ooc- You guys have got me crying!!!

"IOWW!" Fish screamed. She ran to her and tried to soak up the drenching blood. And came the tears. Through blurred eyes Fish frantically tried to revive the long-lifeless IOWW. "Matey, please...." Fish whispered. "Aslan, please." After several moments Fish was still and just sat there crying.
"Cap'n, ye'd be'er git here quick. Lucy's...Lucy's about to take us to IOWW. Ferget whatever Orcs yer battling and jest git here..."
*Lucy got down on her knees and patted Fish's back*
"She gave me her dagger so that we may always remember her. She aked us to take her to the Stone Table."
EDIT: "Nay, Cap'n, I wish she was jest captured...." Fish looked at Lucy. "I'm not quite sure where ye lead us. Would ye go git the Cap'n from camp?"QA48 said:The Captain's heart sank when she heard Fish's tone of voice. "What? What ye mean? Is she being held captive? The battle where I'm at seems to be winding down. A group of Rangers have come to our aid. I'll be there right now. Where are ye?"
Fish wiped her eyes. "Aye, if that's what she said. And we don't need no dagger to remember her....She is...or was...or is IOWW, after all. Our memory o' her ain't never going nowhere. But let's at least clean her up...we'll have to decide on when to have her memorial service..."
*Lucy nodded her head. *
"Should I go call de Cap'n."
ooc: HAHA! Btw, I love your banner!!!
ic: "Aye Aye."
*She teleported to the camp*
"Cap'n I am here to take you to IOWW."
"IOWW!" Fish screamed. She ran to her and tried to soak up the drenching blood. And came the tears. Through blurred eyes Fish frantically tried to revive the long-lifeless IOWW. "Matey, please...." Fish whispered. "Aslan, please." After several moments Fish was still and just sat there crying.
“ Anyway, continue.” Edmund urged.
“Yes, very well. Anyway, so, the Pirates, and Rangers, and Narnians are fighting back. Well, this tyrant can make forces like it’s nothing’! Thousands of orcs and trolls stormed an area near our camp, and that’s when I was killed…” IOWW looked sadly down at her see-through feet.
“We have to go back to Narnia!” Lucy said after a moment of silence.
“Yes! We do!” Edmund Chimed in.
“How will we get back?” Susan asked.
“Perhaps she can help us…” Peter said, pointing to IOWW.
“I-I might…but, I don’t know how…”
“You’re a Narnian.” Lucy smiled at her, "You can do anything."
IOWW smiled back at her.
“Aye…well, I guess it doesn’t hurt to try, eh…” IOWW thought hard, “ Um…hold on…" She walked over to Lucy and stuck her hand out.
“Can you touch me?” She asked. Lucy looked cautiously at her for a second, but then stuck out her hand. Once Lucy touched where IOWW’s skin ought to be, the area glowed. It startled both IOWW and Lucy and made both of them pull their hands back.
“That’s how I’ll get you lot back to Narnia…” They all smiled triumphantly.
“But, you four have to promise me something before we go back…” IOWW told them.
“Anything.” Them four of them said at the same time.
“When you get to Narnia, I want you to find the Pirates, and tell them…” she paused, “ An-and tell them I love ’em…tell 'em I-I’ll always be with them…” a tear fell from IOWW’s eye and disappeared into the carpet, “ And, to keep on fighting. But-But remind them, two wrongs don't make a right...”
Tears appeared on both Susan’s and Lucy’s eyes as well.
“We will.” Peter assured her. IOWW wiped her tears away,
“Aslan bless ye, Pevensie’s.”
“He already has. You’ve come to take us back to Narnia. There is no better blessing.” Susan told her. IOWW nodded.
“Well, come. Gather round me, now.” IOWW stood in the middle as the Pevensies circled around her.
‘Think Narnian thoughts…”IOWW told them as they all placed their hands on her. The light was blinding, and in moments, the Pevensie’s were once again out of their safe home and in the wonderful land of Narnia.
"I know, Cap'n, I know. She was one of me best mateys, too. Cap'n, if it's the last thing I do, I'm going make sure that the Wizard is dead. He's going to die fer this... Cap'n, perhaps...perhaps it would be better if we moved IOWW now. Let's jest git her inside a tent...or...something....I don't know. We've got to do something, though...we gotta git out here, Cap'n. We have to let Twilight and the rest of the pirates know...We've got to do something....
ooc- so where about are you all? In our near vicinity, or do you have to travel a bit to get to us?
ooc- It'll take a moment, but, since I brought them back, I figured I'd take em back to the spot I was killed.Which just happens to be your guyses location aswell.
EDIT: Can I bring in the Pevensie's?
"I'll DV to the Ranger's camp to see how the situation is over there. The two of ye are going to have to teleport her. I've wasted all me energy teleporting here. I'm afraid that if I do teleport, I'll be stuck in between dimensions just like Machia.." The captain laughed quietly. "By the way, where be Machia and Twilight?" she asked
Why don't we have Fish and Co. remove the body and by the time the pevensies come back they will have to go through the task of finding the Ranger's camp?