Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10 yes, it's been September 26th since shortly after they got engaged, it's in Machia's signature now too ;)
9.5,thanks,I finally decided to make myself a new one instead of using ones from my friend.:D
10 I'll probably change mine soon, I just haven't found any interesting pictures lately (besides one set of pictures that I'm going to make into a banner once I check my Doctor Who facts with my expert sister ;))
10 yes, I found a great picture of Matt Smith that will work well with some pictures of old doctors ;)
10 the problems is my sister somehow escaped to work this morning without my seeing her at all! So I can't figure out my Doctor Who facts yet ;)
Are there DW fact books or something?:D Because sometimes I can find those of tv shows.:D
10 yes there are, we have quite a few ;)

My sister also buys the Doctor Who Magazine from Barnes and Nobles whenever they have it :p