Procrastinators Unite!!!

You know, I've been meaning to post on this thread a brilliant plan we procrastinators can use to take over the world!! I really should post it now...

.... Or maybe I'll do it later....
I've been intending to visit this thread...

I'll have to post something profound and motivational...
I think you just did . . . I just need to figure out what.

I procrastinate all the time. Except for me, my LEGOs burn anything that touches them (at my command, of course). This comes in very handy when a 2 year-old picks up my Naboo Fighter (7128) and tests as to whether it can "fly".
I need to study for an Exam that needs to be taken care of soon, so that I can get down to business on Pre-Calc. I am here instead right now.
I was told about this thread few weeks ago....
I may join but I need to work on my story and.....
my obsession with Harry Potter....
I may do that tomorow or in a fews.