Red Roses Graphics

Oooh, wow, haven't been on here in forever. =/ but then again, i moved to another country for college and that's been keeping me pretty busy... anyways, i'm home for a week or two, so i'll try to come on a little more often.

made some graphics today. gahh, how i've missed making graphics!


big time rush. ♥
I've missed seeing new graphics of yours. =/ I'm so excited that you're back on, even if it's only temporary. :)

I know nothing about the band pictured in the banner, but it's some really neat art. I love the pop of colors around the bottom. You have great artistic taste.
I saw your graphics a while back but abandoned the thread because it seemed dead. This graphic brought your thread back to life! I LOVE IT! The colors are beautiful and go together perfectly! I LOVE your style and I cannot wait to see more :eek: great work!
Thanks, guys! That does happen to be one of my fav graphics. =$

So I made some more graphics because I'm in a great mood: the weather's great, my cousin's engaged and hey, let's face it, i didn't want to study. I'm supposed to be researching the causes of bilateral leg edema and its relation to epistaxis. =/ Why can't they just say the causes of of swelling of both legs and its relation to nosebleeds. Although how they're related is beyond me...



:eek: :eek: :eek:

All of these are so beautiful!! The banner is gorgeous, although not PERFECT 9-10

All the avi's get a 10! They're all amazing

GREAT work :)
I'm so glad to see you back, Aurora, even if it's only temporary. <3 I hope that all is going well with you.

I'm so excited to see some new stuff! :D I love the avatars! You're particularly good at avatars, methinks. :p The colors and style are terrific.
Red Roses! You posted! :D

I love the new avvies. I think that my favorite is the first, but they're all gorgeous. <3