Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10, hmm I won't change my avatar but I can certainly change my profile pic :D I'll work on that ;)
10, well I'm on the wrong computer, almost all my doctor graphics are upstairs (I finished all the Doctor series now :D)
10,very pretty.:) Thats one of my favorite scenes in LOTRs,as they ride up to Gondor.:cool:
10 it changed, and it will probably change again whenever I stop being lazy and end up on the upstairs computer :p
A hippie girl wearing flowers around her neck.:) I kinda faded it,since it was in the orginal photo,and I just wanted the sign.;)
10, ah the all powerful Google ;) I was actually just using photobucket to find pictures of Celtic Thunder again :D
I use livejournal for almost all my pictures of films,but for other stuff I use photobucket and google images.:p
Its kinda hard for me to find screencap sites of old movies,so I go to livejournal and find a community that loves old films.:p
10, that's true, Doctor who is the one that would be hard to find and I've got plenty of Doctor Who picture sites now ;)