Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10 you're welcome, I've used that werewolf before too because the one in the HP movies was pretty disappointing :rolleyes: ;)
7.5,yeah well maybe they thought werewolves should look different..like the one in PC..it was awful.:rolleyes:
10 for the dog again :D

I wouldn't have minded the one from PC, that was how I imagined the werewolf as it was described in the book.
Well it would have been nice if he hadn't looked quite so nasty.:rolleyes:

*I've got a new one*:D
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7.5,lol..well,I guess I just like the villians to look a little less...villinous (sp?):p

I'm too used to old movies.:rolleyes:
10 my sister was saying after seeing Star Trek that she's so used to the old special effects (She's been watching so many old Doctor Who episodes) that the new ones start looking fake
LOL,yeah its the same way to me..:p I kinda like when they had to do everything without the help of computer effects.:D
10 I agree, some movies that only use the special effects sparingly look absolutely amazing but some (like Star Wars and Star Trek) just go overboard so that they're hard to watch
10 but with almost all movies now there is usually at least one moment where you can say "that looks really CGI..." ;)
Yes,I think they tend nowadays to add special effects in films that don't even need them.:p