Playing in the Queen of Hearts' Castle

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Me: And the tailor all made this himself????
Hatter: Yes he did
Me: Hatter!!!! Where did you come from? We thought we lost you!
Hatter: Well, at first I felt sick but soon I felt better than ever before
Me: It's so good to see you!!!
Hatter: Thanks! I'm happy to see you too!
Me: It looks like we are going to have a double wedding very soon
Merry: Makes it three
Me: Shut up! We are looking for a gorgeous dress
ToJ: Not for me! I will insist to get married in pyamas
Hatter: That's eh an unusual idea but a fun idea
Me: I agree!

Pippin looks outside

Pip: I wonder how long tghis weather is going to be like this
Me: A looooooong time Pip
Me: Sis you are so weird but if you want to get married in your Pjs you have have but I'm wearing a dress.

* Hannah pulls Edmund*

Me: Come on lets go pick out a cake!
OOC: TOJ, "honey-bunny" is something my deceased Mary and I used to call each other.

ooc: that's so sweet - I have nothing against others calling their sweethearts - terms of endermeant, i personally just find them...kind of strange - but then again I'm not in a relationship and my view could change in the future.
When Alice arrived and found people already expecting her to be crowned Queen of Hearts, Eragon and his dragon comrade were among the first to congratulate her. As a parting act of kindness for everyone, Sapphira made an extensive but controlled use of her fire-breathing power: not only melting all snow and ice in or near the castle, but making the stone walls themselves very warm, so that the air in the close vicinity would not soon turn cold again.

Then Eragon said goodbye to all, and he and Sapphira headed for the Monologues dimension-pass, through which they could get to their own world, where Sapphira's injured wings would recover sooner.
The Lion and the Unicorn, though both injured in the fight with the giant "rat-bear," were able to join in congratulating Alice and the new couples. "You two realize, you DON'T have to fight for the crown ever again," Alice told them.

"Yes, we realize it," said the Lion of Wonderland. "But with Your Soon-To-Be Majesty's permission, I want to stage ONE more bout when we're that I can LET the Unicorn WIN for once!"

"Ha!" said the Unicorn. "I was letting YOU win all those other times!" But everyone realized that the Unicorn was only joking; and everyone realized that the Lion's intent was kindly, after his fashion.
Everybody is cheering for the wonderful new Queen Alice. She still seems to be a bit uneasy because of all the attention but she smiles.

Me: When are these weddings going to happen?
Hatter: I have no idea at all. I didn't even know Alice is our new Queen
Me: She will make an awesome queen though!
Hatter: I agree with you
Merry: The two brides to be are both working on their wedding
Pippin: Owww yes, the wedding
Merry: It looks like after a bad time the good times have arrived
Me: Whatever happened to the Snow Queen?
Merry: She wandered off to the monologue thread
Me: Owww.....
Me: What is going on now?
Hatter: From what I've heard somethign with the Chess Kingdoms. They are trying to figure out why this weather is so unusual
Me: It indeed is. This reminds me of Snowland
Hatter: The Snow Queen is behind this but she wandered off so nobody knows what is going to happen next
Pippin: Aren't you going to play hockey Eric?
Eric: Not now Pip. I don't think this is the time to play hockey and besides.....I have no stick anymore
Me: That's true! It changed into a sword
Hatter: Ah....the magical sword? I heard all about it from the Rabbit
Me: Where is he? I miss him
Hatter: He should be here somewhere because he didn't want to miss our dear Alice to be crowned queen
Ooc: According to Joe she wouldn't be on for a while. I hope she will return soon

Me: Okay....Caspian, when is the wedding?
Caspian: Ehm....can it happen right now?
Hatter: Impossible. Not right now
Caspian: Why not?
Hatter: Because of the preparations
Caspian: Well, we are going to get married in our pyamas so maybe the cermony doesn't need to be that long
Me: Give your darling the time to get ready
Caspian: LOL.......

Merry and Pippin are waiting for Eric to come

Merry: Is it that cold where you come from?
Eric: Canada you mean? Oww yes! It can be pretty cold
Merry: We always live in the sunny shire
Pippin: Unless Farmer Maggot catches you then it starts to rain
Eric: Nessa! Are you coming?
Me: What are you going to do?
Eric: Not much but we want to have a closer look at Alice's crowning ceremony
Me *grab Eric's hand*: Okay.....I'm with you
Merry *whispers*: When are they going to get married?
Pippin: Maybe I can ask?
Merry: No..NO!
Eric: What is it Merry?
Merry: Nothing
ooc: Oh aww, what happened?

Toj: But i am ready
Alice: I'm not
Toj: Waaait a sec, has Peter proposed yet?
Peter: Well there goes my dreams
Alice: What, you want to marry me?
Peter: I love you alice
Ooc: Thanks Joe!

Me: What is this with the chess kingdom?
Hatter: As I told you before, they want to know what is going on with this weather
Me: As long as the SQ isn't here the weather will stay the same or do I see this wrong?
Hatter: I don't know yet
Eric: We can enjoy playing in the snow right now
Merry: Yep...PIP! Take this!

Soon everybody is throwing snowballs back and forth. Pippin and Merry are making a contest how much snowballs they can throw at Eric before he drops in the snow. Eric enjoys this and throws snowballs back.

Me: hatter, what are you doing?
Hatter: I'm going inside and drink some tea. You guys are funny but I'm not going to join the snowball fight!
Me: Okay.....hey!!! What is that?

Eric smiles while throwing a snowball at Nessa. Soon Nessa and Eric are throwing snowballs at each other. Pippin throws a ball so fast it flies through a window

Merry: Well done Pip!
Pip: Run!!!
The White Knight and his entourage come within sight of the Hearts castle. Some of the resurrected soldiers (the ones recalled from the Clubs Kingdom having not made it home yet) go to meet the newcomers, who clearly do not have hostile intentions.

By the time the Chessmen actually come within speaking distance of Alice and her companions, the White Knight has been given a scrambled account of events. Knowing Alice, he asks her: "Young lady, is this correct, that the King and Queen of Hearts were eaten by a giant bear?"
Alice sighed. "I had hoped that it wouldn't come to this...." She turned away.
"Alice-" ToJ began.
"Just, let me alone for a while, ToJ," Alice replied, before walking away.
"What's up with her?" Edmund asked.
"I have no idea," replied Nessa.

ooc: I'm back! I missed you guys!
Edmund: she must be torn with ruling the country and putting peter down
Peter: Alice, love
Alice: Leave me alone Peter
Peter: No hold her arm, slowly turning her around and 'kisses' her
Alice: SLAP -
Toj: Ouch
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