New member
ooc- Sadly, yes, again... ;( *hugs slp*
ic- " Pun intended, Cap'n?" IOWW asked as she followed her to Olorin.
"Great to have yeh back, wizard..."
"erm..Not really..but oh well...I had a little rum this morning. I guess me mind is buzzing a bit since it be months since I've had a sip. Oh, IOWW. I wanted to talk to ye," Aravis said. She placed her hand on IOWW's back and the both walked away from the small crowd and into the galley. "I've been meaning to ask ye 'bout yer father. I hope he's ok. Not that I want to make things worse but...we have suspicions 'bout Machia giving the order to knock ye and yer father out. Before the whole incident and all..."