Return of the Lions. (Melia's pide.)

Zong nodded " Yes Uncle Zin we would like a bed time story," he told him,

Lilly laugh " I think they want you to tell them a story," she told him.

Misty shook her head " Zong clam down don't hurt your uncle now," she told him, with a giggle.
"Well... " Zion began to say and then paused a moment, "I suppose there's no harm in one bedtime story." Everyone settled in and got comfortable as Zion cleared his throat. When everyone was snuggled in and nice and comfy, he began to tell a most interesting story about some of the things that had happened to hm when he himself were a cub. Everyone, even the adult lions and lionesses in the group, listened intently as Zion told of his adventures in Narnia. Those who wandered in after he had begun stopped to find a comfortable spot to listen as well. Presently, Zion glanced at the cubs, who, despite heavy, drooping eyelids and tired expressions, were hanging on his every word. He quickly found a way to bring it to a stopping point. "It's getting late." he said with a lion-size yaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnn. "I'll tell you some more tomorrow."
"Oh, what a wonderful story Uncle Zion!" Feline exclaimed, her eye's were opening and closing as she spoke. "Couldn't we hear more tonight?" She looked up at him, big brown puppy dog eye's begging him to continue, although her body said it was time to go to sleep, her mind argued the oppisite. Although Everyone's head's shot up in alarm at the loud sound of thunder. When Feline looked up at the sky, she gasped as a far off bolt of lighting peariced the earth. "It it going to storm Uncle Zion?" She asked, now hidning behind Zong in fear of the storm. Little did they know, evil eye's were staring down at them, much like the one's Melia had saw only moments earlier....
"Apparently we are in for a bit of a thunderstorm." Zion replied calmly to Feline, noting the nervousness of the cubs. "Perhaps a bit more of a story will help to take our minds off of it. When I was your age, I used to be a bit unsure during a thunderstorm myself, until Aslan Himself told me a wonderful story...." And he began to repeat the story that had been told to him to the cubs and the rest of the pride that had gathered there.
By the time Zion finished his story, Feline was half way alseep, she would have lost complete contiounsess if it were not for the constant battle of keeping her eye's open long enough to remain atleast somewhat alert to listen to the rest of her Uncle's story. She let out a long yawn and would have lied her head agaist her paw's, falling alseep instantly, if it were not for the loud raor of thunder. She sat up strait, whipping around quicly to face the open field. "Uncle Zion...Aslan and Melia arn't sopposed to be back this early...are they?" She asked. Innocent brown eye's staring up at him. She gestured toward a far off hill where the figure's of three lion's make their way up. Little did they know, what was beyond that hill were far from Aslan and Melia.....


Melia whipped her head around just as another bolt of lighting lit up the sky. "Oh no..." She took a few steps back as a horrid looking lioness with a grey pelt, made her way across the grass to where the group had came to a hault. "Who are you?" Melia asked, keeping her tone calm for now.

"Me?" The lioness let out a cold smirk, stopping only a few feet away. "Countless have died on the one you call your beloved's, account...whole army's of skilled fighter's...trained not even to flintch at the site even their best friend's bloodshed...have been torn apart...all because of"

"What are you talking about? Orion did no such thing...he wouldn't..." Melia's voice, starting out strong, had faded to a whisper as her mind refused to believe the words spoken.

"Ah...but Melia you may have forgotten, Orion was not always under your care. Yes there was a time you thought he was dead...a time he dissapeared. Where do you sopposed he went during that time...hmm?" She took a few steps foward, her ragged tail swishing back and forth. An evil grin spread across her face as she circled Melia. "What do you think...happened during that time?" She then turned to Aslan. "When horros took place that even your daddy could not prevent..."

(Haha, I hope that made sence. My mind is somewhere else rightnow. lol.:p)
(Perfect sense... I like that part.... here goes...)

Meanwhile, back with the rest of Aslan's pride, Zion abruptly stopped speaking when he saw Feline quickly rise from her comfortable rest to point out three mysterious lion-figures that were heading in their direction. "No, we shall not expect to see Melia and Aslan this soon... " he started to answer. Then, he stopped right in his own tracks and his expression went from its usual cheerful, yet weary continence to one of disgust, and then changed again to something that bordered on shock or alarm. It was as if he were responding to something that smelled bad, but instead of smelling, he was sensing it. Suddenly the thunder momentarily ceased its persistent rumblings and the place where they were became eerily quiet. It was clear that Zion's posture had gone from one of relaxation to that of a lion on high alert. His ears stood upright, twitching in the night breeze, taking in every sound to be heard. His muscles now were taut; his powerful legs assumed a ready stance. Then he turned to glance at Lilly. "Take the cubs. You and the other young lionesses must take them into the caves. Wait there." His instructions were simple, but a wordless exchange of instructions having also taken place between them. Feline was too young to understand what he was telling her, but definitely old enough to understand that Zion had just communicated something of vital importance to her through his gaze... something that they weren't meant to know... a message more powerful than that of his mere words. By now the whole wood they were standing in seemed to be on high alert as well. Just then there was a rustling in the tall grasses nearby. Before any of the cubs had a chance to react, they were all grabbed up by the ruff of their necks in the mouths of the lionesses, who quickly departed without saying anything else. The other lions in the area had now also gotten wind of the strange visitors. They had formed into a group and now stood near Zion, the elder in Aslan's absence, waiting for their marching orders. Zion gave the group a sideward glance as whatever was approaching through the grasses got quite close. Zion stood poised, ready to attack. Just as he was about to spring onto the intruder, her stoped short. The head of a raccoon suddenly thrust itself through the grasses as its paws worked to push them aside so that he could be seen, but only just enough.
"Pardon my interruption, wise Zion." His vioce came in hushed tones and high pitched as it was, broke even more with the added stress of the message he was bearing. "Aslan sends you word of great caution! At this hour you can expect three intruders. They are lions from a wayward pride. They will claim to be under the authority of Orion, but they're not! Don't let them fool you! Don't believe anything they tell you! They should be here... then the raccoon himself fell silent as the intruders' presence was now iminent to everyone. Zion gave him a knowing glance and the grasses closed in again where his head had been. Zion heard the ever-so-faint rustling of the grasses as the raccoon ever-so-cautiously fled for its life. He would have to commend the creature in Aslan's presence upon his return. But at present, there were much less pleasant circumstances to deal with.
(Oh my gosh Af, that was bueatifuly written!!!^^ Love that part.)

Over the hill, suddenly appeared a young lioness with a beautiful cream colored pelt. Two large lion's with black mane, were on either side. Both looked to be slightly older then the female. All three came to a hault a few feet away from Zion's line of suspicous lion's, ready to attack at will.
"Greeting's, dear Zion." The lioness stepped foward, giving a low bow of respect. "I should assume Aslan himself, has left the safety of the Narnian pride in your paws, in his absence?" Her voice was soft, much like Melia or Lilly's, yet it held a sort of edge to it that was far from innocent. She saw the look of distrust play out in his eye's and gave a polite smile.
"Relax...we do not wish to bring you, or your family any harm. My name is Eroki."

"We simply want to bring you...some new's from Orion's pride." The lion on her left finally spoke, his voice deep and filled with a certain serious that almost made those of Aslan's pride slightly nervous. "Grave news...I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid he's right..." Eroki contined, her ears folded sorrowfully. She looked Zion in the eye, her own misted over with tears. "They have turned Zion...a dark force has made them turn to the dark side, Jadis may be dead but the magic left behind isn't. They are planning war agaist must bring your King, and his daughter back as soon as possible."

Back in the cave, the moment Feline was placed on the ground she ran to the excit, mentally trying to find some way to help. She glanced back at Zong. "What do you think their talking about? Whatever it is, must be pretty think we're in danger?" Fear lit her eye's, though she tried her best to appear braber then she felt.
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Zong walked over to her with his healed high " I don't know maybe they are talking about taking you back," he told her, with a laugh then pounce on her.