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A new pic of me... (maybe you can tell I'm hyper in this one :p)

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Hyper, yes... You know, when I was your age, I would often jump in startlement if someone came up behind me. Now that I think of it, maybe that's WHY, as an adult, I have a habit of looking around me in all directions.
This picture was taken Sunday (i.e. it's very recent. ;) ) after my piano recital. I'm with my piano teacher/church music director, who was very patient with me throughout the semester of teaching. And, btw, we all got those trophies; I wasn't treated special or anything. And also surprisingly, my hair was behaving that afternoon.
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Thanks; my recital piece was Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, but I'm afraid I fouled it up some, my hands were shaking out of nervousness. :rolleyes: Oh well. I might mention that I can play the piece by memory now, I went over it so much. :D
This picture was taken Sunday (i.e. it's very recent. ;) ) after my piano recital. I'm with my piano teacher/church music director, who was very patient with me throughout the semester of teaching. And, btw, we all got those trophies; I wasn't treated special or anything. And also surprisingly, my hair was behaving that afternoon.

I really like your hair AK! :)

last Tuesday we went Hiking in Carmel Valley(California)
so here are some random pictures that I took :D




Ice Cream! Carmel Valley! My first wife and I hiked there two or three times when I was stationed in Monterey. We probably walked some of the same trails that you would later walk on!
Those are gorgeous pictures, Narnia ice cream! :) The third one is my favorite!

thank you Miss R! :)
Ice Cream! Carmel Valley! My first wife and I hiked there two or three times when I was stationed in Monterey. We probably walked some of the same trails that you would later walk on!

Really?! that's Great to hear!
We walked on the trail that leads to the waterfal and
the pond :)
Carmel Valley? OMR I know where that is(I like in CA)!!!!!

Correct! :D

yesterday we went to the exploratorium(in San.Fran.)
and here are a few pictures of our "adventure"
-as a sidenote,when we came to the exploratorium it was SUNNY;
went we left it was rainning CRAZY-like on a set for a movie :rolleyes:


This is the Palace of Fine Arts-by the Exploratorium

This brain is made out of ice;
maybe that's now your brain
looks when you have a brain freeze

That's me(in the little chair) and my little sister(in the big chair)

This is my sister;and that is how it looked when we left
compare it to the first picture :cool:
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