a note to his son he was currently living at the Dry dry ruins because he discovered a treasure. He needed troops to help him to dig the treasure.

Ray: So Jr sent us to help his dad?

Parakoopa: yes and no....Jr sent us for three things. He knew about the archeologists who disappeared. He wanted us to help his dad to dig the treasure and he wanted us to get rid off his dad so he could stay King. Bowser was evil but his son is even more evil or let us say selfish.

Ray: This sounds like Bowser himself is into trouble as well?

Parakoopa: If the star has overtaken him too then he certainly is. Whatever is going on we must destroy this enemy.

Ray * thinks and suddenly looks up*

Ray: I got it! I know what we must do. I don't like it at all but we have no other choice.

Parakoopa *looks at Ray*

Parakoopa: What's your idea Ray?

Ray *looks into the dessert*

Ray: We must find the Plumber.

Parakoopa: You mean ....MARIO?!

Ray *nodds head*

Ray: Yep. We must unite our forces with Mario. He is the only one who can help us.

Parakoopa: And what tells you Mario isn't behind this?

Ray: Because as we heard from our messenger at JR's castle Mario was there when the star attacked Peach's Castle. And we also know Mario went on his way to Dry dry dessert as well.

Parakoopa *nodds*

Parakoopa: You've got a point there Ray. But how do we find Mario and is he willing to cooperate with us?

Ray: He has no choice. Neither have we. We must do something but we can't do it alone. And if we want to find Mario we must continue our journey.

Ray *jumps up*

Ray: We will find him. Let's go!

Mario *nodded to Luigi suggestion*

He watched as his brother hopped from one Dry Bones to the next until he was at the pipe.

Mario *turned to Kooper*

Mario: Kooper.. come on!

Kooper: I can't..

Mario saw that two Dry Bones had him by the arms.

Kooper: Go.. just go without me!

Mario paused for a moment, he knew his mission was important.. but not at the cost of losing a friend and besides he had a plan of his own.

Mario: I'm not leaving you!

Mario *charged the two Dry Bones Troopas and using his hammer he smashed the one to Kooper's right*

Kooper *turned and knocked the one to his left over*

Kooper then got into his shell.

Kooper: Mario.. come on.. use my shell to serf your way to the pipe.

Mario *kicked Kooper's shell and then jumped on it*

Mario serfed through the sea of Dry Bones, knocking many of them into heaps and piles of bones. Mario was almost home free when he was knocked off Kooper's shell. Kooper kept moving unable to stop, sending him right into the pipe. Mario a little jozzled.. shook his head and rose back to his feet. Meeting his gaze was Bowser.

Bowser: I thought you might try to escape.. bur I'm afraid I couldn't allow that .. now at last you shall be my prisoner .. guwhahahahaha!

Mario: You mean.. the Star's prisoner.

Bowser: Huh.. what? Oh.. yeah of course.

Bowser *looked a little irritated by Mario's comment from earlier.. and yet as he began to think on it.. which is a very rare thing for him to do.. Bowser began to realize somewhat of the truth.. that he was indeed not the boss.

Bowser *turned to his Dry Bone army and pointed at Mario*

Bowser: Bind his hands.. and carry him.. we must return to the ruins at once.

Bowser and his minions headed through a different pipline, one that was out of sight, hidden in the shadows.

Mario didn't struggle, it had actually been part of his plan. He knew that as prisoner, he would find the Chaos Star more quickly. Infact to him it was a shortcut to him. At the same time he wondered how Luigi and Kooper were doing.. especially Luigi. 'He must be worried sick and rather frightened in the desert' thought Mario. This began to make Mario feel a little bad about his decision to be captured. He hadn' thought about how it would affect his companions.
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Starbrights message and A change of plans

Starbright hovered up above watching MArio get captured he certainly has courage Starbright thought. He warped up to Rosalina. Where he saw her reading and singing to the little stars. He hung back waiting for her to notice him but he thought she needed to know. He moved over towards her.

Starbright: Mama mama
*He blinked urgently. the other two juvenile stars looked up at him.

Rosalina stopped what she was doing and looked at Starbright.

Rosalina: what is wrong starbright is somthing wrong with Mario?"

Starbright: he was going up the pipe mama a bunch of dry bone koops attacked him he let bowser kidnap him and get captured You might need to alter your plan slighlty.I suggest we try to find Luigi and Kooper and the others.

Roslaina: he must have had a reason behind it but we can't abandone Luigi and the others.'

STarbright : but it might have a more worse effect on the others how could Mario let this happen and not think how it would affect the others his own brother and his freinds.

Rosalina looked at the other Stars and nodded at them.

Come on my little dears. We are heading towards the desert to puruse the Star and Luigi and Kooper they might need us now. Lead the way Starbright.

Starbright twinkled in acknowlegement and started hovering slitghly above them.

Togeter Rosalina and the three stars decended the summit and headed towards the desert in pursuit of the Star and to find the others.
What Luigi and Kooper planned to do

After Mario was taken away by the dry bones Kooper quickly went to Luigi.

Luigi *watches Kooper running towards him*

Luigi: Where is Mario?

Kooper: He has been captured!

Luigi: WHAT?! OH no!!! What must we do now?!

Luigi *starts to cry*

Kooper: Come on Luigi! This is the last thing we need!

Luigi: Mamma mia!

Kooper: Would you please listen to me for goodness sake??

Luigi *looks up*

Kooper: Mario is taken but we are still here. We must continue to stop this Star!

Luigi: But what do we do without Mario? My dear brother? We can't leave him behind!

Kooper *suddenly laughed*

Kooper: Of course! We are not leaving him behind Luigi. No...not at all. He will lead us to the chaos star.

Luigi: But how?

Kooper: Don't you see? Bowser captured Mario and who is giving Bowser his orders? Yes...the chaos star! If we find the chaos star we also find Mario because you can tell Bowser will bring Mario to the red star.

Luigi: But why? The red star is evil! Bowser always wanted to get rid off Mario and now he will use this opportunity to destroy my brother! Mamma mia!

Luigi *cries again*

Kooper: No silly! Haven't you heard Mario his words to Bowser? Mario said the red star controlled Bowser. And knowing Bowser he will use Mario against the red star! Bowser knew Mario was right and now he thinks he can use him against the star.

Luigi: But then Mario will be in danger! The star is more evil than anything in the world right now.

Kooper: Exactly! And that is why we must find the star more earlier than Bowser.

Luigi: But what if we find the star? What can we do next?

Kooper: We must gain time! We can figure that out on our way to the star but for now there is no time to lose so hurry up!

Luigi and Kooper *leave*
Prisoner of Chaos:

From the pipline Bowser lead his troops and the captive Mario through the numerious tunnels under the desert. IT was dark mostly, only lite by fain torchs every few meters. Mario had his hands bound with tight ropes and from behiend he was being pushed to keep moving. Mario at this point began to question his plan. He began to wonder how anyone would be able to find him so deep under the desert. Bowser and his troops came to hault near stone door. There Bowser commanded his troops to wait with the prisoner.

Bowser *opened the door and entered*

Inside there was a massive court filled with ancient ruins. At the center he saw Several dark figures that where shaped like stars. Beyond these figures was Chaos himself. Bowser approached the dark shaped stars and looked at them intenly. His eyes where met with shock as he reconized them. They where the Star Spirits! All seven of them. The Dark Star Spirits looked at Bowser with discontent, they seemed to recognize him as well.

Bowser *approached Chaos*

Bowser: I see you've been busy.. turning the once herld Star Spirits into dark servants of your will... a nice touch is I may say so myself.

Chaos: They are just,, collateral.. now.. what of your progress?

Bowser: We have siezed control of the pipelines.. we shall be ready to siege Toad Town as soon as you give the order.

Chaos: Good.. you have done well.

Bowser: There is more.. we captured an enemy.

Chaos: Who?

Bowser: My old nemisis Mario.. he is being held by my troops as we speak.

Chaos: That is unexpected..

Bowser: What would you have me do with him?

Chaos: Put him in a cell.. with the Archaeologist.

Bowser *nodded*

Chaos: Oh and be sure that he isn't harmed.

Bowser paused and gave Chaos a paculiar look. He didn't understand why Chaos seemed to care what happened to Mario, why he would want him to be treated fairly puzzled Bowser. But he dared not question Chaos.

Bowser: It shall be done.

Chaos: Good.. now go and see to it and wait tell I summon yo

Bowser *turned began back towards the stone door*

He exited the chamber and returned to his regmeent.

Bowser: You two! Take him to dungeon.. throw him in with the Archaeologist.

Two Dry bones grabbed Mario and took him away.

Mario was being carried through numerious tunnels. At last they came to lower chamber where he could see some torchs and two pits. The two Dry Bones tossed Mario down into the right cell, where he landed on his backside. Mario got up and began brushing off his backside when he heard noise. Something in shadows was moving towards him. Mario stepped back a few paces. The figure finally stepped into the light. It was koopa with tan outfit and safai hat. Mario reconized him at once.

Mario: Kolorado is that you?

Kolorado: Mario? What in the Stars.. are you doing here?

Mario: Well.. I was captured.

Kolorado *rolled his eyes*

Kolorado: Great! I thought you had come to save me.. but instead your just prisoner like me.. oh woe is me! Will anyone save me? Can anyone save me?

Mario: Now don't get upset.. my brother and Kooper are still out there.. if I know them they will be looking for us.

Kolorado: Oh that makes me feel so much better.. Luigi and . did you say Kooper? Are in the desert probably hudnreds of miles above us.. with no way of knowing how to find us... oh woe is me.

Mario: Well if everyting works as planned.. it won't matter if they find us or not. You see I got captured on purpose.

Kolorado: Now.. why would do a foolish thing like that?

Mario: I'm on quest to find the Red Star.. I knew the best way was to be captured by his minions and brought to his lair.

Kolorado: Do you mean.. you plan on taking on this Red Star?

Mario: Yes.. I will do whatever it takes to stop it.

Kolorado: Brave lad.. but I think this time you are outmatched.. this Star is queer one indeed.. it's powers are limitless.. It would not be wise to challenge it.

Mario: I have no choice.. it cannot be allowed to take over Mushroom Kingdom!

Kolorado: Well.. I see my words cannot heed you to reconsider.. so I will attempt to help you in anyway I can.. gulp.

Mario: Thank you.. but I'm afraid for now we won't be able to do anything.. except wait.
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On Mario's trail and Meets Luigi

Starbright twinkled nervouly. and hovered and Roslain came up behind him.

He hovered in front of Rosalina

Starbright: Come on Rosalina Luigi and Kooper might leave without us.

Rosalina i doubt that Luigi can be a coward somtimes.

Starbright caught site of Luigi and Kooper

Roslaina picked up her dress and Ran Toward Luigi The Juvenile Stars Set on her shoulders. crying and missing the others. Fear not my children so everthing will be set right.

Rosalina Saw Luigi and Stepped Forward The Sun caught her hair and dress and reflected light off of it.

Rosalina: Luigi don't panic fear not Togther we will find Mario and destroy this Star or redeem it whatever we need to do. Wait if you want help with the Chaos Star you might need us we won't let Kooper and you do this alone.
Another member on the quest

Luigi first seemd to be shocked but then he felt happy. He had met Rosalina before. He happily greeted her and took off his cap.

Luigi: Thank you my lady for your help. In this time we need every help we can get. You see, Bowser captured Mario and now we must free him.

Luigi *blushes a bit by the sight of this beautiful lady of the stars*

Then Luigi pointed to Kooper.

Luigi: My lady, this is Kooper. He is a very good friend of Mario and me. He was guiding us through the pipelines before we got attacked.

Kooper *smiles at Rosalina*

Kooper: Do you know what way we must go? I know Mario is not brought to the surface so he must still be underground. And as a lady of the stars do you know what this red star is? We think it has something to do with Bowser being alive again.

Both Luigi and Kooper looked at Rosalina for answers. They were happy with her help and those of her stars.


Ray and Parakoopa continued their way to find Mario. They had decided to work together if possible to defeat the red star. After a long walk they were about to give up when they suddenly heard someone running.

Parakoopa: I hear something and it's coming closer.

Parakoopa *lies down on the ground and listens*

Suddenly he heard a very well-known voice: What are you doing cousin?

Parakoopa *looks up*

Parakoopa: Well, well, well.....Koopa the quick! Haha! What brings you here my friend?

Parakoopa and Koopa the quick hugged each other.

Koopa the quick: I was on my way back to Mushroom Kingdom when I saw the two of you...wait!

Koopa the quick saw Ray and became furious.

Koopa the quick: A Goomba! You know I hate Goomba's after all they did!

He was about to attack Ray when Parakoopa holded him.

Parakoopa: Stop it cousin! This is Ray. He is my friend right now. Together we are on our journey to find Mario.

Koopa the quick calmed down and looked surprised.

Koopa the quick: Mario? I saw him a couple of days ago before he left on his mission. Why do you need him?

Ray: To defeat the red star.

Koopa the quick was even more surprised.

Parakoopa: It's a long story cousin but the red star is dangerous.

Koopa the quick: I know. It almost killed me a couple of days ago. But why do you want to destroy it?

Parakoopa: I don't know if you have time because you are always in a hurry otherwise I would explain it to you.

Koopa the quick: Hmmmm....I don't think I'm in a hurry now but if I can help you and Mario I will gladly join you on your journey.

Parakoopa and Ray and Koopa the quick continues their journey while Parakoopa explained everything to his cousin
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