Smerdyakov looks blankly at Joe.
" I don't have to whine and gripe? Hold on, I was going to kill you and you're willing to
give me the shoes I was going to kill you for?" He tries to smirk, but ends up bursting into tears.
"No, what? You...*sniff* Darn. I'm not..*sniffle* crying, am I?" He wipes his eyes with a wing. He coughs to clear his throat.
"I'm ok. *sniff* Darn you, Joe. Now I've got the warm fuzzies. *cough*" He sobs for several hours, trying to regain his composure.
"Ok. NOW I'm ok. Although if anyone hears that I was crying, you'll become an unperson"
Me: Now, now, Smerdy, be nice. *dumps selection of shoes on the ground in front of him* Do you like any of these?
Smerdyakov: No.
His shoes are the only ones I like. *looks up to Joe in awe*
Me: What is it about his shoes that you like so much?
Smerdyakov: They're pretty.
Me: Men don't wear shoes that are "pretty"
Smerdyakov: Well,
his are!
Me: Come on, Smerdy, these look exactally the same as his.
Smerdyakov: They're not the same! They're not
his shoes.
Me: just want to deprive him of his shoes? You don't even
want them?
Smerdyakov: I want them because they're
his shoes.

Weird duck.
Smerdyakov ignores me and goes to sit on Joe's shoulder, like a parrot.