Production Blog

The next part of the production blog? They showed some neat footage. Ben Barnes actually........... I don't know.. doesn't look as awful as I imagined he would be. I should give him more credit.. haha :D

I liked it, and it got me excited, but what killed it was they had to show a little smidge of a part of Susan and Caspian. That pairing, I'm sorry, is just too terrible for me to even comprehend!
to people that have already seen the caspain blog...
1) capsian fighting with peter...what??
2) caspian checking out susan...oh please give me a break!
3) everything else? Heck Yeah!!!!!!!! coolness...

I think Peter was training Caspian or something.

Caspian+Susan=I really don't care to lose my lunch.

Other than the Su/Caspian deal, I actually enjoyed it. :p
now that i've seen it several times it looks to me as if Caspian comes to get the four kids when they blunder into narnia. which is not good cuz that's not suppose to happen...i mean he's fighting with peter, susan corrects his shooting, they all appear to be at the ruins of cair pairavel...and he's with them when they're entering aslan's how. ugh....i just hope they don't change it too much...of course i could be wrong...(i hope i'm wrong)
Prince Caspian is suppose to be a kid!!! Oh well, I'm too excited to be mad. At least I hope he's gonna do better than the first Prince Caspian kid that played him...uh, the BBC version.
Oh my gosh!!!! I was SOOOOOO excited when I saw the interview with Caspian. :D
I can't wait till they release more production blogs!
And yes... Caspian was actually alot better than I expected him to be. :)
Wow! The production blog was awesome!! Wasn't it?
I seriously can't stop watching it.
Yeah.. I was kind of confused about the fight with Caspian and Peter.
But it probably was just them practicing or having a little contest, like Trumpkin had with Edmund in the book. :)
now that i've seen it several times it looks to me as if Caspian comes to get the four kids when they blunder into narnia. which is not good cuz that's not suppose to happen...i mean he's fighting with peter, susan corrects his shooting, they all appear to be at the ruins of cair pairavel...and he's with them when they're entering aslan's how. ugh....i just hope they don't change it too much...of course i could be wrong...(i hope i'm wrong)

Really? *goes and watches again* That's horrible!! If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Caspian the one in trouble, NOT the Pevensies?
*breathes in brown paper bag* I can't relax! :p He's putting... romance in there as Susan's excuse for not belieing in Narnia.. Can't he just go with C.S. Lewis' explanation that Susan became interested only in "lipstick and nylons"?

*sniffs* Poor Anna. There better not be a kiss in there. :D
Maybe the archery lesson is the little something between Susan and Caspian that we have been hearing about since two April Fools Days ago. If it is just an Archery lesson than it ought to be OK, I think.
Imerged the thread on Caspian's blog entry into this one since it's a part of the production blog on the Disney site.

It was an interesting blog for sure. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Andrew said at Comic Con that they want to stay true to the books so I'm hoping that things won't depart from the book too much.
Imerged the thread on Caspian's blog entry into this one since it's a part of the production blog on the Disney site.

It was an interesting blog for sure. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Andrew said at Comic Con that they want to stay true to the books so I'm hoping that things won't depart from the book too much.
I really hope so!
if you go to narniaweb (it might be at narniafans too) there's a list of the footage they showed at comic con. And the very last scene that was presented was the pevensies standing very solemnly in front of Aslan's How. Also there's a scene where Trumpkin is in a boat with the four kids...that makes me breathe better!
I think that it will start out pretty much right, I do not think that they will have Trumpkin tell Caspian's story to the kids in the movie though they may imply that it is told. The sticky part for me is when they actually get to Aslan's How.
*breathes in brown paper bag* I can't relax! :p He's putting... romance in there as Susan's excuse for not belieing in Narnia.. Can't he just go with C.S. Lewis' explanation that Susan became interested only in "lipstick and nylons"?

*sniffs* Poor Anna. There better not be a kiss in there. :D
hahaha...totally agree with ya!!
*breathes in brown paper bag* I can't relax! :p He's putting... romance in there as Susan's excuse for not belieing in Narnia.. Can't he just go with C.S. Lewis' explanation that Susan became interested only in "lipstick and nylons"?

*sniffs* Poor Anna. There better not be a kiss in there. :D

On the contrary, i think it would be very interesting if they added a little romance, not a lot, but just a little too keep the story interesting.
OK, I just now looked up the blog and saw the teaser trailer. Ben Barnes looks as if he will do a good job. :)

I am still wondering how they will do the childhood bit. Although they have made him look William's age (which Caspian and Peter are supposed to be about the same age), that is much too old for the parts of the story where he loses his nurse, gets Cornelius as a tutor, etc. If someone already posted this, sorry: are they going to have a llittle boy actor for those parts?
OK, I just now looked up the blog and saw the teaser trailer. Ben Barnes looks as if he will do a good job. :)

I am still wondering how they will do the childhood bit. Although they have made him look William's age (which Caspian and Peter are supposed to be about the same age), that is much too old for the parts of the story where he loses his nurse, gets Cornelius as a tutor, etc. If someone already posted this, sorry: are they going to have a llittle boy actor for those parts?
I hope they'll have a younger boy for those parts. Because in the book it says "When Caspian was a very young boy" when he has that conversation with his Uncle and his nurse is "fired" so to speak.