Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

9, looks cute ;)

Oh I've totally seen clips from Monkee vs. Machine then :D

and that one sounds great, I can't wait :p
The best thing about Monkees is they're only like 20 mins. long.:p I love that on busy nights when I don't have much time.:D
10 that's great, the Doctor Who episodes are shorter too but all the old ones are usually at least two parters if not like seven-parters ;)
I noticed that..they seem to have tons of segments.Did one air each night or something?:cool:
10 they were all really suspenseful too, they're good at making the commercials at the end really exciting :D
9,I really should watch some on youtube..I keep starting them and then the video won't finish loading all the way so I give up.:rolleyes: Slow computers...:rolleyes: