New member
Fyn looked off in the distance. "I hate you Saruman..." she whispered. She started off toward where the orcs were, cutlass in hand, and she didn't even know how to fight...
Fyn looked off in the distance. "I hate you Saruman..." she whispered. She started off toward where the orcs were, cutlass in hand, and she didn't even know how to fight...
ooc: this is gonna be messy...
ic: Emmy took her 2 cutlasses and killed 4 orcs instantly. She was angery before about being woken up, but IOWW dieing sent her over the bridge.
ooc:u have to change ur siggy, ur not a memeber of the Black Spot anymore!!
ic: Emmy sliced the legs off of 2 more orcs.
ooc: oh thanks for the ego boost Mr. T...not very pretty-making.
ic: Fyn did what she never had done before, she killed unmercifully. She got beat up real bad, but succeeded in killing many of the orcs. She fought hard, recieving a nice blow in the side, her ribs felt broken, her head light, but she wouldn't stop until every orc in all of Narnia was dead.
Caim watched her. He was even surprised. He blocked HER rather than another orc. She had already killed this orc, but kept going. Angelus spoke to her, saying, "It's over child..."
That broke her. She dropped the cutlass, dropping to the ground, her face in her hands. "It never began..." she cried. "It never started..."
ooc: why can't u break that easy on other rpgs!!?
ic: As the orcs fled Emmy finally rested.
ooc: I'm suprised ur not on LPG...
ic: Emmy sat down in the grass to take a break.