Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

ooc: YIKES! *hides*

ic: *Lucy started to make the filling, and then the crust. *

"I will keep guard on this one." she smirked.

ooc: Small creature?? Is it an oompa loompa? :rolleyes:

ic: "Arr, good mornin Lucy!" Twilight walked into camp, a little muddy after a morning walk in the woods, and carrying a large and mysterious looking bundle under her arm.

"Morning Twilight" Lucy smiled as she worked on her pie. "Anything interesting going to happen today? Storming the wizard, taking care of a baby cave troll?"

"Well, nothin that interestin', but if I were ye, I'd keep workin on that pie, and make sure you watch it like a hawk." Twilight set her bundle down and leaned in to talk in Lucy's ear. "Don't know whether he wants this to be known, but today is First Mate Machia's birthday, and I'm thinkin he'd like nothin better than an apple pie fer his party. And whether he wants it to be known or not, he is going to have a party, so keep workin on that pie while I wrap me present fer him in somthin' a little... cleaner." Twilight picked up her grubby bundle again.

ooc: Yes, it is Machia's birthday today! So that means... PIRATE PARTY!! YO, HO, HO AND A BOTTLE OF....ROOT BEER!
ooc: Small creature?? Is it an oompa loompa? :rolleyes:

ic: "Arr, good mornin Lucy!" Twilight walked into camp, a little muddy after a morning walk in the woods, and carrying a large and mysterious looking bundle under her arm.

"Morning Twilight" Lucy smiled as she worked on her pie. "Anything interesting going to happen today? Storming the wizard, taking care of a baby cave troll?"

"Well, nothin that interestin', but if I were ye, I'd keep workin on that pie, and make sure you watch it like a hawk." Twilight set her bundle down and leaned in to talk in Lucy's ear. "Don't know whether he wants this to be known, but today is First Mate Machia's birthday, and I'm thinkin he'd like nothin better than an apple pie fer his party. And whether he wants it to be known or not, he is going to have a party, so keep workin on that pie while I wrap me present fer him in somthin' a little... cleaner." Twilight picked up her grubby bundle again.

ooc: Yes, it is Machia's birthday today! So that means... PIRATE PARTY!! YO, HO, HO AND A BOTTLE OF....ROOT BEER!

ooc- YAY!!! Hopefully I wont have to ground myself again from the comp today...:rolleyes: :D
Me mornin' narrative...

Machia sheathed his cutlass and slung his musket over his shoulder... "Arrrr... Time to wake up the crew..." He said with a half smile as he picked up his hat.. Then whistling to Pierre he stepped outside the cave into the cold morning light... The First Mate walked to the middle of the camp and looked around... There were no pirates to be seen... "Arrr.. Not that we've left the ship, the crew all thinks they can be sleepin' in, do they? Well, we'll see 'bout that..." Machia laughed and turned on his DV so it was magnified and echoed through the camp...

"ARRRRRR!!! All Pirates up an' at 'em!!! Ye've overslept, ye useless sea rats! Come on, get up... ye have five minutes to get to the mess tent, get breakfast an' repot to me.... Anyone who 'taint out here in two minutes doesn't get breakfast!!! Let's move you lazy dogs!!!" Machia shut off his Disembodied voice and laughed quietly to himself as he watched the pirates scramble out of bed and stumble to the mess tent... "Arrr... Still can't believe that after all this time o' me sayin' they have five minutes, none o' the crew has figured out that five minutes actually means ten.... Arrr... Mornin' matey..." The First Mate said to Dead Tom as he passed by...

"Good morning sir!" Dead Tom replied sweeping off his hat, "And may I wish you a Happy Bir-"

"ARRRR!! Shhh!!" Machia said suddenly covering Tom's mouth with his hand... "Be Quiet, Matey! I'll thankee to keep yer mouth shut an' keep quiet 'bout..." Machia looked around, "'bout it bein' my birthday..." He said in a low voice... If people find out they'll start gettin' me presents an' singing an' makin' a fuss... So be quiet!!" Machia released Dead Tom and started to walk off... He took an apple out of his pocket and took a bite... "Arrrr... Wonder who else knows 'bout it bein' me birthday an' might spill the beans to the crew..." He wondered as he fed Pierre a piece of appple...

ooc: Hmmm... Wonder how long the First Mate can keep his birthday quiet?:D
Fish smiled widely as she walked outside her tent. She watched the sky, and soon saw several large bird, albatros to be specific, coming toward the camp. The birds landed, and Fish untied the packages they had been carrying. Also attached was a note. It said: (ooc- I hope you don't mind me using your character, PotW!) Dear Fish, I recieved your request for the bushels of apples and happily filled it. Please send Machia my dearest greetings on his birthday. I hope all is going well. Retirement is suiting me wonderfully, and the orchard is thriving, so I would be happy to fill any needs you and your pirate friends may need for fresh fruit. Long live Aslan!"
Yours truly,
Sir PotW

Fish smiled even more, and wrote a quick "thanks" note in return. She attached it to an albatros' leg, and gave the birds permission to fly. Fish watched as the majestic birds soared away, then she carried the three bushels of apples into her tent. She wrapped them tightly in some spare cloth she found, wrote a quick Birthday card, and went to find the First Mate. She saw him leaving the mess tent. "Machia!" Fish shouted, rather loudly. Despite the fact she knew how much he hated hugs, she ran up and gave him one anyway. "Happy Birthday, matey!!!" The mess tent grew quiet, then all of the sudden every pirate got up to go wish Machia a happy birthday. Fish grinned. "Arr...when yer finished here, yer present be in my tent!" she whispered to him, knowing that it'd be a better idea for him to open up the bushels of large, bright red, very juicy fresh apples away from the rest of the often greedy crew. Still smiling, she gave him another hug and went inside to get her own breakfast. :D
ooc: Small creature?? Is it an oompa loompa? :rolleyes:

ic: "Arr, good mornin Lucy!" Twilight walked into camp, a little muddy after a morning walk in the woods, and carrying a large and mysterious looking bundle under her arm.

"Morning Twilight" Lucy smiled as she worked on her pie. "Anything interesting going to happen today? Storming the wizard, taking care of a baby cave troll?"

"Well, nothin that interestin', but if I were ye, I'd keep workin on that pie, and make sure you watch it like a hawk." Twilight set her bundle down and leaned in to talk in Lucy's ear. "Don't know whether he wants this to be known, but today is First Mate Machia's birthday, and I'm thinkin he'd like nothin better than an apple pie fer his party. And whether he wants it to be known or not, he is going to have a party, so keep workin on that pie while I wrap me present fer him in somthin' a little... cleaner." Twilight picked up her grubby bundle again.

ooc: Yes, it is Machia's birthday today! So that means... PIRATE PARTY!! YO, HO, HO AND A BOTTLE OF....ROOT BEER!

*Lucy nodded and went straight to work*

*She went to her secret stash of food and found 10 glorious apples*

"This will be perfect."

*After an hour of fixing the pie up and cooking it, she grabbed Twilight by the arm*

"Matey, matey, I finally finished it. When do ye want us to giv it to him."
Fish smiled widely as she walked outside her tent. She watched the sky, and soon saw several large bird, albatros to be specific, coming toward the camp. The birds landed, and Fish untied the packages they had been carrying. Also attached was a note. It said: (ooc- I hope you don't mind me using your character, PotW!) Dear Fish, I recieved your request for the bushels of apples and happily filled it. Please send Machia my dearest greetings on his birthday. I hope all is going well. Retirement is suiting me wonderfully, and the orchard is thriving, so I would be happy to fill any needs you and your pirate friends may need for fresh fruit. Long live Aslan!"
Yours truly,
Sir PotW

Fish smiled even more, and wrote a quick "thanks" note in return. She attached it to an albatros' leg, and gave the birds permission to fly. Fish watched as the majestic birds soared away, then she carried the three bushels of apples into her tent. She wrapped them tightly in some spare cloth she found, wrote a quick Birthday card, and went to find the First Mate. She saw him leaving the mess tent. "Machia!" Fish shouted, rather loudly. Despite the fact she knew how much he hated hugs, she ran up and gave him one anyway. "Happy Birthday, matey!!!" The mess tent grew quiet, then all of the sudden every pirate got up to go wish Machia a happy birthday. Fish grinned. "Arr...when yer finished here, yer present be in my tent!" she whispered to him, knowing that it'd be a better idea for him to open up the bushels of large, bright red, very juicy fresh apples away from the rest of the often greedy crew. Still smiling, she gave him another hug and went inside to get her own breakfast. :D

"Arrr... Fish I'm gonna kill ye..." Machia muttered out of the corner of his mouth, as the pirates lined up to shake hands with him and wish him a happy birthday, fearing that Machia would take offense if they didn't and so not wanting to envoke their First Mate's wrath, they all grabbed an apple out a nearby barrel (Which contained mostly bruised apples) as they went by, handed it to Machia and gave him a hearty "Happy Birthday, sir!" At first Machia tried to be polite to them as they went by and attempted a smile, which looked more then a bit fake. But after a while, when his pockets and arms kept filling with apples and the forced smile started to hurt his face, the First Mate's responses to their Birthday greetings, became steadily more sarcastic... Finally after the last pirate had wrung Machia's hand with his, exceedingly grubby one... Machia turned to leave but suddenly noticed the pirates were looking at him rather nervously to see what his response would be... Machia realized that he should say something and turned to face them, clearing his throat..

"Arrrr... *Ahem* Arrr... Um... Thankee all fer um.. the lovely gifts o' apples... Jus' what I always wanted.. Gar, uh... How did ye know? Yeah, an' um.... an' also fer yer very heartfelt birthday greetings... Almost, um, brought me to tears a couple o' times thar... So, uh.. Back to yer duties an' I'll jus' take me apples to me tent then... Thankee..."

Machia tried to motion with his hand for them to continue eating, but only succeded in dropping a few of the apples... Finally he managed to get out of the mess tent and at once teleported to his own tent, (Dropping a few more apples while he did it) Once he appeared again, he kicked the lid of his sea trunk open and deposited all the bruised and soft apples into it.. He slammed the lid shut, and let out a sigh of relief... Then he standing up he straighted his hat and went in search of Fish... He didn't managed to find her but he did discover his present... When he first saw the apples, he felt like screaming.... but it all changed in a moment when he noticed that they had come from POTW's gardens... For a split second Machia forgot all the things he had been planning to do to Fish and voted her a wonderful friend, as he took a bite out of an apple... The First Mate filled his pockets with the apples and left in search of Fish to thank her... And.... while he was at it, give her a strong piece of his mind for telling the whole crew about his Birthday...:D
...The First Mate filled his pockets with the apples and left in search of Fish to thank her... And.... while he was at it, give her a strong piece of his mind for telling the whole crew about his Birthday...:D

While Machia was wandering around the camp, giving very curt nods to the pirate crew who felt that it needful to salute him with a "Happy Birthday sir!" anytime he was in thier vicinity, possibly as a way to accomodate thier apparently out of sorts first mate by unknowingly giving him even more of what annoyed him. Machia had pulled his hat low down over his eyes and started looking semi desperately for a non-pirateful way out of the camp to find Fish when a long tanned arm grabbed him and pulled him into the cramped space between two tents.

"Ahoy there First matey! Been enjoying the festivities? Feelin the love? " Twilight grinned and saluted her First Mate rather saucily. She had an apple tree leaf tied on the end of each of her many long braids of brown hair in honor of the day, and was carrying a large, gunpowder stained canvas wrapped package.

"Arrr, ye know the answer to that one Twilight. The only fussin over me I want the crew to do is when thier fussin about whether I'll really walk the first three of them that steal me apples off the plank or not! All this other stuff... Well, it's not somethin' I enjoy. Don't know how to take it rightly." Machia pulled his hat up a bit and brought out another apple and took a pensive bite.

"What's to deal with" " Asked Twilight. "People hand ye presents and tell ye what a great person ye are."

"I suppose it's bettern' me funeral, since I get presents... But I don't cotton to bein' eulogized before me time!." Grumbled Machia, following Twilight past the tents and towards the clearing where Fish was supposed to be cutting wood.

"Well, if ye like the presents bettern' the compliments, than this be the right place fer ye!" Twilight stepped forward and bowed Machia into the clearing with a flourish of the brown braids. In the middle of Fish's clearing three huge tables were set up, full of every kind of apple delicacy imaginable as well as food for the other non-apple addicted pirates. Most of the crew stood around it, grinning at Machia's surprised and almost dismayed face. However, they had learned from past experiences, and they began to disperse, some eating food, some putting last minute presents in the pile that was set up for the First Mate to open at his convenience. Twilight was the only one who stood beside him and she pushed forward the somewhat grubby package with a sisterly smile.

"Arr, I know ye don't like a fuss, but yer a First rate First Mate, and ye make an even better friend. This little thing's somethin that me and me dryad relatives cooked up fer ye, so open it up so's I can explain it to ye." Machia undid the canvas wrappings, and there, standing in a pot made of light dwarf metal was a perfect, small apple tree with tiny apples loading down each branch.

"When we first came back to Narnia, I knew this'd be the present fer ye. It be the sapling of the sapling of the sapling of a distant relative of the first great apple tree that protected Narnia before the White Witch's reign of terror. It's never been able to grow big in the soil after the 100 years of winter, but it grows apples just the same. And bein a magical tree, there's a trick to em'. Watch:"

As Machia was wondering just how much good tiny apples were going to do him (As perfect as they might be) Twilight reached out and plucked a ripe one between two fingers. She placed it in Machia's palm and before his eyes it swelled into the size of a large regular sized apple. The smell from it almost overpowered the other apple delights at his party.

"Bet ye'd never get one of these at yer funeral, "grined Twilight, enjoying his amazement and delight. "And the apple tree'l bear, no matter the season. Enjoy!" With that she gave him a swift, bone crunching hug and left him to enjoy the rest of his grudgingly enjoyable party.

ooc: Happy Birthday Machia! You rock!
ooc: Thankee Twilight! but enough of the birthday talk...

ic: The next day, after Machia had managed to get out of his tent, a difficult task considering all the apple gifts that were in there, (Machia was sure he had recieved the same apple at least five times) the crew had the pleasure of waking up with the First Mate's voice ringing in their ears... Since his birthday was yesterday, Machia had decided that an extra loud DV was in order...

"ARRRRRRRR!!! Alright, get out o' bed ye lazy rats!!! Ye've overlslept again!! Come on! Ye've all got exactly two seconds to get out here before I come an' drag each an' every one o' ye out... An' ye can be sure that I'll be draggin' ye through every mud puddle I can find... Let's move!!" Pirates started to spill out of the tents and into the camp... They started towards the mess tent, but Machia teleported in front of it with a drawn pistol, blocking their way....

"Arrrrr!!! Not quite yet mateys! I wat all of ye to go back to yer tents and clean 'em up... I took the liberty o' lookin' in a few o' them and they're not even fit fer orcs to live in!" There were a few loud complains from the Pirates about what was the use of making them get out of bed if he was just going to send them back to the tents... Machia scowled, grabbed his second pistol and shot a blank into the air....

"ARRRR! That be quite enough complainin'.... The next one of ye that says one word, will take a short trip off the cliff!!" The crowd quieted, "Gar, much better..." Machia continued, "Right, now I want ye to all go back an' clean up yer tents... Once that's done ye'll be havin' ten minutes fer breakfast, then I want ye all to report to Twilight fer weapons inspection... then report to me to find out what yer chores'll be... Now get out o' here!! Arrr... an' ye better work good an' hard in them tents or ye're goin' off the cliff!!" Machia turned and headed into the cave... "Arrrr.... I woner if their majesies have had their breakfast yet?" He said to himself....
ooc- Sorry I wasn't there for most of it...:o
Wasn't grounded this time, I just wasn't home.:rolleyes: Happy birthday though.:D

ic- IOWW finished her slice of pie.
"Hmm...what to do, what to do..."