First Mate
Arrr, it's nice... in a pirate way..... Arrrrr!!!! I think that Pierre the invisible cat should be our cat to catch rats on the ship. Aye, of course he and Jack the Monkey might fight.
PrinceOfTheWest said:{unbeknownst to pirate crew, stealthed UAV circles overhead, marking current position and course of their ship. Only the sharpest of eyes using the finest optical equipment could spot the airship at all, much less the crest blazen on the wing: Knights of Narnia.
Too bad the pirates smashed all their fine optical equipment in their most recent drunken brawl.}
ye don't think they,capture him?Machiathemarshwiggle said:Nay, I haven't but perhaps he's still at the knights castle where I was just at... They tried to kill the captian earlier...
Machiathemarshwiggle said:I don't know. Arrr we need to get more Pirates involved aye. The Knights outnumber us arrrrrrr!!!!
Machiathemarshwiggle said:The Captian tried to engage them in combat And I came to assist him. Arrr and the knights have putdevices on this ship that show them our course and postion ARRRR!! Aye, I suggest sinkin this ship and moving to our other ship, the Black Pearl!!!!
PrinceOfTheWest said:{Unmanned Aerial Vehicle idles overhead, relaying transmissions from beacon arrow, whose battery is fading. Soon it will be too dark to track pirate ship.}