Share a Pic! III

I dunno if I want to post a pic of myself here yet buuut here's a picture of my moose. :D


Not the greatest picture; I know but I took it in the car.
I love how the trees are slightly blurry, but the sun-burst is crisp because it gives the impression of motion. The picture looks great in B&W! :)
Is it wierd that I feel like I should keep posting pictures every now and again? I feel like I'm growing up with some of you guys:L Well... in a way?
So yeaah.... enjoy? I guess:L
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I'm not really that pale.. or I'd like to think so:) I had to brighten it 'cause it was reaally dark:)
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Something off of my holiday last month:)

Me and a dolphin in Cozumel, Mexico

you guys are Pretty! :) and it looks like you are having a lot of FUN! :D

Here's a HUGE Bow&Arrow in San Fran
seeing this reminds me of Susan Pevensie :p
(I took this picture about a week ago)

-behind the bow&arrow is the Bay Bridge =]

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Is it wierd that I feel like I should keep posting pictures every now and again? I feel like I'm growing up with some of you guys:L Well... in a way?
So yeaah.... enjoy? I guess:L
Love the photos Vicky. And yes, some of us have watched you grow up. I still remember your photos with your friends celebrating your... 10th birthday? One thing though, you're look prettier every day!

Me and a dolphin in Cozumel, Mexico
Ah! lucky dolphin! :D

The bow and arrow also reminded me of Susan Pevensie!
You're so cute!! The second picture is my favorite. It's so pretty! That looks like fun. :D

Hahaaa why thankyou:)

Love both of them! You are very beautiful!
ahaha thanks:D

you guys are Pretty! :) and it looks like you are having a lot of FUN!

We did:LL splashing in water like a 5yearold is always fun:D &the bow+arrow is supercool:)

Love the photos Vicky. And yes, some of us have watched you grow up. I still remember your photos with your friends celebrating your... 10th birthday? One thing though, you're look prettier every day!
Awww yeaah my dinky photos:) &thanks ever so muchly:)
Besides, it looks like you're by the ocean so that proves you are the perfect Cap'n of the Ginger Pirate Crew! :D