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Who is more dashing?

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Vampires are more cool and relaxed. They got the whole living dead thing going; They're bad all the time, sucking blood, etc. Werewolfsare bad about once a month, and all during the day of when the moon is going to be full they're always saying "Lock me up! Lock me up! Don't let me escape!" wereas vampires tend not to care. I really don't know which one I like better though.
Originally posted by Dragon@Oct 6 2004, 03:52 PM
Werewolfsare bad about once a month, and all during the day of when the moon is going to be full they're always saying "Lock me up! Lock me up! Don't let me escape!" wereas vampires tend not to care. I really don't know which one I like better though.
That depends on what mythos your going on. On the popular 'Wolf man' genra, then ya once a moth when the wolf bane blooms the guy turns into the wer-wolf whether he likes it or not. However in the older mythologies becoming a wer-wolf was a choice (usually done by worlocks and sorcerers) and you really have to be evil to become one. (There is a whole ritual involved that includes drinking blood :blink: ) And you can turn into a wolf whenever you want, you're power is just at its peak during the full-moon.

Well that was more info than anyone needed, I'll be quiet now....
Well Gray, as you seem to be resident were-wolf expert all my future questions shall be forwarded to you...but ,seeing as this is a CoN based site, don't you see the link between the were-wolf thing and Rillian's enchantment? But reversed, kinda?? And, they had were-wolves in Narnia, proper ones aswell! (ramble ramble)
Originally posted by GrayCloak@Oct 6 2004, 04:00 PM
That depends on what mythos your going on. On the popular 'Wolf man' genra, then ya once a moth when the wolf bane blooms the guy turns into the wer-wolf whether he likes it or not.
Yeah. That's the one I'm talking about. More Wolf Man than werewolf. Like in the Lon Cheney movies, where the werewolf can see the pentagram sign in the hand of his next victim, which is traditionally the person he cares about the most.

"Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright." I've always loved the rhythm of that poem. Has an almost romantic sound to it, if it wasn't about people turning to monsters.

I personally like the mythos of the classic Univeral Studios Lon Cheney Wolf Man better than the Dracula one (and I'm more interested in it than the older myths). Dracula is a "cooler" badguy, but Lon Cheney made the Wolf Man so terribly tragic, I'm tempted voting for werewolfs. (still haven't voted yet.)

(yay, my 200th post. I'll celebrate with you Skinner)
Ok. Just two more votes for Vamp and it'll be tied

Come on people! Vote! Forget about Bush and Kerry. This is more important. ;)
Funny this should come up. Just last week I had some friends corner me with this question. It was a slightly intense encounter. The outcome...Wer-wolf. So that's how I voted. Ciao.

- Lou
Originally posted by lsipher@Oct 6 2004, 11:26 PM
Funny this should come up. Just last week I had some friends corner me with this question. It was a slightly intense encounter. The outcome...Wer-wolf. So that's how I voted. Ciao.

Your friend sounds crazy maybe you should stay away from him/her. (Only funny because that was *exactly* what I was doing last Sunday. :D )

Side note: The wer-wolf character who bites Caspian in PC is from the older mythos. Sorry just read that yesterday and found it interesting...
Someone here hasn't seen Van Helsing.....

I apologize for using that blaspheming movie as referance, (so many plot holes...so many betrayals of mythos...but he had a really cool hat....)

The question is, since Dracula can control wolves, does a wer-wolf count, or does it have free will. If it's not under Dracula's power, then the vampire would be dead, no question.

Are we talking about the 'leather clad' new generation vampires, that have abandoned the ancient rules of the undead? The (wonderful) Bela Lagosi Dracula, as well as the Christopher Lee. (with Peter Cushing! :D ) Or the origonal Dracula mythos?

Doesn't matter, wer-wolves rule!