Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

LOL..........he was awesome in NN...(but why do they always kill the good characters?:rolleyes:)
10 Yes he was! And yes they do! (Smike, The Doctor, Lupin, The Doctor, Tonks, The Doctor, Jenny, Snape...) sorry, couldn't resist the Doctor joke :D
10, adorable :D

10,I wonder if he ever will actually die.This show has gone on for years and years!!Not that i'm complaining.:D

They have always said in the show that a Timelord has only like 13 lives but we've been speculating how they're going to get around that ;)
9,yeah but unless they changed the rules he'd die.:( And that would be far worse than the show stopping...
Besides doesn't it have to quit someday..I mean it's been running decades and most American shows only run like 20 years max.:p
10,I guess......;):p

*And I just made a new PP.:p Whatcha think?:D*
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Thanks I found a whole bunch of baby Ami so I had to make an icon.:D
9,sweet,what doctor is that?:cool: