Pirates? Anyone else a pirate? Come on, be a pirate.

One day in The Dancing Dog, three old pirates came in for a grog. The first had TWO eye patches, which probably explained why he had such a hard time finding his stool. The second, only a peg for a HEAD. The third laughed hard and long and them, then said, "Fine stories both of them. But none compare to how I got this hook for a hand!"

Oh the world is still full of pirates. You didn't miss out. Their song still rings loud in the dark alleys of Port Royal where they drink their grog with a fine wench on each arm....

DVDs on a dead man's chest!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Cracks for wares at milord's request!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Arrr, maties, it's Digital Dan and his cut-rate swabs! :D
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Chakal said:
One day in The Dancing Dog, three old pirates came in for a grog. The first had TWO eye patches, which probably explained why he had such a hard time finding his stool. The second, only a peg for a HEAD. The third laughed hard and long and them, then said, "Fine stories both of them. But none compare to how I got this hook for a hand!"
ARRR how i luv a good ol rhyme
QueenAravis48 said:
**GASP!** You wouldn't dare! :eek: :mad:

Anyways we need a captain for this ship (as we all know this thread is figurative for a ship) and someone to commandeer the ship! arrrrr we also need to buy a monkey train it and name it!!garrrrrr

I'll be doing some thinking me get back to ye later garrrrr!!!

Arrr, can we name the monkey Jack? Har, har har....
Jimmy Kickarse said:
The monkey shall be named Jack, after captain Jack Sparrow, gar har!

Yes after jack sparrow arrrrr. now we have to train Jack so he could sneak into the fort and into the castle so he could give we the keys to where the treasure residesARRRR

also we need a captian. Anybody who wants such respek'able position Pm me so i could make a list and we shall all deside aargggggggg on an Official Captain of Narnian PiratesARRGGGGGGG
PrinceOfTheWest said:
Do you need a cough drop or something? You seem to keep having to clear your throat.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my day!! :D on a serious note back to character:

GARRRR go back to the thread were ye came from!!!!
See me be training Jack the way he should be trained:

WE any of ye pirates have any ideas of what to name our ship PM me about that!! after a few requests me will come back with the name of our grand ship! garrrr
killer_dwarf said:
arrr can i join the christian pirates - i be singin pirratey songs in churrch all the time!


Gar, there is only one set of pirates, that be us. Ye shall just happen to be a christian too. Gar.
Machiathemarshwiggle said:
Arrr so what's our plan? Aye, what are we going to do about those knights? Arrrrr......
We'll make 'em into pirates.. arrrgh...! I think we ought to call our ship The Dead End. :D Argh!