Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

She sighed. "Fish...what did I ever do? What did I ever do to make you hate me?" she took a deep breath. "I don't understand...you know I'll worry no matter what you say...cuz I love you two..." she sighed. "But...it doesn't really matter anymore. Aslan's blessings." and she went silent. She looked up to Cia. "The captain knows I talk to them...she told me I could anyway..." she sighed, got up, and started toward the cabins to make the beds.

Fish wanted badly to reply, but she knew that this particular conversation was over. She angrily slammed her fist against the table. "Let's go, mate," she said to Machia. "If the wizard ain't goin' to come to us, we're goin' to him."
They gathered up the few items they had with them, and Machia opened the door. A rather large tough faced them, standing directly in the doorway. "Arr..uh...'cuse me, mate," he said. The guard just stared at him. "uh...we'll jest...wait in here..." Machia finished, and quickly shut the door again. Though she was aggitated that Saruman would keep them so closely guarded, Fish couldn't help but laugh at the look on Machia's face...:D
Cia helped Fyn put the sheets on the bed. "Fyn, come on. I'm yer friend. Ye can't fool me that easily."

"Ugh. I don't understand it. It's as if I've done something to them that they'll hate me to eternity for! They lied to me Cia! As if I was stupid enough to fall for it. And now Saruman is attacking them, killing half the crew...what if..." she stopped. She sighed.
"Ugh. I don't understand it. It's as if I've done something to them that they'll hate me to eternity for! They lied to me Cia! As if I was stupid enough to fall for it. And now Saruman is attacking them, killing half the crew...what if..." she stopped. She sighed.

"Maybe they think you betrayed them by staying with Aravis. They won't be killed. Trust me."
"Maybe they think you betrayed them by staying with Aravis. They won't be killed. Trust me."

"Cia, you haven't been around for too long, they WILL get killed. I love them to peices, but they're tempers get the better of them. Aslan knows what they've gotten themselves into now..." she sighed. "We should probably go after them..."
"Rumor has it," came a voice from Machia and Fish's room, and the two jumped with fright, "that Aravis' vessel has been spotted heading towards Spain. Where she plans to go in Spain or in Europe at all is beyond me (or if they are even navigating correctly, which I do not doubt they aren't), but we are quickly on our way to...greet them."

"Arrr, I thought I recognized a foul stench in this room. What do ye want here, Cutler Beckett?" Machia asked, the scowl on his face returning once more.

Beckett emerged from the shadows - how he got into their quarters neither could guess, but they were too wary of Beckett's actual presence to begin thinking of the possibilities.

Beckett smiled dryly. "What I want, Captain Machia and First Mate Fish, is to see our mutual enemy terminated. Aravis is one of the Brethren Court's greatest assets - though if she has long forgotten her ties to this world, as Lord Saruman assures me, then all the better that she remain unaware of her connections. But you two will be valuable, surrounded by me fleet, in tearing her vessel apart. And to show her how much you truly despise her," Beckett smiled wickedly, "you will have the good honor of shooting her in the head personally when we have captured her."

Beckett opened the door and motioned to the guards. "It's time our...guests...be taken to the boat deck and introduced to their new warship." The three, followed closely by the guards, went up to the boat deck amid a beautiful summer's night, the ocean sky dotted by brilliant stars. And yet the mood aboard ship was foul, and both Machia and Fish felt downcast. Saruman sat on a deck chair, sipping a glass of sherry, staring out at the calm, black sea. He didn't seem to notice them or anybody else, but seemed to be in his usual pensive mood.
"Rumor has it," came a voice from Machia and Fish's room, and the two jumped with fright, "that Aravis' vessel has been spotted heading towards Spain. Where she plans to go in Spain or in Europe at all is beyond me (or if they are even navigating correctly, which I do not doubt they aren't), but we are quickly on our way to...greet them."

"Arrr, I thought I recognized a foul stench in this room. What do ye want here, Cutler Beckett?" Machia asked, the scowl on his face returning once more.

Beckett emerged from the shadows - how he got into their quarters neither could guess, but they were too wary of Beckett's actual presence to begin thinking of the possibilities.

Beckett smiled dryly. "What I want, Captain Machia and First Mate Fish, is to see our mutual enemy terminated. Aravis is one of the Brethren Court's greatest assets - though if she has long forgotten her ties to this world, as Lord Saruman assures me, then all the better that she remain unaware of her connections. But you two will be valuable, surrounded by me fleet, in tearing her vessel apart. And to show her how much you truly despise her," Beckett smiled wickedly, "you will have the good honor of shooting her in the head personally when we have captured her."

Beckett opened the door and motioned to the guards. "It's time our...guests...be taken to the boat deck and introduced to their new warship." The three, followed closely by the guards, went up to the boat deck amid a beautiful summer's night, the ocean sky dotted by brilliant stars. And yet the mood aboard ship was foul, and both Machia and Fish felt downcast. Saruman sat on a deck chair, sipping a glass of sherry, staring out at the calm, black sea. He didn't seem to notice them or anybody else, but seemed to be in his usual pensive mood.

Fish had a bad feeling about this... "Terminate our mutual enemy?" Fish thought, "What if we can't git out of this before then? I don't think she's the best cap'n right now, but to actually...kill her? Nay...how could I do that?" Glancing at Machia, she could tell he was thinking the same thing.

The few crew members that Machia and Fish saw seemed...secretive, in a way. Like there was a some secretive plot afoot. Fish wanted to say something about it, but she bit her tongue for fear of giving their own plans away.

"Beckett, our effects, if ye please," Machia said sharply, gesturing toward the empty holster at his side.
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Beckett motioned towards the ship that they now noticed for the first time. The Dauntless rushed up to meet them, and sided next to the Endeavour. "Your effects are on board already, and your staterooms are prepared for you with every fine amenity." Beckett drew close to the both of them, so that his short figure stood gazing up at them. "Best wishes in your hunt. We will be following closely."

"Who's we?" asked Fish.

Beckett led them up to the stern of the ship and behind them they could see, as far as they could in the dark, lights dotting the horizon. It was Beckett's personal fleet.

"We," he said at last with a glorious, proud smile.
Beckett motioned towards the ship that they now noticed for the first time. The Dauntless rushed up to meet them, and sided next to the Endeavour. "Your effects are on board already, and your staterooms are prepared for you with every fine amenity." Beckett drew close to the both of them, so that his short figure stood gazing up at them. "Best wishes in your hunt. We will be following closely."

"Who's we?" asked Fish.

Beckett led them up to the stern of the ship and behind them they could see, as far as they could in the dark, lights dotting the horizon. It was Beckett's personal fleet.

"We," he said at last with a glorious, proud smile.

Fish's insides turned cold. "Arr...we don't need baby-sitters," she said angrily. "It's obvious ye don't trust us, so why are ye bothering with any o' this? And...jest how closely will ye be following?"

"Jest so that we know how long it'll take if we need assistance," added Machia quickly, throwing Fish a dirty look.
Can I be a pirate for a little while? (NOT as Elindil, I'll do it as Accy! :D) Just coz the Rangers is a little quiet right now!

ooc- sure, I don't see why not...I can't imagine us ever battle the rangers again, anyway... I'm not going to bother sending you all of our rules or anything as you've RPGed in our circle for quite awhile...:) So, Accy, welcome to the pirates...:)