Paper Mario The RPG:

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Rosalina Responds and Gives News

Luigi first seemd to be shocked but then he felt happy. He had met Rosalina before. He happily greeted her and took off his cap.

Luigi: Thank you my lady for your help. In this time we need every help we can get. You see, Bowser captured Mario and now we must free him.

Luigi *blushes a bit by the sight of this beautiful lady of the stars*

Then Luigi pointed to Kooper.

Luigi: My lady, this is Kooper. He is a very good friend of Mario and me. He was guiding us through the pipelines before we got attacked.

Kooper *smiles at Rosalina*

Kooper: Do you know what way we must go? I know Mario is not brought to the surface so he must still be underground. And as a lady of the stars do you know what this red star is? We think it has something to do with Bowser being alive again.

Both Luigi and Kooper looked at Rosalina for answers. They were happy with her help and those of her stars.


Ray and Parakoopa continued their way to find Mario. They had decided to work together if possible to defeat the red star. After a long walk they were about to give up when they suddenly heard someone running.

Parakoopa: I hear something and it's coming closer.

Parakoopa *lies down on the ground and listens*

Suddenly he heard a very well-known voice: What are you doing cousin?

Parakoopa *looks up*

Parakoopa: Well, well, well.....Koopa the quick! Haha! What brings you here my friend?

Parakoopa and Koopa the quick hugged each other.

Koopa the quick: I was on my way back to Mushroom Kingdom when I saw the two of you...wait!

Koopa the quick saw Ray and became furious.

Koopa the quick: A Goomba! You know I hate Goomba's after all they did!

He was about to attack Ray when Parakoopa holded him.

Parakoopa: Stop it cousin! This is Ray. He is my friend right now. Together we are on our journey to find Mario.

Koopa the quick calmed down and looked surprised.

Koopa the quick: Mario? I saw him a couple of days ago before he left on his mission. Why do you need him?

Ray: To defeat the red star.

Koopa the quick was even more surprised.

Parakoopa: It's a long story cousin but the red star is dangerous.

Koopa the quick: I know. It almost killed me a couple of days ago. But why do you want to destroy it?

Parakoopa: I don't know if you have time because you are always in a hurry otherwise I would explain it to you.

Koopa the quick: Hmmmm....I don't think I'm in a hurry now but if I can help you and Mario I will gladly join you on your journey.

Parakoopa and Ray and Koopa the quick continues their journey while Parakoopa explained everything to his cousin

Rosliana Nodded at Luigi.

Rosalina: I want to help Luigi that is why i came first Mario must have a reason for letting himself get captured by Bowser.

*Rosaline Nods at Kooper Then looks Back at Luigi making eye contact.

Rosalina: I will try to Answer as Much as I can. Nice to meet you kooper Sadly Luigi i don't know where mario is I get the feeling our quest might lay elswhere at least mine will be. Luigi we might not find him until we find out more about this star. From what I know of this red STar Luigi is it breeds chaos Chaos happens wherever the Star goes. It was once one of my childern like these are.

* she motions to the two juvinlie stars on her back and Starbright in front of them.

"This star was once beaufiul and gave lights to the heavnes but when i am near it i get tons of dark and bad feelings from it Anger sadness fear confusion things i would rather not focus on. I think our best bet it to let Mario work out his plan and we focus on tracking the star Somthing might be connected once we find the Star we might find your brother."

Starbirght : WE are not going to abandon Mario are we Mama ?

Rosalina: i don't know I don't want to. STarbright my dear friend. Mario is beyond my site but i Agree with Kooper he might still be underground with that awful Bowser. I agree I indeed think he is still alive. I think he might be controlling the star somhow.
Escape Attempt:

While Mario and Kolorado sat in there cell, they could hear two gaurds conversing.

Gaurd 1: So when do you think the Star will order the siege of Toad Town and the castle?

Guard 2: How should I know? He's as unpredictable as the wind.

Guard 1: I wish Bowser would just take command and stop acting like puppet to this Star.

Guard 2: Yeah.. well I wish I was home.. but I guess we don't all get what we want.

The two Guards continued to converse.

Mario *turned to Kolorado*

Mario: So he's planning to seige Toad Town.. that's just perfect.. everyone that could possbily defend the castle is either here out in the desert or unware of this plote.

Kolorado: Then it is up to us to warn them.

Mario: Yes.. but how.

Mario *pondered for a moment*

Mario: Oh.. what foolish plumber I've been. This cell is essetially just a pit right?

Kolorado: Yeah...

Mario: I could just do my wall jump and get out.

Mario *smacked his head*

Kolorado: You could have thought of that.. like a couple of hours ago.

Mario: Sorry.. I was little preoccupied in my thoughts.

Kolorado: It happens.. now.. how about you spring us literally from this cell.

Mario: Sounds like good idea.

Mario *walked over to the nearest wall and began to jump*

He jumped and kicked the wall hurtling him towards theo ther wall, from there he kicked again causing him to leap up out of the pit. The two Guards starled turned and prepared to fight.

Guard 1: Darn it! I hate when prisoners figure out how to get out.

Guard 2: We probably should have thought of baring the opening with something.

Mario: Prepare to fight or get out of my way!

Guard 1: Very well..


Koopa Gaurd: HP15 DF:5
Shell Dash: 3d
Shell Shot: 6d

Mario: HP 23 FP15 BP5 EXP:105

Mario *pounces on the first Koopa Gaurd 1 3D and -2HP to Mario*

Guard 1: Hahahaha.. is that all you've got? Your pathetic!

Koopa Guard 1 *Uses Shell dash 3D*

Koopa Guard 2 *Uses Shell dash 3D*

Mario's Turn.

Mario *stands a little weary*

Mario: This is much tuffer than I thought...

Guard 1: Hahaha.. what's a matter hero? Feeling a little weak? Give up now and it can all end.

Mario: Never.. I will not give up!

Mario *pounced on Gaurd 1 3D -2HP*

Gaurd 1: At the rate your going.. the Mushroom Knigdom will already have been taken!

Koopa Gaurd 1 *Uses shell dash again 3D*

Koopa Guard 2 *prepared to uses Shell dash when he slipped 1D*

Gaurd 1: Your embarssing me.. get up!

Mario *chuckled*

Koopa Guard 2 *looked at the floor, there was small pool of water*

Mario was being to feel weary as his HP began to drop. At the rate he was going, he knew defeating both Guards might be possible.

Mario *Pounces on Guard 1 again 3D -2HP*

Koopa Guard 1 *uses Shell shot 5D*

Koopa Guard 2 *does the same 5D*

Mario *Pounces on Guard 1 again 3D -2HP*

Guard 1: Just give up.. save yourself the embrassment of defeat.

Mario: No.. I.. won't

Mario could feel as his HP lowered that his energy was beginning to drop rapidly.

Guard 1: Very well.. suffer more torment if you wish.

Koopa Guard 1 *uses Shell shot 5d*

Koopa Guard 2 *did the same*

*Mario HP now at 1 beyond critical!!!*

Mario began to breath heavily.. he was unable ot focus.. his vision blurred and he collapsed to his knees.

Koopa Guard: Just give up! Why endure this suffeitng any longer?

Mario with all his strength tried to stand back up. He looked the two Koopa Gaurds in the eye.

Gaurd 1 *looked astonished*

Gaurd 1: Do you not see? It's pointless to keep fighting.. you obviously know it by now.. you can't win! Why do you keep fighting?

Mario: Because I choose too...

A lare of anger was in the Koopa's eyes as he dashed towards Mario knocking him back into the cell.

Mario fell into the cell landing upon the stone floor unconcious. Kolorado rushed to his side and attempted to wake him up. But it was no use.

Gaurd 1: Fool.. he should have just gave up...
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Luigi looked at Rosalina.

Luigi: I have the feeling -knowing my brother- he will try to get out. I agree with Kooper. Mario must be somewhere underground.

Kooper: We must decide what to do next. We could get follow the road because I know where those pipes will lead to. But it will be dangerous.

Luigi *looks at Rosalina*

Luigi: Do you think your Juvinile stars can handle another adventure my lady?

Kooper *follows a track*

Kooper: I think the road leads towards this direction

Kooper *points southwards*

Kooper: Hmmm...I must think because if it's true we are going to a complete other direction as we intended to go at first. So let me think for another moment.

Kooper *looks at Rosalina*

Kooper: My lady, do you feel the danger of the red star? And if you do can you tell me from with direction you feel it the most?

Luigi: Why do you ask this Kooper?

Kooper: Because then I know which way we must go.
Luigi looked at Rosalina.

Luigi: I have the feeling -knowing my brother- he will try to get out. I agree with Kooper. Mario must be somewhere underground.

Kooper: We must decide what to do next. We could get follow the road because I know where those pipes will lead to. But it will be dangerous.

Luigi *looks at Rosalina*

Luigi: Do you think your Juvinile stars can handle another adventure my lady?

Kooper *follows a track*

Kooper: I think the road leads towards this direction

Kooper *points southwards*

Kooper: Hmmm...I must think because if it's true we are going to a complete other direction as we intended to go at first. So let me think for another moment.

Kooper *looks at Rosalina*

Kooper: My lady, do you feel the danger of the red star? And if you do can you tell me from with direction you feel it the most?

Luigi: Why do you ask this Kooper?

Kooper: Because then I know which way we must go.

Rosalaina reached out trying to catch the dark feeligns that she was sensing that let her know where the Star was.

*Starbright looked forward uneasily then he looked at the others two were were trebling.

Rosalina: Yes I do Kooper I can sense the Danger. Its coming from the Southeast. But its stronger Northward towards the west I say we head that way.

Starbright Mama do we need to go that way. We are ready for the adventure But we are uneasy about it.

* The two stars on Roslaina's shoulders trembled and twinkled nerovuly and uneasly in agreement with Starbright.

Rosalina: I am not much for danger either But the star needs to be destroyed or Reborn whatever comes first. My dear little freinds we need to stand firm

Rosalina: Met Luigi then koopers eyes we go northwest. That is where i sense the Danger but don't let me detar the way your going to go.

She walked up to stand by Luigi STarbright hovered in front. She met Luigi's eyes

Rosalina: We won't Let Mario down. If we need to go to battle we should be prepared I have some star magic that will protect us. But i don't want to use it all up in the journey there. Therer is bound to be battle on the way up. We need to stick togehter and we will preveil over this.

Starbright looked at Roslaina : Mama i wish i had your confidence.

Chaos dwelling in the main chamber sent for Bowser. Bowser entered the chamber, maknig his way past the seven Dark Star Spirits.

Bowser: You called?

Chaos: The time has come.. assemble your troops.

Bowser *nodded*

Bowser: It shall be done.

As Bowser began to walk away, Chaos haulted him.

Chaos: Oh and Bowser.. I request something else of you.. I want you to leave a regment behiend.

Bowser: With all do respect.. I can't afford to leave one of my regments behiend.. I need all the troops I have to take Toad Town and the Castle.

Chaos: I'm well aware of that.. but I need a regement to stay behiend.. you see your nemisis' friends are on there way here.. I need a regment to intercept them.

Bowser *sighed and growled*

Bowser: Very well.. but I don't like this one bit.

Bowser *left the chamber irritated and in a huff*

Bowser headed bakc deep within the tunnels, where he found several of hsi regements. Bowser assembled them and lead them to pipline. One regement he todl to stay behined. Bowser and his army entered the pipe. Fro mthere they made there way through the sewers to the pipe that leads to Toad Town. IT was twilight in Toad town and everything seemed peaceful. Some of the Guards where on patrol.

Guard 1: I wonder where Mario is right now? I wonder if he found the evil star?

Guard: Who knows? All I know is I wish I was on a adventure myself.. It's so boring around here.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. The pipelien began to spit out hordes of Dry Bones. The two Gaurds looked in horror. They retreated to the castle where they woarned the other guards. Coming out of the pipe last was Bowser who growled.

Bowser: Take the town, then head to the castle!

The Dry Bones poured through the town, breaking into homes and scaring off the home owners. Several where cpatured or harmed. Soem tried ot fight back, but in the end they where overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Once the Town was secured, the Dry boens Army pressed on to the castle. There on the grey brick walls was station Toads with spears. Up in the tower Peach looked down in horror. It was like sea of Dry Bones all marching towards the castle. There numbers where uncountable. Behiend them there master stood proud and with smile. Peach looked at the tall Skeleton Kopa behiend them, she couldn't be sure.. but something about hi mwas familar.

Bowser *pointed at the castle*

Bowser: Charge!

The Dry Bones rushed like wave towards the castle. Stones and debris was drooped from the walsl above. Several Dry Bones broke in scatter piles of bones. The rest broke into two seperate units. One unit rsuhed the mai ngate, theo ther began climbing the walls. When the reach the top they where afronted by Taods with spears who tried there best to knock them off or break them into bone piles. The Toads where vicotrious at first, but the hordes they defeated just rose from piles and came back together. The Toads where overwhelmed and quickly defeated. The main gate remained closed, the Dry Bones army couldn't break through it. Bowser came up behiend them.

Bowser: Move out of the way!

Bowser *with his giant sized skeleton body hammered the gate*

The Gate shook and banged. Behiend it was several Toads trying to barrcade it. Suddenly the gate broke open flinng the two doors past the Toads. Bowers' red eyes peered upon them and then opening his mouth wide he blew a stream of fire. The flames consumed amjaority of the Toads causing them to catch on fire. Bowser and his Army made there way into the first hall, they broke thorugh wave after wave of guards. Nothing seemed able to stop them.

Bowser: This is too easy..

Bowser and his Dry bone Army flooded into the next hall, there they where met with great reistance. Several Toads had assemled some cannons. The Toads opened fire, several Bullet bills hurrled towards Bowser and the Dry Bones. THe Bullet bills broek through the lines, causing heaps of and piles of bones to trai lto the door.

Bowser *ferious.. charged*

He grabbed one of cannons and lifted it. He then pointed it at the other two and fired. The two cannons exploded into hundreds of pieces. He then began to use the cannon agaisnt the Toads, opening fire on any target he could see. At last he reached the third door, where he used the cannon to blow hole through. Several Taods holdingu p behiend the door hurrled into the air. Bowser pressed through with his Dry bone Army behiend him. The Dry bones charged and overtook any straglers. At last Bowser came to the final door, he blew it open and procceded inside. There he saw the lovely Peach horrfied.

Bowser: Honey I'm home! Hello darling.. miss me?

Peach *looked at Bowser in utter disgust*

Peach: Bowser!

Bowser: Yup.. I surrvied.. arn't you happy? Afterall we are husband and wife.

Peach: Only in your sick fantasies Bowser.. I could never marry somone like you.

Bowser: Oh.. don't say that.. I know your just mad I left in hurry.. but now I have come back to resume are relationship.

Peach: Ugh.. you disgust me.. I'm not talking to you anymore.

Bowser: Have it your way.. Princess.. but I assure you.. this time no one will be coming to save you.

Peach: Your wrong.. when MArio learns what you've done. .he'l lcome for me.

Bowser: Guwhahahaha. .that's rich.. but I'm afraid your wrong.. he has failed and now lays in a cell.. ooh that rhytmned.

Peach: I don't believe you.. your a liar!

Bowser: Oh don't call me that.. darling.. you shouldn't say things you'll regret.. afterall I will soon be King of Mushroom Kingdom and I shall need a queen.

Peach: I wouldn't be your queen if you where the last Kopa on earth! I'd rather die!

Bowser: Don't say that.. Princess.. for you'll be surpised what you'll be willing to do for your people.

Bowser *turned and revealed several surrender Toads, some where bunrt*

Bowser: Now.. Princess.. let us negotiate.

Bower *Had a vile look in his eyes and terrible smeark on his Skull*
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Luigi and Kooper agreed.

Kooper: You're right my lady. We better save all our power and supplies for the times we need them the most. We better avoid large troops.

Luigi looked at Rosalina.

Luigi: I'm glad you came to help us Rosalina. We are having a long and dangerous way ahead of us. I hope you won't get tired of this long journey.

Kooper: I think our lady can handle more than you expect Luigi. I agree with you. The way is long and dangerous.

Kooper and Luigi each stand at one side of Rosalina and Kooper checked the area.

Kooper: Alright, let us go to that direction...northwest.

Kooper *looks at the ground and starts to walk*

Luigi and Rosalina *follows*


Ray and Parakoopa had explained everything to Koopa the quick.

Koopa the quick: The last time I saw Mario he was about to leave for the Dry dry ruins. The way was long but I don't know if he had taken the road above the ground opr underground.

Ray: We left a couple of days from Jr's Castle. And we walked above the ground. We have not seen any footsteps in the sand.

Parakoopa: The trails could have been erased by the wind at night Ray.

Ray: That's true but we walked a long way during daytime and we didn't feel any wind except wind. Remember Kamek was the first who complained about water?

Parakoopa: You are right! I remember Kamek sneaky took some water because it was so terribly hot and there was no wind at all.

Ray: Mario has not left that much before us I think. According to our spies he must have left a bit before we did.

Koopa the quick *thinks deeply*

Koopa the quick: Suppose Mario has taken the pipelines underground. How far would he have come now? How long are you on your way?

Ray: About two days or three?

Parakoopa: Yes, I think this is the thirth day.

Koopa the quick: Then I know where he should be right now. Come on!

Koopa the quick *also looks at the ground and follows a path*

Parakoopa: Wait cousin! Not that fast!

Koopa the quick *turns around and wait till Ray and Parakoopa join him*

Meanwhile back in the Dungeon, Kolorado did his best to try and help Mario.

Kolorado *shook Mario*

Kolorado: Mario! Mario! Wake up!

It was no use, Mario was out cold. Nothing save mushroom could save him now.

Kolorado *began to pace back and forth in the cell*

Kolorado: Come on.. there's gotta be something I can do.

Kolorado *turned his attentio nback to Mario*

Suddenly like light bulb, a thought came to Kolorado. He went into his shell and began rumbling about. His shell bounced up and down as he searched. Papers and other minor trinkets came flyingo ut of his holes in his shell. Finally he popped his head back out alnog with his hands and feet. In hand he held a red and Green Mushroom. He took it over to Mario and attempted to get him to eat it. This was diffcult process because Mario couldn't move his mouth or swallow. Kolorado had shove it down his throat and make him chew. At first there was no change. Kolorado began to loose hope and turned away. Suddenly Mario's eyes began to slowly open.

Mario *moaned*

Kolorado *turned around*

Kolorado: Mario! Your awake!

Mario: ..oh... uh.. my head hurts.

Kolorado: Just be glade your in once piece.

Mario *blinked*

Mario tried to sit up, but he was still in too much pain. Kolorado settled him.

Kolorado: Take it easy.. you need your rest.

Mario: How can I rest.. when evil is brewing and the fate of Mushroom Kingdom hangs in the balence.

Kolorado: You have no choice.. your in no condition to fight.

Mario *coughs*

Kolorado: It is best if you just rest for now.. you can worry about everthing later.

Mario: Maybe your right.. I barley can sit up.

It was a hard truth to accept, Mario was at the moment immoblized. He couldn't stand to take on a Goomba in his condition. Instead he would have to lay his duty aside and rest for a while.

Luigi and Kooper agreed.

Kooper: You're right my lady. We better save all our power and supplies for the times we need them the most. We better avoid large troops.

Luigi looked at Rosalina.

Luigi: I'm glad you came to help us Rosalina. We are having a long and dangerous way ahead of us. I hope you won't get tired of this long journey.

Kooper: I think our lady can handle more than you expect Luigi. I agree with you. The way is long and dangerous.

Kooper and Luigi each stand at one side of Rosalina and Kooper checked the area.

Kooper: Alright, let us go to that direction...northwest.

Kooper *looks at the ground and starts to walk*

Luigi and Rosalina *follows*


Ray and Parakoopa had explained everything to Koopa the quick.

Koopa the quick: The last time I saw Mario he was about to leave for the Dry dry ruins. The way was long but I don't know if he had taken the road above the ground opr underground.

Ray: We left a couple of days from Jr's Castle. And we walked above the ground. We have not seen any footsteps in the sand.

Parakoopa: The trails could have been erased by the wind at night Ray.

Ray: That's true but we walked a long way during daytime and we didn't feel any wind except wind. Remember Kamek was the first who complained about water?

Parakoopa: You are right! I remember Kamek sneaky took some water because it was so terribly hot and there was no wind at all.

Ray: Mario has not left that much before us I think. According to our spies he must have left a bit before we did.

Koopa the quick *thinks deeply*

Koopa the quick: Suppose Mario has taken the pipelines underground. How far would he have come now? How long are you on your way?

Ray: About two days or three?

Parakoopa: Yes, I think this is the thirth day.

Koopa the quick: Then I know where he should be right now. Come on!

Koopa the quick *also looks at the ground and follows a path*

Parakoopa: Wait cousin! Not that fast!

Koopa the quick *turns around and wait till Ray and Parakoopa join him*

Rosalina Sends Starbright ahead of them to try to track thru and spy ahead of them in case the need to make a move

Roslina looks at Luigi Your welcome Luigi any time i can help. When I am available to kooper your fight i can take more then you think. I am not as fragile as I look.

Starbright: My freinds Roslina can take alot more then you think she can.

*He lead them on he trailed near Kooper where he was ahead of them.
Ambush in the Desert:

Deep underneath the sands of desert, a regment of Dry Bones marched to the main chamber. There they where greeted by Chaos who had the Dark Star Spirits surronding him. Chaos hover towards the regment.

Chaos *looked at the troops with his peircing golden eyes*

Chaos: You.. few have been left behiend.. for important assigment. There are enemies in the desert.. and they are making there way here. You objective is to thwart there efforts and stop them with any means nessary. Oh.. and beware.. one of them is especially dangerious.. she bares a wand and wares blue dress.. for her I will send two Star Spirits.

Chaos *turned to the Corrupted forms of Skolar and Muskstar*

Dark Skolar and Muskstar broke from the cricle and presented themselves.

Chaos: They will insure.. that she does not reach the Ruins... now are they any questions?

One of the Dry Bones *raised his skeleton hand*

Chaos: Yes...

Dry Bones: Gwa crackle va ba..

Chaos: Uh,, forget the questions.. just go!

The Two Dark Star Spirits hovered over the regment of Dry bones. A cloud of smoke trailed them. The Dry bones Regment through the use of tunnels made there way to surface. On the outside a strong wind blew causing a sand storm. The Dry bones began to rise out of the sand, looking like dead beings come out of ancient fgraves. They began walked through the storm and down the dune. Stay high above them was the two Dark star Spirits, they hide with the gust of sand. The Dry bones themselves where hardly visible, only looking like shadows upon the sand. As they marched, ahead they could see in the distance travlers. One was as Chaos had described, clade in bright blue. Around her was several Juvinal Stars. Infront was a tall plumber who resembled Mario, and next to him was Kopa.

The Dry Bones signaled each other to hide. They all delved into the sand like salamanders. Then once under the sand they went into their shells and began to slide down the dune. On the surface it looked like wide moving lines in the sand. The Dry Bones regment broke off into groups of two, covering a wide spread of the dune. At last they stopped and waited. They could hear the enemy close by muttering whispers. The vibrations of there feet shook the ground underneath. The Dry Bones waited, until at last the virations where right on top of them. Suddenly the Dry Bones sprung from underneath the sand and surrounded the group.

The Dry boens regment made giant circle around them, blocking anyway out. from above the Two Dark Star Spirits engaged Rosalina. It was a perfect ambush.


Dark Skolar: HP?? DF:?
Star Storm 7d
Corrupt 35d + Weakens enemy's defense level.
Dark Star Beam 50d

Dark Muskstar: HP?? DF:?
Comet 8d
Corrupt 35d
Star Collision 56d

Dry Bones: HP: 15X5 DF:4
Bone Throw 5d
Shell Shot 10d
Ressurection *Allows the Dry Bones to ressemble*
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Rosalina' first battle

*Starbright hovers towards Rosalina

Starbright Mama I see two dark stars coming your way and a whole legion of Sketal koopa;s coming our way. Two of the Dark Stars are targeting you.

Rosliana: Thank you Starbright so it begins.


Se 100 Dp 7 Hp 100

Primary Attack Star storm

*Rosalina Waves her wand sending a Starstorm on Skoler and Musktar and Three Skeltal koops. The Stars whirl from the tip of her wand and lighting flashes between the stars as they spin and a loud noise like clap of thunder is heard all around them. As Rosalina takes her aim at the two dark Stars.

Rosalina uses Starstorm -3 Hp 100 Dp 7 Se 97
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What to do next

Kooper turned to Luigi.

Kooper: We are attacked! What's going on here? How did they find us?

Luigi: I think it must have been this evil star!

Kooper: I think you're right my friend. But what are we doing now? I mean if we are captured they will lead us to Mario but on the other hand...who is going to free all of us if we are captured?

Luigi: What??? Do you mean they will bring us to the same place where Mario is? But what if they don't?

Kooper: That's it. We aren't sure if they will capture us. They also might kill us. I would say we could let uselfs to be captured then they will bring us to Mario but because it's uncertain yet I think we better go to defend ourselves. Rosalina is doing a great job but we can't let her do this all alone.

Luigi: She has already defeated half of the troops *shock*

Kooper: Yes, she has more powers than we will ever have but we must do something too.

Kooper ran towards the enemy to start the defense.


Koopa the quick ran faster and faster. Ray and Parakoopa had troubles to stay close behind him.

Parakoopa: Koopa...wait! WAIT!

Koopa the quick *suddenly stops*

Ray and Parakoopa *reach him*

Koopa the quick: They must be somewhere near us now.

Koopa *walks on and suddenly points his finger*

Koopa the quick: Over there!

Ray and Parakoopa * sees a large troop of dry bones and two strange stars*

Ray: They are attacked!

Parakoopa: Where is Mario?

Koopa the quick: We must do something!

Parakoopa: Who is she?

Ray: I know her. She is Rosalina. That's the one who helped Mario when Bowser sent Peach into space.

Parakoopa: She certainly knows how to fight.

Ray *mumbles*: Yep...she does. I don't know if I'm so happy to see her. You see I was on Bowser's side of course.

Parakoopa: Forget it for now Ray! We mus unite with them if we want to defeat this star and get Bowser back. Enemies or not, we are on the same side now.


Kooper *25HP, 15FP, 100DP*
Luigi *25HP, 20FP, 80 DP*

Kooper * jumps on the dry bones heads*
5x 2DP, total 10DP

Luigi *jumps on each Dry bones head and does ground pound them*
5x 10 DP, total 50 DP

Then suddenly Ray jumps up and runs towards Luigi.

Kooper: Luigi! Watch out! You are going to be attacked by a Goomba!

Luigi * Turns around and sees Ray running towards him*

Ray *bumbs Luigi very hard with his head*

Luigi *falls on the ground*

Ray *jumps on him*

Luigi *wants to get up*

Ray: Stay there if you want to live!

A large boomerang flies over at the place Luigi was standing before.

Ray: If you were standing there you would have been hit by the boomerang.

Luigi: Why did you save me?

Ray: Because we need you. We need Mario. Where is he?

Luigi: I don't think we have time to talk about this now. We have an enemy to defeat.

Luigi and Ray *get up*

There are coins everywhere. All dry bones defeated by Rosalina have left coins behind and some useful items.

Luigi *quickly collects all coins and items*

A total of 50 coins and three mushrooms. 1up mushroom, full life mushroom and giant mushroom.

Koopa the quick: There are coming more! We can't defeat them all.

Kooper: I don't have much DP left so we must get away but where?

Koopa the quick: Come on! I know a way out!

Koopa the quick *runs a bit further and start to dig quickly with his hands*

A green pipe is revealed.

Koopa the quick: Come on! If we jump in this pipe, we will be underground. We will head directly towards the Dry ruins.

Luigi: But we have been underground before. And there we were attacked by Dry bones and Bowser.

Kooper: That was on the other side. I think Koopa is right. We have no other choice. We must follow him and jump in this pipe.

Koopa the quick *jumps in the pipe followed by Ray, Parakoopa and Kooper.

Luigi *runs towards Rosalina and grabs her arm*

Luigi: Come my lady! We must get away quick!
Fleeing The Battle scene

*Rosalina Nodded at Luigi

Rosalina Grabs Luigi's hand and calls for her stars to come to her. They jump on her shoulders and Starbright leaps into her hand.

Starbright : Mama are we just going to leave those two dark stars.
Shouldn't you try to save them or redeem them.

Roslaina : Starbright if it was just me and you I would. But there is more at stake. But Luigi and his freinds are powered down and low on defense points i won' risk them. Besides it might not do any good if there still under the influences of Bowser and Chaos. Plus I don't waht to reveal who i am to Bowser and Chaos Yet until its time.

Roslaina and Starbright followed Luigi to the pipe They leaped inside.
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The Plan Unfolds:

News of Bowser's successful campaign to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom reached back to The Chaos Star in Dry Dry Ruins.

Kopa Messanger: Bowser has taken the castle and outer laying towns. The Invasion is a success.

Chaos: Exellent. Everything is going as planned. We can now move to the final phase. Shadow Spirits! Mobilize.

The Shadow Spirits rose into air. A brigh white glow surrounded each one and in blink they where gone.

Chaos: I shall go to Mushroom Kingdom myself.

Chaos paused for a moment, as if in deep thought. He thne spoke anew.

Chaos: Release the prisoners.

Kopa: Um.. exuse me?

Chaos: Did you not hear what I said? I said release the Plumber and Archaelogist.

Kopa: As you wish.. but..

Chaos: On second thought.. bring the Plumber to me. He shall come with me and witness the main event.

Kopa: Yes.. great one.

The Kopa headed down to prison cells where he met the guards.

Kopa: The Great Star wishs for the prisoners to be released.

The Guards opened the seal above the pit. Below Kolorado opened his eyes and looked up.

Koopa Gaurd 1: Hey.. down there.. wake up. Your being released.

Kolorado stood up in amazment. A rope was tossed down to them. Kolorado procceded to wake Mario up. Mario was still very weary and mushroom he had recieved only healed minor wounds. Mario struggled to regain his strength. In the end Kolorado had to tie him to robe and have Guards pull him up. Once Mario was up, Kolorado climbed up the rope. Since Mario couldn't easily stand, the Gaurds took his arms and lead him out of prison. Kolorado began to make fuss.

Kolorado: Where are you taking him?

Kopa: Calm down. You have been released. You may go as you please.

Kolorado: What about Mario?

Kopa: Don't worry about him. He will be well cared for.

Kolorado didn't trust this Kopa, but he had no choice. He was not capable of putting up a fight. Especially against this Star.

Mario was brought into the main chamber. The Guards dropped him before The Chaos Star.

Chaos looked at him with disapproval.

Chaos: What is this? He is injured.

Koopa Guard: He tried to escape.. oh great one. We had to ruff em up a bit.

Chaos: Fools! He was not to be harmed!

Chaos suddenly exploded in outburst of rage, emmiting bolts of red lightning that struck the two gaurds and lifted them into the air.

Koopa Guards: Have mercy! Have mercy!

Chaos: Mercy isn't in my nature.

Suddenly the Chaos Star's eyes turned black and the two Gaurds dissingrated. Chaos then turned it's attention to Mario. Who looked weak and upon brink of fainting. Chaos suddenly emmited blue glow from his body, that surroudned the plumber. Mario felt his body surge. All his wounds began to disspear, along with the pain and weariness. The glow subsided. Mario looked at his hands and then took breath. He felt rejuvianated. He felt alive again. Infact he felt so good, he couldn't withhold shouting it out.

Mario: Wahoo!

Chaos smiled.

Chaos: Feeling better?

Mario: Yes.. fantastic. But.. I don't understand.

Chaos: What do you not understand?

Mario: Why you healed me.

Chaos laughed.

Chaos: Because I need you at your best for the final event.

Mario: Final event?

Chaos: Yes.. the climax to all my efforts.

Mario: And you want me to be ready for it?

Chaos: Yes.. You have a key role to play in my plans.

Mario: What role?

Chaos: Undoing them.

Mario: Huh? You want me to actually stop you?

Chaos: Not exactly.. I want you to play.. to try to stop me.

Mario: Why?

Chaos: Because otherwise.. It wouldn't be fun. There must always be a counterwieght.. a opposite to balence it out.

Mario: Balence what out?

Chaos: You will see.. but time is pressing.. you must come with me to Mushroom Kingdom. There your questions will be answered.

Mario: Very well.. I will go.

With that a bright purple votrex began to surround Chaos. Mario stepped towards him. And in blinking of eye they vanished.
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Luigi and the others landed on a soft ground. They stood up and looked around,

Luigi: " I can't believe it!"
Ray: " What is it...ehm...I see what you mean!"

They looked again. Parakoopa and Koopa the Quick joined Luigi and Ray. Everything was empty. They couldn't see anything than pipes and more pipes.

Luigi: " Look over here.....we were chased by troops of dry bones but now they all seem to have left".

Parakoopa: " What happened? Why have they disappeared or what made them disappear?"

Luigi: " Not even a trace is left!"

Ray: " This is odd. I swear Bowser would have been here and look..even the ruins they left are gone!"

Rosalina stood next to Luigi and looked around as well.

Luigi looked at her: " My lady, I wonder what has happened. I would almost think it's a dream but the only thing that's missing is my brother"

They had no clue why this so sudden happened and they decided to follow the pipes anyway because there wasn't much left to do
RosalinA's decision AND THE NEXT MOVE

It seems that wherever they were they must have cleaned up there mess and bowser is planning his next move. But my gut tells me we need to head back, It seems the stars have darkened further back.

Starbright mama want me to go ahead of us and see if i can find them

Roslina Might be a good idea my little freind.

We need to just follow them and it think we can find your brother my friend *She touched Luigi's shoulder. We will get Mario back i promise you that

Starbright leaped off her shoulder

Rosalina when you find somthing starbright twinke twice to let us know

Starbirgith nodded yes mama Rosalina turned towards luigi.

I think chaos might be planning his final attack but we just need to track where they are we will let him move to attack. We will wait for Starbrgin's signal

Starbight mama i will be worried about you though will you be okay
I will twinkle three times if i see there moving to attack.

"Rosalina of couse i will starbright.That is good plan my little one and my dearest one"
Agressive Negotations:

Back at the castle. Bowser was with Princess Peach in her chambers.

Bowser: Now Princess.. you have to think of your people. Haven't they already suffered enough?

Peach: I won't sign your treaty. I will not give the Mushroom Kingdom over to you willingly.

Bowser: I urge you to reconsider Princess.

Peach: I will not.

Bowser: Then your people shall suffer!

Bowser made singnal to the Dry bones troopas. They opened the dooirs. brought in where two Toads.

Bowser: Now Princess., you shall have to watch these two pay the price for your stubbroness.

Bowser marched over to them and held his claw to one of Toad's face.

Bowser: Last chance Princess..

Peach remained silent, but generally conserned for both of Toads.

Bowser began to torture trhe Toad by beating and claw at his face. The Toad cried out in agony. Bowser then grabbed one of Taods by neck and carried him over to the blacony. He then lifted him up on railing.

Bowser: Now Princess.. you must make a choice. Save this Toad's life or lute him die!

Peach was unable to control herself.

Peach: stop! Please don't hurt him. I'll do anything.

Bowser brought the Toad back over railing and dropped him.

Bowser: Now.. Princess.. about that treaty..
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Ooc: Brilliant post Jeff!!!

Luigi and his friends had walked and walked but there was nothing to see. They couldn't understand. Because they were underground they didn't see what has happened a while ago. They couldn't have seen much either because it was way too far away.
After a while Luigi started to get bored a bit and he kicked against a hollow Shield which belonged to one of the dry koopa's. The shield hitted a pipe and came back topwards Ray. Ray kicked it against another pipe and then the shield returned towards Kooper. Suddenly they all started to laugh and began to play a game.

Kooper:" Hey! I know it's fun but shouldn't we continue?"
Koopa the Quick: " But where can we go? I mean everybody seemed to have left".
Kooper: " If everybody has gone here should they also have disappeared above the ground?"
Luigi: " Let us check!"

Soon they all entered the pipe which would lead up above the ground. And when they came above the ground they saw nothing besides the usual desert and a couple of old skeletons.

Luigi: " I wonder where we must go now. I mean we have no more indication. What happened to them but more important...what happened to my dear brother Mario?"
The Beginning of the End:

Princess Peach sighed as she took ahold of a pen. She looked at the treaty with mornfulness. She began to press the point of pen on the line, when suddenly there was geat flash of purple light. She and everyone in room was blinded.

Bowser: Guwwah.. what is it now?

a vortex opened and behold was The Chaos Star and Mario.

As the light faded away, Bowser looked upon them in dismay.

Peach: Mario!

Peach became so glad to see Mario, that she soon forgot about the dreadful treaty.

Bowser: What is this? Why did you bring him here?

Chaos: He is apart of the plan.

Bowser: Apart of the plan? What part coudl he possbily play? Other than to die horribly.

Chaos: His fate is not to die.. not yet anyways.

Bowser looked at Chaos with doubt and cotempt. He didn't like this, not at all. Hsi arch-nemisis being spared and allowed to roam free.

Mario looked at Peach, who seemed happy, despite the situation. His mere presence had seemed to alter her mood. But Mario's midn was not at ease like hers. He was full of doubt and uncertainty. This play by Chaos confused him. He had no idea what he had planned for him. Mario was not use to uncertanity and he was espeically perplexed that this Dark Star wanted him to resisit, to fight him and his plan. How odd indeed to be apart of a plan to undo the plan.

Chaos hovered over to Princess Peach. He looked at her with curiosity. He thne turned back to Mario. He seemed interested by something.

Bowser: We tarry to long.. the Princess must sign the treaty.

Mario: What treaty?

Peach: A treaty to render Mushroom Kingdom to Bowser.

Mario: What! You can't do that!

Bowser: I'm afraid she shall have to.. her people's lives depend on it.

Mario: I won't lute you have Mushroom Kingdom Bowser! Not on my life!

Bowser: Guwhahaha.. I'm afraid there is nothing you can do.. the Princess had sworn she would.

Mario: There won't be a treaty to sign.. if I stop you!

Bowser: Guwhaha.. brave old fool.. you can't hope to defeat me. I am immortal!

Mario did not heed Bowser's words. Instead he rush him and attacked. MArio hit Bowser across the skull and then again he kicked him inchest knocking him backward.

Bowser: Guwhahaha..

Bowser undamaged by the attack, returned a blazing inferno. MArio dodged. But before Mario could lay another blow, chaos intterupted.

Chaos: Let's not be premature.. there is still time for quarral and conflict. But now is the time to reveal that which shall determin the ending.

Everyone was slient.

Chaos: You all have wondered about my purpose.. and I have made it clear in action. But you know very little of what I intend to do. My plans are even hidden from you King of Kopas.

Bowser snorted as irritated.

Chaos: Now.. let it be revealed.

A bright red light began to shimemr around chaos.

He spoke in a new tone.

Chaos: I have existed.. for aeons.. my purpose has been to bring upredictability into your world.. to shake the fathoms of your preceived outlook. I have come to challenge.. to change.. everything.

Chaos then looked at Mario.

Chaos: I must thank this Plumber.. It is because of him.. I have come.

Everyone looked at Mario.

Chaos: Do you not see it.. He represents the anthitisis of my purpose.. he is the counter weight to me. He is the predictability.. the one preception that thinks only of peace and freedom. Without him or those like him I cannot exist. There must be predictability for unpredictability to exist.

Everyone remaiend silent. There's faces where blank, as if they where in an enchatnemnt.

Chaos: Thus why I have spared you.. I need you for the present.

Mario was silent. He was obviously deep in thought. Finally he spoke.

Mario: It makes sense..

Bowser: It does?

Mario: Yes.. at first a bit confusing.. but now I get it.

Peach: Mario..

Mario: Chaos.. you say you need me.. that I understand.. but there is one question that plauges my mind.

Chaos: Yes?

Mario: Why me? Surely there are others who want the same thing.. that fight just as I do.

Chaos: The answer to your question.. lies within.

Mario paused. Then he seemed by his nodding that he understood.

Chaos: You do not merely fight for order and peace.. you are embodiment of it. You will die for it.. whiles others will only fight for it. Your every breath.. pours out hope that the predictability.. the peace will be retained.

This it was revealed. Mario part to play in it all. The battle of wills would soon begin. THe climax of the story at hand.
Still sign

Luigi and Ray were talking a bit about what had happened.

Luigi: " Well, me and Mario went to the Princess her castle when suddenly this happened. Toads were attacked and it was a chaos"

Ray: " We had to leave to Dry Ruins because some archeologists had disappeared".

Luigi: " Did they ever find them back?"

Ray: " Not that we know of and I doubt if we will ever know because everything seems to be back to normal over here but were are those who disappeared?"

They walked on. After a while they decided to return.

Parakoopa: " There is nothing left for us to search for. Well at least not here. We can check everything again but all is empty. We don't need to go underground but it will be quite handy if we are getting hot because after all this is a desert".

Luigi: " But what happened to the Dry Bones who already lived here before this chaos thing came to disturb everything?"

Parakoopa: " If only we knew....."

And so they continued theirn journey. After a while they decided to go underground because the Desert was very hot.
The Climax Part I:

Chaos hovered to the centre of room.

Chaos: Now it is time.. for the final climax to begin! But first there are some that must join us..

Meanwhile back in Pipeline beneath Dry Dry Desert. A Shadow crept about in darkness. It peered with It's cold blue eyes at the unique group of characters. It could see one which was tall.. clad in green.. resembling a plumber. Next to him was a goomba who when he spoke, empored an attitude. But catching the gaze of this hidden one, was the Lady sparking bright blue who held a wand. The Shadow sunk further back into the darkness.

Then with flicker a purplish light emitted in shadows. It began to engulf the entire area consuming everything. It was a vortex and it devoured them all.

Back at castle a bright light blinded everyone and behold stood Luigi, Rosalina and Ray.

Chaos looked at them curiously. he especially paid attention to Rosalina.

Chaos: Welcome all.. to the main event. You have been brought here to be witness the climax.

Chaos hovered into the air and bright blast of red shook the room. Suddenly the roof and all the walls disappeared. Above them was now the stars. The entire top half of the castle was gone.. as if cut perfectly off.

Chaos ascended into the star filled sky, surrounding him were the Shadow Spirits.

Chaos: Now.. let it begin!

The Shadow Stars began to circle him. A bright flash lite the sky. Then descended to the ground was a figure. It was clad in a black-like robe with a hood. For a face there was big red star, with bright golden eyes. Upon it's torso was black-like chest piece with eight stars upon it. reaching out of long sleeves where two stars that bent like hands. It hovered above the ground, not needing legs or feet.

Chaos: Behold.. my new form.

Mario looked at it in astonishment. It looked to him not like a star but more like a king.. a king of Chaos.

Chaos turned to Bowser.

Chaos: The Red plumber is mine. . The rest are to do with as you wish.

Bowser: Grrr.. I would rather crush him myself.. But I'll settle for now. Besides me and the Princess have something that needs to be settled.

Chaos then turned back to Mario.

Chaos: Shall we begin?

Mario stepped forward from the edge and made ready. Mario's eyebrows bent in v shape as he clutched his fists. As Chaos's star hands began to spin and glow, Mario thrust forward leaping into the air fist first. Mario and chaos landed a blow to each other, causing them to both hurtled backwards. Chaos stopped in mid air, while Mario landed barely upon the edge of the castle.

Princess Peach ran to him. But Mario signaled her to stay back. He stood up with some trouble. For moment he was unable to catch his breath. Chaos suddenly sprang upon him landing another blow.

Mario hurled into air, with Chaos landing more blows upon him. Chaos then generated energy from his star hand and blasted Mario into the ground.

Chaos landed before the crater.

Chaos: Come on! Your making this too easy!

Mario suddenly shot from crater like from cannon and hit Chaos full force hurling them both into the air. Chaos smiled and grabbed a hold of Mario, taking him into the stratosphere. Meanwhile down below Bowser took a hold of Princess Peach. His Dry Bones soldiers began to surround the others.

Bowser: Now Princess.. It is time you signed the treaty.

Peach: Never.. I will never sign it!

Bowser: Oh you will sign it.. I'll make sure of that!

Bowser grabbed Peach's hand and then the treaty. He looked at the others.

Bowser: You'll have to excuse the Princess and me.. we have a prior engagement. guwhahahaha!

Bowser then holding Peach's arm forced her to jump off the balcony,

Browser: Fair well..

Bowser signaled his Dry bones troopers to attack, while he leapt off the balcony.
Dozens of Dry Bones surrounded Luigi, Rosalina and ray. Alas the battle had begun and fate of Mushroom Kingdom in the balance.
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