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10 well really I only like Doctor Who, Star Trek (the old ones) and the first few seasons of Stargate Atlantis. I mean SGA isn't like the most amazing thing in the world but the characters are likeable and funny and the plots are exciting, it rarely had stupid parts so it was nice to just sit and watch with my sisters on a Sunday afternoon :D
10,I've seen some Star Trek..:D It was good,but I couldn't ever really get into it. I think its cause I'm not really a fan of sci-fi tv/movies (although I love sci-fi books)..I like fantasy movies/tv best.:p
10 that's true, it's hard for me to decide which I like better but sci-fi and Fantasy will always be my favorites over anything faintly real... ;) Monk is the only exception to that pretty much :D
Haha.:p I like real life stuff best (mostly because I never read any fantasy/scifi except Narnia untill a few years ago.:rolleyes:) but I do love fantasy.Whats strange is my whole family hates it,although my mom will sit and watch Doctor Who now if I have it on.;)
10 pretty much my whole family will sit and watch Doctor Who too but they'll watch other stuff too, my little sisters and my mom especially like The Cosby Show, That Girl, Get Smart and the Flying Nun recently :D
I love "Get Smart",and I really liked "The Cosby Show"..haven't seen it in a while though.:p
10 we have most of the seasons of the Cosby Show (and we've watched most of them :D) and my mom just got a season of Get Smart for Mothers Day :D