Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10 now I want a Smike banner... and avatar... and profile picture... and wallpaper... for my room ;)
10 I will always love Smike more, I've been influenced by Twilight but I would still love Smike without her help :D
10 Twilight and I have realized that we have a tendency to like fictional characters like Smike who need protection/encouragement/lots of love :D (see: Lupin, the Doctor, Snape, Neville... :D)
10 maybe I should, there are a lot of things I should see

Twilight was watching Anastasia last night, she apparently got it from the library.
Did she like it?:D Thats my second favorite animated film after The Little Mermaid.:D
10 I don't know, I didn't ask too much about it and she was just commenting on how the animation looks old... :D
Haha yep it's 2-d instead of 3-d as in modern films.:D I'm a huge 2-d fan and don't like the new animation.:p
You mean the one in your sig link?Yeah,very much so.:D Also old animation was either hand drawn or a combination of drawing and computers,and todays is all computers.
10 :D
10 yup, I've done better animation but it usually takes a long time. The hand drawn thing contributes to the more realistically drawn ;)