Peter Pan

Captain Hook glanced at Tink. She was shaking her head no to letting Wendy and the others go.
"She says no." Hook smiled sarcasltically at him. "But, maybe after I send the three children down into the ocean, I'll take up your offer." he looked at the children. "Let the first one go!" he yelled at one of the pirates over there. It just happened to be Wendy. Tinkerbell smiled.
Peter glared at Tinkerbell. He yelled, "Traitor." Then swooped in and caught Wendy before she fell in the water. "Hook! Give me the others, and I give me to you. That's what you want, revenge. How precious would it be to have struggle."
Tinkerbell felt hurt. She was no traitor, she really didn't like Wendy, that was all. She flew to another side of the room. Captain Hook laughed, "Why should I give you what you want? and I'm surprised you dont what Tinkerbell."
Peter looked him straight in the eye. "Because then you get what you want. I'll even highten the stakes. You give me the others, and I'll admit defeat. But not only that, I'll...I'll beg forgiveness from you, admit to everyone that you're not a codd, and..." It took all of Peter's strength to say this. "And admit your superiority. But only if you give me the other to send home."
Tink perked up when she heard "to send home." she flew back.

"That does sound good..."Captain Hook played with the thought in his head for a few seconds. "Fine." he gave him back the Darlins. "Now beg!"
Peter untied the children, and whispered to Wendy, "Go home." Then Peter took a deep breath and begged, "Pleas, Captain Hook. Have mercy. Spare me. F-forgive me for the wro-wrong I have done in ever going up against you. Can you ever find it in your...kind...and generous heart to let me live?" But after saying that, Peter didn't want to be spared.
Peter glared at Hook. "Wendy, I won't let you get hurt. Go home where you're safe. I should never have asked you to stay." He looked at Tinkerbell behind the glass. "Hook, what about Tink? What'll you do with her." He couldn't belive after all she's done he was still worried about her life.
Peter looked at him. "I..." He looked at Tinkerbell fearfully. "Well what do you expect me to do about it? What does that have to do with Tink?"
Peter's head spun. He looked at Wendy, and followed the sword. He whispered, barely moving his lips, "Wendy, be discreet about it. One swift move from behind. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He looked at her, and lowered her sword to trick Hook. After he got the answer he wanted, Peter turned his attention back to the pirate. "Hook...why would they want to eat Tink? She's so small. Something...or someone bigger would be better. Don't you think?"
Peter couldn't hold it in any longer. He charged at Hook, screaming and pushing him over the edge of the ship into the water. "You'll regret saying that you slimy codd!"