Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

Fish was already sitting at the table when Machia came into their common room. "Arr...how could ye be sleepin' at a time like this?" She exasperatedly accused him.
"Fish, unlike Twilight, and apparently ye, I need my sleep," he cheerfully responded. "Now, Saruman hasn't been in yet, right? And what of Fyn? Please tell me she hasn't DVed again... Ye know her, she probably thinks we're dead already..."
"Nay to both, Cap'n, though I expect one or the other to happen soon..."
Cia watched humorously as Kris fed Jack the apple. She played with her locket and opened it, listening to the music that haunted her father.
Fyn, as worried as she could get, Dved again. DV: "Fish?" she asked, wary that they'd become angry with her for DVing so often.

"What'd I say?" Fish muttered to Machia.
Machia rolled his eyes and DV'd Fyn back. "Arr...mate, our ship's still in one piece, same as yers, right? Well, I'm sure ye know the hassels o' being a captain, so I don't think we'll have much time to be talking. Arr....I'm telling ye the truth, mate. Fish 'n I are doing fine. Don't ye go worrying 'bout us now, savvy? And don't go telling Aravis none o' this... Speaking o' Aravis, does she even know yer talking to us? I'd've thought she'd've made ye walk the plank fer 'treason' like that..."
"What'd I say?" Fish muttered to Machia.
Machia rolled his eyes and DV'd Fyn back. "Arr...mate, our ship's still in one piece, same as yers, right? Well, I'm sure ye know the hassels o' being a captain, so I don't think we'll have much time to be talking. Arr....I'm telling ye the truth, mate. Fish 'n I are doing fine. Don't ye go worrying 'bout us now, savvy? And don't go telling Aravis none o' this... Speaking o' Aravis, does she even know yer talking to us? I'd've thought she'd've made ye walk the plank fer 'treason' like that..."

DV: "Um...well...actually it was her idea in the first place for me to DV. She doesn't mind at all." Fyn sighed. She wanted to say a lot more, but she held her tounge. "You two haven't had any problems from the Purssian person or Saruman?" she asked. She didn't exactally believe them, because knowing Machia, he'd usually have about 5 things to complain about before saying 'but we're fine'. He said it too shortly to make her comfortable.
Fish and Machia looked at eachother. "How does she know about Saruman???" Machia mouthed to her. Fish worriedly shrugged her shoulders and DV'ed Fyn back. "Saruman, matey? Surely yer not suggestin' that the wizard is 'ere on earth..." Fish tried to make her voice sound as convincing as possible.
Fish and Machia looked at eachother. "How does she know about Saruman???" Machia mouthed to her. Fish worriedly shrugged her shoulders and DV'ed Fyn back. "Saruman, matey? Surely yer not suggestin' that the wizard is 'ere on earth..." Fish tried to make her voice sound as convincing as possible.

Fyn knew they were lying to her now. "You know he's here! He talked to me the day you two took off! You two were standing right there and HEARD him! Machia....you YELLED at him! Why are you two lying to me?" Fyn felt an aching inside herself. "Fish...you better tell me the truth right now, or I am making the captain turn this boat and coming to get you!" Fyn sighed. "I can't believe you two would lie to me!"
Fyn knew they were lying to her now. "You know he's here! He talked to me the day you two took off! You two were standing right there and HEARD him! Machia....you YELLED at him! Why are you two lying to me?" Fyn felt an aching inside herself. "Fish...you better tell me the truth right now, or I am making the captain turn this boat and coming to get you!" Fyn sighed. "I can't believe you two would lie to me!"

Cia heard Fyn shouting and ran to her. "Fyn, be quiet or the captain'll hear ye."
Fyn knew they were lying to her now. "You know he's here! He talked to me the day you two took off! You two were standing right there and HEARD him! Machia....you YELLED at him! Why are you two lying to me?" Fyn felt an aching inside herself. "Fish...you better tell me the truth right now, or I am making the captain turn this boat and coming to get you!" Fyn sighed. "I can't believe you two would lie to me!"

"Fine, Fyn," Fish responded, "I'm sorry we lied to ye. We jest didn't want ye to worry. Aye, we had our run-in with the wizard. Barely escaped, we did. The stupid wizard took 'bout quarter o' our crew and nearly as much of the ship itself. He would've had us, too, but for some reason, he called off his attack and left. But he mentioned something about knowing Aravis was our enemy 'fore he left. So jest keep yer eyes on the horizon. I don't know if he's after ye all or not. Happy now?"
"Fine, Fyn," Fish responded, "I'm sorry we lied to ye. We jest didn't want ye to worry. Aye, we had our run-in with the wizard. Barely escaped, we did. The stupid wizard took 'bout quarter o' our crew and nearly as much of the ship itself. He would've had us, too, but for some reason, he called off his attack and left. But he mentioned something about knowing Aravis was our enemy 'fore he left. So jest keep yer eyes on the horizon. I don't know if he's after ye all or not. Happy now?"

She sighed. "Fish...what did I ever do? What did I ever do to make you hate me?" she took a deep breath. "I don't understand...you know I'll worry no matter what you say...cuz I love you two..." she sighed. "But...it doesn't really matter anymore. Aslan's blessings." and she went silent. She looked up to Cia. "The captain knows I talk to them...she told me I could anyway..." she sighed, got up, and started toward the cabins to make the beds.