Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

ooc- Sadly, yes, again... ;( *hugs slp*

ic- " Pun intended, Cap'n?" IOWW asked as she followed her to Olorin.
"Great to have yeh back, Wizard...eh...good wizard..."

"erm..Not really..but oh well...I had a little rum this morning. I guess me mind is buzzing a bit since it be months since I've had a sip. Oh, IOWW. I wanted to talk to ye," Aravis said. She placed her hand on IOWW's back and the both walked away from the small crowd and into the galley. "I've been meaning to ask ye 'bout yer father. I hope he's ok. Not that I want to make things worse but...we have suspicions 'bout Machia giving the order to knock ye and yer father out. Before the whole incident and all..."
"erm..Not really..but oh well...I had a little rum this morning. I guess me mind is buzzing a bit since it be months since I've had a sip. Oh, IOWW. I wanted to talk to ye," Aravis said. She placed her hand on IOWW's back and the both walked away from the small crowd and into the galley. "I've been meaning to ask ye 'bout yer father. I hope he's ok. Not that I want to make things worse but...we have suspicions 'bout Machia giving the order to knock ye and yer father out. Before the whole incident and all..."

"Nay...they didn't touch us..." IOWW replied, " not from what I recall anyway...don't know how they would've done it, considering those sailors only listened to me or my father..."
"Nay...they didn't touch us..." IOWW replied, " not from what I recall anyway...don't know how they would've done it, considering those sailors only listened to me or my father..."

"Well, we think he sent some of his followers from this ship to do the work. Anyways, I hear the bells. Its time fer dinner. Did Herkimer tell ye how much time we 'ave 'til we arrive to Spain?"
"Well, we think he sent some of his followers from this ship to do the work. Anyways, I hear the bells. Its time fer dinner. Did Herkimer tell ye how much time we 'ave 'til we arrive to Spain?"

"Herkimer and I reckon we have a while...(ooc- should I speed up time so we aren't too far away? Because sailing from the Bermuda triangle to Spain would take a few months...:rolleyes:)"
"Cia, you haven't been around for too long, they WILL get killed. I love them to peices, but they're tempers get the better of them. Aslan knows what they've gotten themselves into now..." she sighed. "We should probably go after them..."

"If ye want to go after them, then I'll go with ye." Cia heard the bells ringing for dinner. "We best go down to the galley."
ooc: okay hi all...:o so I'll just enter now.

ic: The girl tried one last time to pull herself onto the piece of floating wreckage, but couldn't manage it. She was too weak... swimming for a whole night...soon she would be nothing but fish food.
The wizard was sitting in the galley with the rest when he stopped. He raised a hand for everyone to be quiet, then walked up the stairs onto the deck. "I thought I heard something," he whispered.
"There! There it is again!" The wizard peered out into the gloom. "Cursed darkness," he muttered under his breath.
After another minute of futile looking, the let out an explosive sigh and raised one hand to point at the sky. Suddenly a burst of silver light appeared amongst the clouds, lighting up the area for miles around. In the sudden brightness, the wizard spotted what he was looking for. "There!" he shouted. A figure could be made out, clinging to a piece of driftwood. "Turn the ship to starboard," the wizard shouted to Herkimer. The dwarf spun the wheel and the ship began to make its turn.
The ship was now heading directly toward whoever it was on the piece of driftwood. A few minutes longer, and they would be directly alongside.

OOC: I'm with Aravis & company, if that's what you mean...
ooc: got ya!

Accy could see the ship now, getting closer and closer. Had they seen her, or would the just run her down? "Over here!" She yelled but it was weak and without much hope that they would hear her.
"What in bloody h-" Aravis felt the ship turning. She got up from the table and walked out to deck. "Olorin?! What in world are ye doing?!"
"What in bloody h-" Aravis felt the ship turning. She got up from the table and walked out to deck. "Olorin?! What in world are ye doing?!"

"I believe he just had the ship turn, Captain..."IOWW said bluntly, but not harshly. She quickly ran up onto the deck and spotted what Olorin was heading for.
"Oi! It be a person in the water! Looks like they're about to fall off, aswell..." IOWW grabbed a piece of rope and tied it to the starboard side.
"When we get closer I'll dive in and get her..."They were close enough to see that it was infact a girl floating on the driftwood.
"Hold on! We're coming for ye!" She shouted.
Fyn rushed over to the edge of the ship, she could see the person now. She wondered who it was. She hurried to gather some long rope and blankets for when they retreived the shipwrecked person from the waters. "Aravis, someone's out there..." she explained quickly, returning to the boats side.
Fyn rushed over to the edge of the ship, she could see the person now. She wondered who it was...

ooc- 'Ello there, slp. :D
Where is everyone else?

ic- "Fyn, do ye by chance know where any blankets are? Or even an extra pair of clothes? Whoevers down there is most likely chilled to the bone."
ooc- 'Ello there, slp. :D
Where is everyone else?

ic- "Fyn, do ye by chance know where any blankets are? Or even an extra pair of clothes? Whoevers down there is most likely chilled to the bone."

"I brought some!" Aravis said stumbling out to deck. She stopped before IOWW. "Um..here ye go," she said looking down at IOWW. Even though IOWW and Aravis had somewhat patched things up, tension was still in the air. "Where be the poor soul that was holding on to dear life?" she asked.
"I brought some!" Aravis said stumbling out to deck. She stopped before IOWW. "Um..here ye go," she said looking down at IOWW. Even though IOWW and Aravis had somewhat patched things up, tension was still in the air. "Where be the poor soul that was holding on to dear life?" she asked.

IOWW nodded at Aravis as she carefully took the clothes and set them down by the railing.
"She be there...bout 50 yards out now. I should probably go and get her now." The figure of the girl could be clearly seen against the dark water. IOWW lifted her feet over the railing and began to tie the rope around her waist when she decided to brake the tense silence between her and Aravis.
"Look...after I bring her in Cap'n,We've got to talk. I've got some apologizin' to do..." Wiht that IOWW dove off the railing into the water and began swimming out to the girl.
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Accy could see the ship clearly now, it had stopped so they must have seen her. It wouldn't be long now... she could just rest a minute, she was cold...so cold....
The girl's eyelids closed and her grip on the wood began to slip.