Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

9.not as a graphic,no.But I posted the orginal picture on the Paperboys thread a while back:
10 oddly enough I might have seen it then even though I don't really post on there ;)

remind me, what is mine? :p
I tend to spam it up with Monkee photos.:p
9,your's is the doctor and..Ace (is that her name?):D
10, Yes, Ace is the name she goes by generally. I think it's a nickname but I can't remember what her actual name is :D
10 Aha, Wikipedia has all the answers :D

Ace's first name is Dorothy. Production notes suggest that it was intended that her last name would be Gale, an allusion to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, given the fact that she was transported to Iceworld via a time storm. The novels (and, following their lead, Big Finish audio plays), however, have given Ace the last name of McShane. A sequence of BBC Books' Past Doctor Adventures set after Survival and written by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry used the "Dorothy Gale" name, as the authors were unaware of the name used in the New Adventures. This was eventually resolved to some exent when the novel Relative Dementias by Mark Michalowski gave her full name as Dorothy Gale McShane, a version later taken up by the audios.
