Production Blog

OK, if it's admiration, even flirtation, that's not horrible. But if it's a romance and goes bad which causes Susan to reject all things Narnia, that would be horrible. But if that is just speculation on our part, then I will not be too worried. And I am happy with Ben Barnes now, as far as his age, because they have done a good job in the teaser/trailer of making him look to be about Peter's age -- Will's age, either way.
micoordia, imerged your thread on Ben's blog in here. It's the 2nd thread on it I've merged in. Please everyone, when a new blog entry gets released come here and discuss it if possible. Thanks.
My PC won't let me watch the video clip of Ben Barnes for #6! *tear* At least they had posted screencaps on narniaweb, so I got the general idea. Sort of..
yeah. I've been off the internet for over a month, so we I came back and check for the latest narnia news, I was on info over load. So much happened in so little time!! I saw that they had a clip of Ben and nearly did a flip in my chair...but then it wouldn't load.
The screencaps were still cool though; it's a small peek at what is to come :) I'm excited!
There's a new blog entry on Miraz up at

glumPuddle's latest set visit entry on NarniaWeb also details Miraz and has an interview from Isis.
Most of the blog entries are typed so you can read them as opposed to watching them. Some are video blogs like Andrew's and Ben's, but you can go to and go read the latest one. The set visit reports from glumPuddle are on narniaweb.

Hope this helps.