Emma walked outside, meeting Peter and the rest con Acacia...
- Oh, Gosh!! - She ran to her, holding her tightly. Then, Acacia explained her where she had been and Emma sighed.
- Don't you worry - She told Acacia - I've met Aslan. And so did Lu. We know he's with us. And now... we're heading to miraz Castle. Kris, somehow, got trapped there.
- I gues it was to pay attention. - Peter rolled his eyes. Emma stared at him fiercely.
- How can you say that, Peter????? - She said, indignantly.
- That's her. - Peter said.
- Are you coming or not? -
- Of course I'm going!! - he said, surprised. - The fact that's her doesn't mean i love her less. She's my friend too.

- We have to go. Are you coming, Ellie? You could ride the Centaurs along Glenstorm. And you, Acacia, could join Edmund on the castle's tower. You'll be veery useful there, for you're very quick. - Emma smiled, encouragingly, though her eyes were worry and sad. All of them stared at her, concerned. - What?? - She said. he knew all of them were thinking she was working too hard and she was stressed, but still with that smile.
- We have to go. - Edmund said, still serious. Peter placed a hand on his shoulder and Caspian appeared behind. Caitlin talked to Lucy.
- I'll stay with you, Lu. - She told her and both smiled at each other's face. - I promise. We'll have fun. -
- Let's go, Whoot. - Said Caspian.