Pirates II -- Come on, Be A Pirate (Please do not delete)

"Arrrr... t'will be difficult, I'm jus' saying, but maybe after ye've swabbed the entire deck an' all o' down below deck, so clean that I can see me face in it, we might be forgivin' ye..." Machia said with a crooked grin, "Gar, although if ye be givin' me that last piece o' apple pie, ye'll be findin' me forgivin' ye sooner..." :D

Fish rolled her eyes at Machia. "Wizard," she said to Olorin (ooc- ahh! I forgot your RPG name!), "ignore the firs' mate. The festivities are jest beginnin', and yer welcome to be joinin' us."
Ah, ah! Don't mix grain and grape or you'll regret it on the morrow.

Mixing fruit and grape, however... have a little more cider. Want some apple pie? I'm sure one of these pirates will be happy to get one for you.

(wanders over to rigging line and toys with end)

I wonder what happens if I pull this loose?
Ah, ah! Don't mix grain and grape or you'll regret it on the morrow.

Mixing fruit and grape, however... have a little more cider. Want some apple pie? I'm sure one of these pirates will be happy to get one for you.

(wanders over to rigging line and toys with end)

I wonder what happens if I pull this loose?

*Stares at PotW*

*Snatches his grogg and runs off*
*Points and laughs*

*sighs and jumps in after her*

*Pulls Miss Freckles outta teh icey waters and onto teh deck sputtering and coughing*



wanna be a Numenorean pirate?" ;)
Ah, ah! Don't mix grain and grape or you'll regret it on the morrow.

Mixing fruit and grape, however... have a little more cider. Want some apple pie? I'm sure one of these pirates will be happy to get one for you.

(wanders over to rigging line and toys with end)

I wonder what happens if I pull this loose?

"Uh...mate," Fish said quickly, "yer great an' all, but yer still a bit o' a landlubber. So...uh... I suggest ye not pull that, lest ye want the riggin' to be fallin' down on ye. And let me tell ye, it ain't as light as it looks..."

Glancing to her side, Fish noticed Kris heading towards Machia, who was currently attempting to horde the leftover Apple Pie. "Oy, and speakin' of bad ideas, matey," she called out to Kris, "trying to part Machia from anythin' apple is 'bout as dangerous as trying to steal the Saruman's staff by ticklin' him..."
"Uh...mate," Fish said quickly, "yer great an' all, but yer still a bit o' a landlubber. So...uh... I suggest ye not pull that, lest ye want the riggin' to be fallin' down on ye. And let me tell ye, it ain't as light as it looks..."

Glancing to her side, Fish noticed Kris heading towards Machia, who was currently attempting to horde the leftover Apple Pie. "Oy, and speakin' of bad ideas, matey," she called out to Kris, "trying to part Machia from anythin' apple is 'bout as dangerous as trying to steal the Saruman's staff by ticklin' him..."

"Arrrr, aye that's why ye don't try..." Machia said darkly, with a suspicious glance all around him... "Gar, by the by thar Prince, what apple pie be ye talkin' 'bout?" The First Mate wiped his mouth on his sleeve... "Arrr... I be seein' no apple pie..." He said innocently... Just then Kris felt something land on her shoulder and then jump off again... The next second something landed on the shoulder of Machia's coat and a low "Meow" was heard...

"Arrrr!! What be that ye say Pierre? Apples crisp!! Arrr!! Where?" With that Machia and Pierre disappeared off the deck and Dead Tom came out from the medical cabin where he'd been hiding, carrying two apples pies not found by the First Mate... :D
Struggling to his feet, the Prince shakes his head woozily.

"What was that? Did I do something wrong?"

Reeling a bit, he clutches at a length of running rigging dangling just beside him. However, since the rigging is reaved through a block to the rigging above, it slips as he pulls on it, dropping him to the ground and loosening...
Glory be, if I haven't seen PotW in ages. Noble knight, an honor to see you once again. And how I have missed the great Parthian King as well.

IOWW said:
...hehheh...*steals wizards staff*

Couldn't resist.

*The Wizard glares angrily* I will have you know, IOWW, that such actions will NOT be tolerated! Maybe just for this celebration I will let it pass, just maybe...*the Wizard sulks...then goes back to reminiscing on old memories*

If I could reenact the days of Apollo's trial, it would warm the cockles of this old Wizard's black-err, strong and powerful heart! To think, I had him so close to being...punished! And if only the Rangers would rise once more! The days when I had forsaken the Knights and joined the cause of the Rangers, along with Charn Tim and the others. Until, of course, wisdom dictated I embark on some new endeavors of my own. *The Wizard smiled darkly*

ooc: Wish I could have spent more time in the celebration...but every day's a celebration with this RPG, and who knows what fun and exciting adventures yet await! :D
Indeed, good to hear from you again, old comrade! Too bad you had to "go bad" - but then, you hardly had a good namesake, did you?

Yes, I fear our Parthian King has returned to Ecbatana for good.
Ecbatana? Why? We'll miss him... :(

Azgar (Yes, fish, that's my RPG name :p) lifted an eyebrow at Machia's activities with the apples. Then suddnely a mischievous grin came over his features. He concentrated hard for a moment, shimmered, and... disappeared, leaving only an apple pie sitting on the deck. Raising itself up on four somewhat sticky legs, the apple pie trotted off in the direction of Machia... :D
Still feeling a bit groggy from what seemed to be a hundred years of sleep, Aravis sat on a wooden box that used to be filled with apples. "Machia," she thought. Last she remembered Machia and Fish had divided the crew in their greed. But that was in the past now, or at least she thought. "I'm not going to entertain the thought!" she muttered to herself. She walked the main deck but felt she was no longer in control. The small crew on board barely looked at her. "I no longer have the presence of a Captain," she said. She lowered her head as her hand reached for a rope that was dangling from a mast. She pulled it with the weight of her body hoping to climb it but instead IOWW's body came falling down.

"Oh..I'm so sorry, Matey!" Aravis said as she bent down to help her up.

"Not again!" IOWW said.

"You mean to say I've done this before?" Aravis asked in confusion.

IOWW placed her hand on her back and grunted. "No, no. It's not that. Look at the sky. Black clouds are invading the seas again. It's been happening for quite a while now and it keeps pushing this ship off its course," she said.
*a loud creaaaaaakkkk is heard*

*Everyone stops to see teh main mast leaning*

*Mast falls on Saruman and PotW with a "CRUUUNNNNNCHHHH!!"*

*Machia lets out a "GAARRR" as he manages to get crunched under it too*

*Falls over laughing*
