Paper Mario The RPG:

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Luigi *LV1 HP25 FP15 BP5 EXP12*

Luigi tried to hide when they were attacked by a Shy Guy bandit. He saw how Mario and their fellow compagnon were attacked. Luigi was shaking. He looked from behind a tree.
Suddenly the Shy Guy Bandit sneaked upon him and hit him in the back 2d.
His remaining HP is 23.
Luigi picked himself up and jumped up. Luigi *jumps up in the air and lands on the head of Shy Guy Bandit* 2d.
Shy Guy *rushes up to Luigi* and Parrakarry *grabs green shell and tosses it to Luigi*. Luigi *kicks shell towards Shy Guy who gets hurt* The green shell is tossed back towards Parrakarry. Parakarry *kicks shell towards Shy Guy*.
Shy Guy has been damaged with a total of 4D and has left 5 HP.
Green shell *hits Shy Guy again and is coming towards Luigi*.
Luigi *kicks the shell again and the last damage is done to Shy Guy*.
Shy guy * vanishes and a coin appears*.

Luigi: We can use these Mario. You'll never know what we can expect.

Luigi *grabs coin*. Parakarry, Mario and Luigi shake hands and continue their journey.


A couple of miles away the Goomba's were reaching the Castle of Bowser jr.
There were a lot of troops standing at the front door waiting till they knew what their mision would be.

The door *opens*. Bowser jr *appears*.

Bowser jr never did the talk himself. He always used a spokesman to do the job. In this case Kamek appeared. Kamek *holds a paper and reads it*

Kamek: Goomba's and Koopa's. Bowser jr the King of Koopa's have a task for you. As you all know a couple of archeologists have discovered something. But they have vanished but we all know they've run away because they don't want to share their treasure. So that's why me, King Bowser jr the great, have decided to catch them all and bring them back to the Castle.

Ray and his fellow Goomba's started to laugh.

Ray: Of course they disappeared! I would do the same if I've found a treasure. Only idiots are sharing this treasure.

Kamek: Silence!

Kamek *continues to read paper*

Kamek: That's why I gathered you all here. I'm not going to send all of you to the Dry ruines. I'm not a fool you know! I only want a group of 20 Goomba's to go there and they are joined by 10 Koopa's.

The Koopa's wanted to leave already when they heard they had to join too.

Kamek: So now I'm going to form the troops.

Ray *turns around*

Fellow Goomba: What are you doing Ray?

Ray: Don't ask stupid questions you fool. Can't you see these idiots of parakoopa's are gathering the troops?

Fellow Goomba: What does this suppose to mean?


Ray *turns to his fellow Goomba*

Ray: That's why. I knew it!
Princess Daisy was walking to Princess peach's castle when she saw her old friends fighting.

Daisy: I wonder what's going on there?
Mushroom Kingdom Here We Come!

Mario watched as his brother hid behiend a tree. He chuckled al ittle as the Shy Guy Bandit circled aroudn the tree and stuck Luigi. When Luigi finally decided ot retaliate, Parakarry stepped in to help. He offered his shell to Luigi, woh in turn chucked it at the Shy Guy Bandit. After another toss the Bandit poofed into smoke and was gone leaving only coins behiend.

*Post battle Results*

Mario: LV1 HP25 FP15 BP5 EXP26

Parakarry: HP25 FP15 EXP15

Mario *walked over to help Luigi gather the coins*

Mario: Not bad bro.. you really showed that Bandit.

Luigi *turned to Parakarry to thanked him for his assistance*

Parakarry: It was nothing..

Mario: Well we better get moving.. it's almost evening.

Mario and his companions started there journey anew. They didn't run into any further resistance on the road. They arrived in Goomba Village were they were greeted by many excited little Goombas. One elderly Goomba approached them and looked at Mario. He suddenly jumped up and down.

Elder Goomba: Mario?

Mario *turned his attention to the Elderly Goomba*

He looked at his blue hat and istantly recongnized him.

Mario: Goombario? Is that you?

Goombario *nodded as he approached Mario*

Goombario: Yes it is me old friend.. It's so good to see you!

Mario *nodded and gave his old friend quick hug*

Mario: It's been too long old friend..

Parakarry *interupted Mario and Goombario's conversation*

Parakarry: Exuse me Goombario, sorry for interupting.. but I have letter for you.

Parakarry *grabbed a letter from his sack and presented it Goombario*

Goombario *took it and read it*

Goombario: It's from my sister.. Goombaria.. she's still out in Dry Dry Desert exploring. She's so lucky.. I haven't been on an adventure in a long time.

Parakarry *whispered something into Mario's ear*

Mario: You''l have ot frogive me my friend.. but me and my pals must get going.

Goombario *looked up at Mario*

Goombario: Aw.. do you really have to go?

Mario: I'm afraid so.. prehapes when I make my way bakc home I can stop for a while.

Goombario *grew excited again*

Goombario: That would be great! I'll make preperations right away!

Mario *smiled*

Mario: Fair well Goombario.. tell we meet again.

Goombario: Bye Mario.. I'll be waiting for your when you return.

Goombario headed back towards his home and went inside. His house was made of a fine chestnut wood and it looked very much like Mario and Luigi's house. Saying there goodbyes to the Goomba kids Mario and his Companions sat out again. They fallowed the trail from Goomba Village on to the wild woodland. Once through the wood they would arrive at the edge of Toad town.

From there they entered Toad town. It was late evening and they were greeted by Toads carrying laterns.

A Toad *looked at Mario and his pals and then began jumping with excitment*

Toad E.: Welcome! Welcome Mario our hero! and freinds. Please enjoy your stay and don't forget to make your way to the castle for the festivites.

Mario: We'll be sure to see you there.

Mario and his companions made there way through town to the Mushroom Inn, From there Parakarry splite fro mthe group and headed to the Post Office. Once Mario and Luigi had a room they prepared to head to the castle. All throughout the town were Toads carrying laterns and glowing mushrooms. They were all heading to the castle. Mario walking alongside his brother fallwoed the crowd. Above i nthen ight sky was great fireworks. Sparks of blue, green, red and yellow littered the air.

Mario *turned to Luigi*

Mario: This looks to be a spectacular celebration does it not?
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Storytime and a Sense

*Rosalina is setting down on a Chair and a few younger stars are around her.

Starbright: *perched on her shoulder walked over he sensed something was wrong. He wonder if his brother and sister stars were sensing the same thing.

Starbright: Mama i think something is wrong on mushroom world we are coming into that sector"

Rosaline: Sorry stars Story time is cut short. Bring me my telescope starbright.

*Starbright handed her the telescope

*She stretched her telescope out. She angled her telescope towards the Dry Dry Ruins. she saw a dark shadow over it Like all light was gone from it. She sensed dread and doom from it. She put her telescope back together and took her wand. I don't like the looks of that Star Starbright Its really dark star and it just don't feel right."

STarbright perched on the end of her chair "Are we going to go investigate what if the Mario brothers are in danger and they might need us? I don;t like the feeling about it either."

*Rosaline angled the telescope to where Mario and Luigi were

"They are at a Party Starbright there not worried about it probably cause they don't know about it yet. Starbright move us more towards mushroom world and ready my jumpsuit and my star scooter we might just need to go down a pay a visit."
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Luigi was still a bit confused because of the sudden attack but he too was thinking about the party or celebration.

Luigi: Yes brother, I think the celebration is great. But what is going to happen? It isn't Peach her birthday isn't it?

Luigi *looks outside the window and shakes his head*

Luigi: isn't her birthday. I remember it again but I wonder what she is up to.

Mario and Luigi both looked at the fireworks. They both kept silence for a while and enjoyed the colors of the stars.


Ray and his fellow compagnons were prepairing to leave. They had received orders to leave early in the morning. Whatever happened to the archeologists was still a mystery but somehow the Koopa King was convinced they tried to ran off with the treasure.

One of the Koopa's: I have no clue what jr is up to but he certainly is not like his dad at all.

Ray: Oh yes, he is like his dad. Bowser was a fool and so is his son. The old Koopa king also acted without thinking. It looks like Koopa's are not good at thinking at all.

Koopa's *get angry*

Koopa: Watch your mouth Goomba! Because Bowser didn't think won't say we can't think either.

Ray and fellow Goomba's *start to laugh*

Parakoopa *jumps between them before things start to get out of controle*

Parakoopa: Come on guys! We are not going to fight here. Bowser is dead and we have to obey the orders of his son. If we like it or not we must. Who knows what happened to the archeologists? Maybe they have discovered something valuable.

Parakoopa's eyes *suddenly shine red*

Ray: You're right matey! Maybe they have found something....the last remains of Bowser!

They all *start to laugh loudly*

Then they went off to bed to get a good night sleep before they had to go on their journey.
Celebration turned Chaos:

Mario *nodded as he looked at the fireworks*

At the gates of the castle several Toads emerged with trumpets. They blew a resounding corus as Princess Peach made her debute. As she walked down the red carpet she waved to her people. Her blond hair shimmered under the moonlight and her blue eyes sparkled like the stars above. Her sweet and gentle face turned to and fro looking at the crowds. Her pink dress sparkled under the assorted lights. As she continue to walk past the crowds and wave, she peered around as if looking for somone. At last she caught the sight of the one she sought. He was standing on the grass at distance. His outfit was simple, a fusion of red and blue. He wore red cap with M on it.

Peach *broke away from the red carpet and drew near Mario*

Peach: Mario! I'm so glade you could make it!

Her voice was soft and warm, yet it almost sounded like a song.

Mario *bowed*

Mario: Princess Peach.. it is always honor and pleassure.

Peach *smiled and almost blushed*

She turned and notice Luigi remaing quiet.

Peach: Hello Luigi.. I'm glade that you were also able to make it..

Peach *turned her attentio nback to Mario*

Peach: Come.. join me.. for the celebration has yet to begin.

Peach *offered her hand*

Mario *took it and linked his arm with hers*

They turned around and began walking towards the castle. Toads and other citizens of Mushroom Kingdom cheered as Princess Peach and their hero Mario headed inside the castle. After talking with many guests, Mario and Peach headed ot balncony were they had private view of the fireworks and the coming show.

Peach *smiled*

Peach: I'm glade we could be alone for little while.. we'll have time to talk.

Mario *nodded*

There was moment of silence between the two.

Mario: So.. what is this celebration for?

Peach *smiled and laughed a little*

Peach: It's a surpise.

Mario: Any hints?

Peach: Yes.. I'll give you one.. It's to honor somone.

Mario face became grim, and his face looekd pale. He seemed to know the answer.

Mario: This celebration isn't to honor me is it?

Peach *giggled*

Peach: I'm not going to say.. you'll have to wait and see.

Mario *sighed*

Mario: Alright.. fine..

Mario then turned his attention back to fireworks. The Toads at the grass fields were preparing some more fireworks to shoot up, when somthing appeared in the sky. Some of the Toads ignored it and began firing moe fireworks. The red, green and blue expolosions danced around red shimmering light. It's shape was at first blurring.. but as it grew clsoer it's shape became clear. It was a star. MArio saw it and pointed.

Mario: What is that?

Peach *looked*

Peach: I don't know.. it's nto apart of celebration plans...

The Red Star hovering over expolding fire works peered odwn on the castle. It's glowing golden eyes squinted and gazed upon Mario and Princess Peach. Then without sound it looked below adn saw the Toads launching firewoks. Beside the Toads it saw several boxs of fireworks. They were six of thme liens up behiend the Toads. The Star then began to spin, it's shape now blurry.

Mario *looked at it with consern*

His gut was telling him something was wrong.

Suddenly a red beam emmited from the star and hit the boxs of fireworks, causing a massive expolsion! Several of the Toads were hurrled into the air.

Mario and Peach *looked in horror*

The Star looked at the citizens of Mushroom Kingdom. They ran around franticly.. consumed with panic and fear. The entire Kingdom was in chaos and the Star seened to chuckle as it began to fly away. Mario leapt form balcony and unto the wall of the castle. He then jumped down and ran to wounded Toads in fields. Many were horrbily burnt, whiel others just unconcious. Mario looked up in sky after tending to a Toad and looked at the Star. It fled south west, towards the Desert,

Mario *eyed the fading star with a stern look*

He rose to his feet clutching his fists. There was an anger in his eyes. He could see Luigi running towards him.
At the same time the Goomba's standing outside Bowser jr's Castle looked at the same sight in terror.

Goomba 1: What's going on here?
Goomba 2: It looks like a comet has decided to crash our planet!
Goomba 1: Don't be so ridiculous man! This is not a comet!
Goomba 2: I don't know. What do you think it is?
Parakoopa: This is a star or a kinda star and it looks like it's crashing into this world!! This star doesn't look friendly!
Goomba 1: I have never seen this before! Since when are stars red?!
Parakoopa: And you prolly won't see this again if you don't run!! RUN!!

All Goomba's and koopa's rushed inside the castle.

There they watched the red star coming down on the Castle.

Parakoopa: It looks like Peach's castle is the target.

Parakoopa *turns to Ray*

Parakoopa: idiot. You fool!
Ray: Wha-wha-what?! What is going on man?
Parakoopa: Do you remember the joke you made about the archeologists?
Ray: What joke? Be more specific man!
Parakoopa: About the remains they would have found according to you?
Ray: You mean Bowser? But that was a joke!
Parakoopa: Who else would attack Peach's castle? Not jr! Otherwise we would have known!
Ray: Nah...jr is not like his dad. Bowser had the guts to do something but not this one.
Parakoopa: This means Bowser has returned or is still alive and if he isn't...who else is doing this?!?!
Goomba 1: LOOK! The star is fading away! It's going to the Dry dry Desserts!


Luigi looked at the same red star and he looked at his brother.

Luigi: Brother, this isn't right. This is something completely out of the order compared with the traditional fireworks.

Peach: Mario...we can'e leave those poor Toads here. They are heavily burned. I'm going to send some help to them.

Luigi *grabs bucket of water and throws it over a burned Toad*

Luigi *watched his brother tapping his feet*

Luigi: Ok Mario. You're right. This isn't the right thing to do but we must do something! We must help them!
Mario's Resolve:

Mario watched as his brother doused the burnt toads with water. Mario turned to nearest Toad and shook him. THe Toad awoke, but was unable to stand. Mario grabbed his hand and tossed him over his shoulder. Mario then carried him back to castle. He made several trips with other citizens to help the wounded Toads. Afterwards Mario took a deep breath and stood in one of the halls of the castle. He saw Luigi helping put onwe of burnt toads on a stretcher. Two Toads with red crosses on their mushroom caps carried the burnt victim away.

Mario began to pace, he was anxious to take action and fallow the star, but he knew he must first wait. Prince Peach approached MArio and put her hand on his shoulder.

Mario *Jumped*

He was still edgy.

Peach: Mario... are you alright? You look uneasy.

Mario: I am restless.. something just attack us and we don't even know why nor what it was.

Peach: Please Mario.. try to calm down.

Mario: I can't calm down! Some good men were nearly killed and I couldn't do anything about it.

Mario *stopped and collapsed to his knee*

Peach *walked over to him and put her arms on him*

Peach: It's ok Mario.. there was nothing you could do.

Mario *rose his head and then turned to look at Peach*

Mario: There was nothing I could do.. but that doesn't mean there isn't something I can do.

Peach *looked at Mario oddly*

Mario *got up and with glint in his eye he turned to Peach*

Mario: I can find out what did this.. and put stop to it.

Mario *began to walk quickly down the hall*

Peach *fallowed behined*

Peach: Wait Mario! Wait!

Mario made his way into main court which was filled with edgy citizens of Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario *began walking down the red carpeted steps*

Mario made his way through the crowds, he reach the main doors which he began to open. Peach came up behiend him.

Peach: Mario.. you can't just leave.

Mario *turned to look at Peach*

Mario: I have to go.. I must find what did this and stop it from ever doing it again.

Peach: But.. what if.. what if you get hurt.

Mario *looked at Peach with saddened eyes*

Mario: Don't worry about me Pach.. I'll be alright.. I promise.

Peach *looked at Mario with a conserned look*

Peach: I can't help it Mario.. I always worry about you.. but if you must do this.. I won't stand in your way.

Peach *the leaned in and kissed Mario's cheak*

Peach: Just be careful.. and come back in one piece.

Mario: I will.. and I will be back soon.

Mario *stepped out of the castle and began heading in town*

He made his way to inn, were he gathered his things. From there he began to head south. But before he took ten steps he heard "Ahem.." Mario turned around to see two familar faces.
Rosalina's Decision

*Starbright brought Rosalina her jumpsuit Starbright turned away as Rosaline Changed.

Starbright i think that star attacked Mushroom Land That we were watching late last night. The Darkness we sensed i think it was Someone named Chaos. Its a new Star Starbright i don't recognize it but is rather Dark and strange.

*She pulled on her jumpsuit and zipped it up. She took her wand and held it in her hand.

*Starbright handed Rosalina her telescope she aimed it near the Star and saw a shadowed dark entity is damaging the star. Causing it to fire and injure some of the people of Mushroom world. Covering part of it in darkness.

Starbright: Mama are we going to down to help.

Rosalina :yes we are Do you have my Star Scooter? We have to help them Starbrignt i am not about to let Mario and Luigi have to deal with it alone.

Starbright: its down in the docking area *He jumped on her shoulder and they walked down to the docking area

*She got on her scooter and glided down thru the atmosphere.
She landed the scooter and glided towards the castle where she saw princess peach.

"Where is Mario and Luigi i am a friend of there's Rosalina.

*Starbright flew around her head.

"This is my friend Starbright A tiny star i raised."

Starbright "Hello your majesty Starbright bowed

*Rosalina bowed and grabbed her wand.

*Rosalina as she was walking to the Castle. She let her mind wander about this darkness and sadness and corruption that she was feeling from this In her mind. What is causing it to be so angry and why do i sense the Star but its corrupted? Why can't i tap into it? Are my powers faltering. Chaos and Anger and Hatred. I don't want to linger on them. But i just wish i knew the answer to this puzzle.

Starbright : they are not faltering mama its just a puzzle we need to figure out somehow. We will.
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*Ooc: if you want to play peach you should ask Jeff. He is in charge of this RPG*

Luigi felt a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Luigi turned around and saw Peach.

Peach: Luigi, I'm worried about Mario. I know he means it well but I hope nothing will happen to him.
Luigi: Don't worry princess. I will keep an eye on him
Peach: You? Mario most of the times has to keep an eye on you

Luigi *blushes*

Luigi: Not always! I have saved him a couple of times too. Not much but still....

Luigi *thinks*
Peach *giggles*

Peach: Please be careful. The both of you. We all need you here
Luigi: Thanks Princess!

Suddenly Luigi heard a famous sound. He knew this sound. They were sounding like two running feet...KOOPA FEET!

Luigi *turns around and looks into the eyes of Koopa the quick*

Luigi: Koopa! This has been a while ago! What brings you here?
Koopa: Howdy! I'm coming into a hurry. Where is Mario? I have something to say what might interest him and you as well. I know what is going on here and I don't think Mario will like it at all. Mario bros....I think your help is needed badly.

Luigi * starts to walk to Mario*

Luigi: Mario; here is someone who likes to talk to you
Chaos' Plan:

Mario smiled as he saw his brother and another familiar face.

Mario *listened to Luigi and turned his attention to Kopa the Quick*

Mario: Alright then.. go ahead Kopa the Quick.. tell me what you have learned.


Meanwhile over Dry Dry Ruins a red star landed. It disspeared in the dig site and made it's way deep within the ruins. Alas it reached large cavern were hordes of Dry Bones stood in formation. Standing before them was Dry Bowser. The Chaos Star made it's way to him and signaled him to fallow. Bowser ordered his troops to stay put while he fallwoed the Chaos Star.

Dry Boweser and The Chaos Star *walked together.. err well Bowser walked and the Chaos Star hovered*

Chaos: Phase one of the plan is complete.

Bowser: Exellent.. although I would have loved to have been there. You took off on such short notice.. I hadn't chance to find out where you went.

Chaos: I do things according to my timing.. if you don't like it.. then too bad.

Bowser: Yes.. well.. how did it go?

Chaos: Splendid.. everyone was horrified and overcome with grief. I consumed them all...

Chaos *eyes flicked like flames*

Bowser: What of Mario? Did he give you any trouble?

Chaos: The Red Plumber was invunerable.. he just stood and watched.

Bowser: By.. I wish I could have seen his face.

Chaos: You shall soon.. he is heading this way as we speak.

Bowser: Fool.. he cannot hope to stand against both your power and mine.

Chaos: Yes.. but he is not what I am conserned with. There is another who has arrived from the Stars.. she may prove to be a problem. I cannot afford her interfering with my plan.. soon all of Mushroom Kingdom and the rest of the world will be consumed with Chaos.. and all will suffer as I have!

Boweser remained silent as Chaos paused for a moment.

Chaos: Dispatch your troops.. the time has come for phase two!
Koopa looked at Mario and took a deep breath.

Koopa the quick: Alright know I have a cousin living not too far away from dry dry dessert. Another cousin of us lives near the Dry dry Ruins and my cousin visits him weekly. If he goes he checks if Dry Bones is not causing any troubles. Well, just a week ago he went there again and he thought he heard voices coming from the ruins so he hided himself beneath his shell you know. Then he saw an aweful creature which looks like BOWSER!

Luigi * screams*

Luigi: That's impossible! Bowser is dead!

Koopa: I know....but my cousin swore this creature exactly looked like Bowser but only as a skeleton like Dry Bones. I thought I would bring you the news and on my way I was almost killed by this aweful red light. What was it? It must have been the meanest thing on earth because it burned me.

Koopa the quick *turns around and shows Mario and Luigi his burned left shoe.

Koopa: It's only a shoe but I just bought new ones you know. I keep on practising. My toes are a bit hurt but that's all. I am lucky because this light threw me upside down.

Luigi *watches his brother*

Luigi: What do you think brother? Is Bowser really alive? Or is something else happening? Is it a ghost????

Koopa the quick: Well Mario....I thought you would be here so I hope I helped you out a bit. I continue my journey now. My thirth cousin is living a little bit further away and after I visited him I will check on my fourth and fifth cousin. If you need me...I'll be staying here in Mushroom Kingdom for a while.


Ray and his fellow compagnions were walking out of the Castle. They had received orders to leave and to make sure they would find a treasure.

Goomba 1: I wonder what would have happened with the treasure.
Goomba 2: What treasure will it be? Jewellery? Food? Money?
Goomba 3: A crown to a new Kingdom? Something from the past?
Goomba 1: Is it valuable? Maybe we could take it?
Goomba 3: Yes! Why can't we take it? We are Goomba's after all and we deserve a good treasure!
Goomba 1: Yep..then we can finally get back on this Mario. He always kicks us, splatters us and makes fun of us!
Goomba 2: Yeah! Maybe we can send him to the dry dry ruins! I wonder if we can't lock him up there.
Goomba 1: And then we rules!
Goomba 2: Yeah!
Goomba 1: Yeah!
Goomba 3 and 4: Yeah for us!

Ray *shakes his head*

Ray: Stop this you idiots! Don't you understand? There is no treasure! We are send to the ruins because of anything else but a treasure.
Goomba 1: But Ray....Jr wants us to find those archeologists. They have disappeared! Jr thinks....

Ray *interrupts*

Ray: You know what I think? Jr knows pretty well what is going on. The treasure is just a diversion.

The goomba's *protest*

Ray *stops walking and watches his fellow Goomba's*

Goomba 1: A diversion? But why? How do you know?

Ray: Have you seen that red light? This was not an ordinairy star. It was far more evil. And why did this star seem to attack Peach her Castle? We all know who used to do this. There was only one person so obsessed with Peach who always used to sent us to our doom to fight these silly and stupid Mario brothers.

Goomba 1: You mean Bowser is behind this? But why are we send to Dry ruins and what if Mario and his mates will find this out?

Ray: I'm pretty sure Bowser is behind this and Jr knows about it. He sends us either to prevend his father's return because he is the King now or to help his father. After all we have to order their commands. And about the Plumber family? Ha! Don't worry about him. He will know it soon enough if he doesn't know it already. We will have to fight him much more sooner than we want to.

Goomba 1: How do you know all this Ray?

Ray: Because I'm a Goomba.
Goomba 1: But we are Goomba's too!
Ray: Some Goomba's have brains and some don't.
Rosalina Arrives

Rosalina arrives at the castle still wrestling with these dark feelings that she senses from the darkness of what was once a beautiful star. She looks for Mario and Luigi She hears Voices talking. She follows the voices and sees Them talking to Koopa.

Starbright Hovers around her twinkling nervously he doesn't like the feelings of Darkness and Anger and sadness that his mama senses either.

Starbright: there they are the brothers go up to them Koopa is a friend i think.

Rosalina and Starbright stand by watching the exchange of the brothers and Koopa. *Rosalina twitches her wand nervously in her hand. Trying not to focus on the Darkness and doom and Anger she senses she remembered the red light she saw thru the telescope.

Starbright :We will be in great need here I will go before them mama and you can stay behind i will find out what there plans are and i will return to you when i have news or if they need help. You can pursue them from a distance or maybe head direct to the dry dry desert and find out about the situation there. With the Star.

Rosalina: Starbright that is a idea i will head to the desert and you can keep me updated n the brothers situation. Rosalina head toward the desert watching ahead of her for the darkness. She kept her wand by her side as she Kicked the scooter to life and headed towards the desert.

There are some things about this star that disquiets her and what if there was more danger coming. She let Starbright track her friends the brothers. She flew slightly toward the desert on her scooter. Thinking about what she could do to fix it when she finally realizes what happened and what is going on ITs a Puzzle like Starbright said and she needs to find the missing piece.

*Starbright pushed ahead to where he was over the head and a little behind the Brothers.Watching them and seeing what direction they were heading to.
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Derailed and Details:

Mario *Listened as Kopa The Quick shared the news*

It was desturbing to hear the news that there was a creature hidden beneath the ruins that resembled Bowser. Mario thought for a moment about Bowser as a skeletion. How could it be possible that he survived? But then again Bowser has always seemed to turn up again, even when it seemed impossible. Prehapes indeed he had survived the blast somehow or maybe this strange Star had something to do with it. Either way this news was not at all cheerful.

Mario *turned to his brother*

Mario: I don't know Luigi.. I thought Bowser was destroyed in the blast.. but if what Kopa the Quick is saying is true.. then it is quite possible he has survived somehow... it might even possbily have something to do with this Star.

Mario *turned his attention back to Kopa The Quick as he finished*

Mario: Thank you.. old friend.. for this rather unwelcome news.. we shall on are journey attempt to discover the truth of all this.

Mario *then bid Kopa The Quick fairwell and turned back to Luigi*

Mario: Well.. shall we be off?

Mario lead the way to south end of Toad town. There he arranged to take the train to Dry Dry Desert.

Mario: The train shall arrive.. at noon. How about we do some shopping before we leave?

Mario hesded to midtown were he stopped by Toad's Shop. He purchased a few items; Mushroom 10c, Fireflower 15c and a Lightning bolt 25c.

The total tally was: 50c.

Amount left in wallet: 60c

When Mario had finshed shopping he headed back to the train station. There he waited on bench. Luigi stil; hadn't returned yet. Mario heard in the distance the sound of train on the tracks, he could also hear the whistle. Mario rose to his feet and stood on stantion wall. There the Toad Conductor stood close to edge.

The black vitange train came roaring past at unbeleiable speed. It crashed right into one of the bumpers. Mario leapt back grabbing the Conductor. THe train was derailed.. but for the most part still intact. falling out from the engine room was a Toad clade in black. He looked rather weary and even bit brusied. Mario rushed to him.

Mario: Are you alright?

Engineer: *Cough.. uh.. where am I?

Mario: Your in Toad Town.

Engineer: Oh... sorry.. I'm still a little jozzeled.. cough.

Mario: What happened? How did you loose control of the train?

Engineer: loose control of the train? Cough.. no no no.. that's not what happened.

Mario: So you purposely turned this train into locomotive?

Engineer: You don't understand.. I was surrounded.. they appeared out of no where.

Mario: What appeared?

Engineer: Kopas.. Skeleton Kopas..

Mario: Dry Bones.. you were attacked by Dry Bones?

Engineer *nodded his head*

Engineer: Yes.. we had just dropped some passangers off at Dry Dry station.. when suddenly a whole army of them.. appeared and began to try and take the train. I tried my best to fight them off.. but I couldn't.. so I laoded asm cuh coal as I could in the furance.. and hoped that I coudl outrun them. However.. I didn't think about how I planned to stop the train.. once I was safe.

Mario *looked at the Engineer and then at the train*

Mario: Well.. at least your safe now. However I'm afraid the quickest way to Dry Dry Desert is now closed.

A Kopa *approached Mario*

Kopa: There is another way.. it just as fast.

Mario *turned to the Kopa*

Mario: Where?

Kopa: Through the pipelines.. they lead all over the undergound. They branch off in many directions and go as far as Lava Lava Island. I'm sure one of them could lead you to Dry Dry Desert.

Mario *pondered for a moment*

Mario: Well it looks like I have no other choice.. thank you.. Kopa.

Kopa: No problem..

Mario *got an idea*

Mario: Wait.. how ell do you know the Pipelines?

Kopa: Pretty well.. my father worked on them for many years.

Mario: Then you could help me find a line to the desert?

Kopa: Well.. I could help you try and find it.

Mario: Good enough.. you can accompany me and my brother.

Just then Mario saw Luigi appear carrying his sack.

Mario *approached Luigi*

Mario: The train is derailed.. we will have to take an alternate route.. this Kopa has agreed to be are guide. He will lead us to the Pipelines where we will find the route to Dry Dry Desert.

Mario *turned to the Kopa*

Mario: Lead the way..

The Kopa headed north to midtown. From there he lead the Mario bros to a back alley were a adjasent green pipe stuck out.

Kopa: This is the way.. come on.

The Kopa jumped down the pipe vanishing.

Mario jumped down the pipe. He fell down into the sewers were he found the Kopa waiting.

Kopa: Now.. the real journey begins.

As Mario fallowed the Kopa he began to talk with him.

Mario: Sorry.. I was in such hurry back there.. I forgot to get your name.

Kopa: The name's Kooper Jr.

Mario *stopped and paused for a moment*

Mario: Kooper.. that's familar.. wait.. I kno\ew a Kooper from Kopa Village.. he accompanied me one of my adventures long ago.

Kooper: Yes.. that would be my pa.. Kooper Senior.. I was named after him.

Mario *chuckled*

Mario: Fancy that!
Peach watched Rosalina with a very pleasant smile.

Peach: You are a friend of us. You have helped Mario when he had to find me in the Galaxy. You are the mother of the stars.

Peach * thinks for a few seconds*

Peach: Mario and Luigi both left to search for this aweful star. Many of our Toads are wounded and badly burned. I wish we could do something to help them. They are in terrible pain. Can you help us if you have the abilities?


Luigi accidentally walked in the wrong direction and when he realized he was going the opposite way he quickly returned.

Luigi: Brother...what happened with this train? What are our plans now?

Luigi *listens to Mario's explanation*

Koopa jr showed up and his plan to take the pipeline sounded like music to Luigi. He was a bit shocked after all these events. The burned toads and then the announcement of Koopa the quick and now the toad engineer.

After Mario followed Koopa jr and jumped into the Pipe, Luigi did the same.
Luigi realized he had to but some important things and he went up again.

Luigi* buys 2 1-up mushrooms (10c each) 2 shells (30c each) and 2 long-life shrooms (50c each). A total amount of 150 coins.

Luigi: Alright brother...let's go!


Ray and his fellow compagnons left early in the morning and even though they walked a long way they still had a long way to go.

Ray *suddenly stood still and looked around*

Goomba 1: What is it Ray?

Ray: I thought I saw a light coming up from the sky but I'm not sure

Goomba 1: A light? We are not going to get lightning aren't we?

Ray *shakes head*

Ray: No....I don't know what it is but I feel something is coming either our direction or the direction of whole Mushroom Kingdom.
What Happen in the Desert:

At Dry Dry Outpost several passangers were stadning at the station waiting to board the train.

The Conductor *signaled the passangers*

Conductor: All aboard!

As the passanger began to board, a loud crackling noise desturbed silence. Everyone stopped for a moment and began looking around. A dust wind crept over The rocky cliffs making it diffcult to see. Suddenly the Conductor saw a figure standing out in the dust. It's iamge at first was black and had to deterimin, but as it got closer.. it became clearer and terrorfying. The Conductor's face grew pale as he looked at the Skeleton Kopa. The Passangers began to run around franticly. Suddenly there were great hordes of Dry bones blocking the tracks and surrounding the cliffside.

The Engineer peeked out of Engine room to see the sight. He was overwhelmed with fear as he saw the Dry Bones ovetake the Toads and other passangers. The conductor grabbed unto the train screaming for help, but his face was covered by bone claws and he was swiftly taken away. The Engineer acted fast, for he knew he would be next. He began fillnig the furnace full of coal. He coudl hear crackling noises outside the engine room. Suddenly two Dry Boens krept in. The Engineer grabbed his spade and defended himself. He smacked the first one across the head causing it to collapse into a heap of bones. The second one he charged and scared off, or so it seemed.

The Engineer stepped out to see a uncountable mass of Dry Bones. Terrofied the Engineer quickly returned inside where he began preapring the train to depart. Dry Bones began to cover the train and flooded inside the Engine room. The Engineer beating back what he Dry boens he could, pulled the lever. The train whistled and wheels began to rotate. The Engineer fought the rest of Dry Bones off with his spade. When the spade was knock out of his hand, he began grabbing for whatever he could. Suddenly he had metal rode in his hand. He began beat the Dry Bones back. One by one they either collapsed or backed away. When the Engineer had forced thme off, he realized the rod her held was lever. He turned and looked back at gages and saw the speed was beginning to rise.

The train began to speed up tossing many of Dry bones off. Some held on for a while, until at last they could hold on no more. The Engineer collapsed to the floor, he then curled up in corner and prepared to brace himself. For he knew that his train was now incapable of being stopped, it was now a locomotive.
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Peach watched Rosalina with a very pleasant smile.

Peach: You are a friend of us. You have helped Mario when he had to find me in the Galaxy. You are the mother of the stars.

Peach * thinks for a few seconds*

Peach: Mario and Luigi both left to search for this aweful star. Many of our Toads are wounded and badly burned. I wish we could do something to help them. They are in terrible pain. Can you help us if you have the abilities?


Luigi accidentally walked in the wrong direction and when he realized he was going the opposite way he quickly returned.

Luigi: Brother...what happened with this train? What are our plans now?

Luigi *listens to Mario's explanation*

Koopa jr showed up and his plan to take the pipeline sounded like music to Luigi. He was a bit shocked after all these events. The burned toads and then the announcement of Koopa the quick and now the toad engineer.

After Mario followed Koopa jr and jumped into the Pipe, Luigi did the same.
Luigi realized he had to but some important things and he went up again.

Luigi* buys 2 1-up mushrooms (10c each) 2 shells (30c each) and 2 long-life shrooms (50c each). A total amount of 150 coins.

Luigi: Alright brother...let's go!


Ray and his fellow compagnons left early in the morning and even though they walked a long way they still had a long way to go.

Ray *suddenly stood still and looked around*

Goomba 1: What is it Ray?

Ray: I thought I saw a light coming up from the sky but I'm not sure

Goomba 1: A light? We are not going to get lightning aren't we?

Ray *shakes head*

Ray: No....I don't know what it is but I feel something is coming either our direction or the direction of whole Mushroom Kingdom.

*Rosalina looked at Peach : "Yes Princess i did help Mario find you in the galaxy.

* She thinks a few minutes. Remembering how she helped Mario

Rosalina:Yes Peach i will help you that is why i came down from the stars. To help all of you and to find out more about what is going on with that awful star. That is actually where i was heading when you came up to me. To investigate and find out More about this Star and how i can fix it and return it to its glory.

I sent one of My stars after Mario and Luigi to spy and keep me updated on them. Now i better be going and i will try to help the toads and all of you as much as i can Peach you just go take good care of yourself. Promise me that.
Rosalina continued on her journey toward the Desert watching for these bony turtles she heard thru Starbright that Mario and Luigi might need to fight and the engineer that caused the train to derail saw them. She came towards where she might see somthing. She looked up and around trying to pinpoint where it might be.

*She gripped her wand
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Trouble in the Underground:

Kooper Jr lead Mario and Luigi through the sewers, taking them throguh several tunnels and pipes. To Mario it all began to look the same, green pipes, the sound of dripping water and the smell ofhe stinking sewer system. Kooper stopped the Party. They were at a pipe that was blocked by rubble.

Mario *approached kooper's side*

Mario: This doesn't look good..

Kooper Jr: It isn't.. that is the pipe to Dry Dry Outpost.

Kooper *sighed*

Mario: Do you know another way?

Kooper *started thinking real hard*

Kooper: No.. not that I can remember.. wait.. no.. yes there is another way.. but it very dangerious.

Mario: Well.. If it is the only way.. we have no choice.. we must get to Dry Dry Desert.

Kooper *sighed again*

Kooper: Alright.. but It aint going to be easy.. we must trudge through the sewer systems. Which means.. we are going to be neck high in water. Also there are lots of nasty things in that water such as Bloopers and other fouler creatures.

Mario *turns to Luigi*

Mario: Are you going to be alright with that Luigi?
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What Starbright saw

Starbright glided swiftly behind the Mario brothers and Koopa. He moved slightly ahead of them lighting there way he was glad he didn't have to be wading thru the sewers either he went a bit ahead of them looking around. Keeping a eye out for any obstructions in there pathway. He wondered what Rosalina was finding out.

He glided a bit ahead wondering how far it would be thru the sewers before they would find there way. He Hovered till he was right near Mario and Luigi and he could hear about the obstruction in there pathway towards the desert and they would have to have to take another path that was more dangerous. He looked thru and saw a few enemies thru there that Mario and Luigi might need to battle he flashed and twinkled quick and fast as a warning. That there was danger ahead.

*Starbright shot out of the sewer up the pipe and saw his mama standing at the edge of the desert

Rosalina: held her hand out and Starbright leaped on her hand.

Starbright: "Mama Mario and Luigi are at a blocked path that might have to take a more dangerous road.

Rosalina: I might have to help them sooner then i thought Unless Mario has a plan he always does.

Starbright should i go back and help them thru the more dangerous road.

Rosalina: yes Starbright go back down and take a lead You should be able to lead them out and keep a eye for any skeleton troopers Koopas. I get the feeling that we will be overrun and that this star will only get more dangerous. She looked up towards it it was glowing a fierce Red Orange as she looked up

*Starbright leaped off her hand and back down the pipe right near Mario and Luigi.
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