Gondor Knight of Narnia
New member
"I outta kill all of 'em and bury them alive."
WHO had taken Lucy's pies?

"I outta kill all of 'em and bury them alive."
WHO had taken Lucy's pies?The chubby little shadow sat down beneath a tree just out of the fire's light n' began to gulp down the pies...
ooc: Don't tell me it's a dwarf!!!![]()
*Lucy rolled her eyes and began to make another pie*
ooc:You are pure evil Sean!
OOC-MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAI just sacked Middle-earth today as the Goblins in the Battle for Middle-earth 2 game...
IC-The chubby little fellow continued to converse with the Ranger, keeping an eye on the pies...![]()
ooc: OMGOSH POOR PEOPLE!!!!! Sean.....don't make me pull your ears! haha
OOC-Don't make me get the trolls![]()
IC-a pair of beady eyes watched intently as Lucy made her pie..."My post-midnight pre-morning snack..." The chubby little fellow to whom the eyes belonged thought...![]()
ooc: YIKES! *hides*
ic: *Lucy started to make the filling, and then the crust. *
"I will keep guard on this one." she smirked.
ooc: Small creature?? Is it an oompa loompa?![]()
ic: "Arr, good mornin Lucy!" Twilight walked into camp, a little muddy after a morning walk in the woods, and carrying a large and mysterious looking bundle under her arm.
"Morning Twilight" Lucy smiled as she worked on her pie. "Anything interesting going to happen today? Storming the wizard, taking care of a baby cave troll?"
"Well, nothin that interestin', but if I were ye, I'd keep workin on that pie, and make sure you watch it like a hawk." Twilight set her bundle down and leaned in to talk in Lucy's ear. "Don't know whether he wants this to be known, but today is First Mate Machia's birthday, and I'm thinkin he'd like nothin better than an apple pie fer his party. And whether he wants it to be known or not, he is going to have a party, so keep workin on that pie while I wrap me present fer him in somthin' a little... cleaner." Twilight picked up her grubby bundle again.
ooc: Yes, it is Machia's birthday today! So that means... PIRATE PARTY!! YO, HO, HO AND A BOTTLE OF....ROOT BEER!
*gasp* so that's where you were yesterdayooc- YAY!!! Hopefully I wont have to ground myself again from the comp today
ooc: Small creature?? Is it an oompa loompa?![]()
ic: "Arr, good mornin Lucy!" Twilight walked into camp, a little muddy after a morning walk in the woods, and carrying a large and mysterious looking bundle under her arm.
"Morning Twilight" Lucy smiled as she worked on her pie. "Anything interesting going to happen today? Storming the wizard, taking care of a baby cave troll?"
"Well, nothin that interestin', but if I were ye, I'd keep workin on that pie, and make sure you watch it like a hawk." Twilight set her bundle down and leaned in to talk in Lucy's ear. "Don't know whether he wants this to be known, but today is First Mate Machia's birthday, and I'm thinkin he'd like nothin better than an apple pie fer his party. And whether he wants it to be known or not, he is going to have a party, so keep workin on that pie while I wrap me present fer him in somthin' a little... cleaner." Twilight picked up her grubby bundle again.
ooc: Yes, it is Machia's birthday today! So that means... PIRATE PARTY!! YO, HO, HO AND A BOTTLE OF....ROOT BEER!
Fish smiled widely as she walked outside her tent. She watched the sky, and soon saw several large bird, albatros to be specific, coming toward the camp. The birds landed, and Fish untied the packages they had been carrying. Also attached was a note. It said: (ooc- I hope you don't mind me using your character, PotW!) Dear Fish, I recieved your request for the bushels of apples and happily filled it. Please send Machia my dearest greetings on his birthday. I hope all is going well. Retirement is suiting me wonderfully, and the orchard is thriving, so I would be happy to fill any needs you and your pirate friends may need for fresh fruit. Long live Aslan!"
Yours truly,
Sir PotW
Fish smiled even more, and wrote a quick "thanks" note in return. She attached it to an albatros' leg, and gave the birds permission to fly. Fish watched as the majestic birds soared away, then she carried the three bushels of apples into her tent. She wrapped them tightly in some spare cloth she found, wrote a quick Birthday card, and went to find the First Mate. She saw him leaving the mess tent. "Machia!" Fish shouted, rather loudly. Despite the fact she knew how much he hated hugs, she ran up and gave him one anyway. "Happy Birthday, matey!!!" The mess tent grew quiet, then all of the sudden every pirate got up to go wish Machia a happy birthday. Fish grinned. "Arr...when yer finished here, yer present be in my tent!" she whispered to him, knowing that it'd be a better idea for him to open up the bushels of large, bright red, very juicy fresh apples away from the rest of the often greedy crew. Still smiling, she gave him another hug and went inside to get her own breakfast.![]()
...The First Mate filled his pockets with the apples and left in search of Fish to thank her... And.... while he was at it, give her a strong piece of his mind for telling the whole crew about his Birthday...![]()