GC and BC were two Duffers from the Golden Age...
look at the required reading in the first post of the Order of the Can thread to find out more.
impossible, they never existed *brainwashes Olorin too

Olorin the dumb... i mean wise:p said:
And who might that be? *innocent look*
i don't know... we could ask that weird fellow over there...
'Excuse me sir, but could you direct us to a doctor who can do heimlich on cats?'
Weird Fellow: uhm.... Sure, you go into that street, take the first to the left, and then you jump off that cliff and when you are at the bottom you scream, he'll find you

Lieke and Olorin: *go to do that* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Fall: *is very painfull*

Lieke and Olorin: *are at the bottom of the cliff now* *scream*
Another weird fellow: *appears*
Lieke and Olorin: Hello, are you a doctor who can do heimlich on a cat?
Other weird Fellow (we need a name, let's call him 'Andy', that sounds like a name for some weird fellow

): Follow me please...
Lieke and Olorin: *follow*
Lieke: Where do you think he will lead us to?