Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

9,oh okay.:p Reminds me of the part where they're running with the Declaration of Independence.:D
10 yeah they are, I made this one a lot smaller because the big version didn't look that great ;)
I know, but in itself it's a really cute picture, I had to find pictures of the Doctor and Jenny for a requested banner and I had fun :D

10 I love his hat! :p
10, well since we're about the only ones who come on this thread I suppose I can explain if you don't mind spoilers ;)
10 well the Doctor, Donna and Martha (because she was in the TARDIS when it suddenly took off) land on this planet where a war has been going on for generations and they get new soldiers by basically cloning themselves (in a process where apparently you can get either a boy or a girl no matter who you're cloning...) so they clone the Doctor. The Doctor is none too happy about it because he does not approve of Jenny (as Donna calls her) because she acts so much like a soldier, also because, he tells Donna, after having lost a family before he doesn't think he's ready to have a daughter

(essentially, very broken down ;) got all that? I'll continue on the next post ;))