Aravis heart sank when she heard the Wizard speak. She could sense that Beckett was sitting (or standing) next to him. "Mateys, we 'ave no time to lose!" she said desperately laying out a map on the table.
"Time fer what?" Fish asked.
"Beckett and Saruman are on to me. That's the reason they're after us in the first place," she said.
Machia bit into his apple, "I'm not following."
IOWW and Aravis looked at each other. A worried look upon their faces made Fish feel uncomfortable. "Something tells me this be serious," she said.
"If it be true that Beckett controls the seven seas, it be possible that Aravis is the most wanted person on earth right now," IOWW said. She motioned for Aravis to continue.
"A while ago, I was sailing under the commands of Captain Black Mare, may he rest in peace, we raided a ship called the HMS Black Prince. There I found a chest and a key and brought it with me to an island where we burried all the stolen booty from the raid, the chest being among them."
"And the key?" asked machia attentively.
Aravis placed her hand inside her shirt and took out the key which hung from a necklace. "I've had it all this time, but while I was in Narnia I had forgotten its significance. I jest used it as part of me attire. As a vanity necklace. But when ye two came to me cabin 'bout an hour ago, I had some sort of supernatural dream in which I was taken back to that night. And I saw meself, and Captain Black Mare, and the chest! And then he gave me the necklace fer me to hold the key."
"And what has become of Captain Black-" Fish asked before being interrupted by Aravis.
"Captain Black Mare was caught by Beckett the same night. That's when I fled and soon later I met and sailed under Captain Jimmy. Ye all know who he is," she said. She closed her eyes and sunk into her chair.
Machia threw away the core of the apple. "So let me git this straight, Beckett is after ye because of this chest ye stole from him?"
"Well, that and the ship we commandeered," Aravis said.
"What's inside this chest?" Fish asked
"A map," Araivs straightened herself. " the entrance of the Wood Between the Worlds."
Both Machia and Fish's jaws dropped. "Ye don't mean..."
"Aye, that's why we need to turn this ship around as soon as we can!" Aravis stood up from the chair with all the confidence of a Captain. "IOWW, I want ye to navigate our voyage. We're off to the Isla de la Decepcion!"