Share a Pic! III

Thanks ;)! I'm not a complete idiot LOL

They look more like dumbstruck/stupid faces to me LOL and he made my name ahyperduderanch? LOOL

They're just the "eek" smilies. I didn't intend to make you look stupid. :(

I think you'll prefer your new name now. ;)

(If you read my "Ask a Telmarine!" thread, you'll notice that I do this all the time! So don't think I singled you out or something!:D)
But credit goes to my Creator, because He made me the way He wanted me. I may not always be content with it, since I am very much so human, but I'm content with Him. And your comments just made my week a whole lot better considering that I have depression problems.

Depression, eh? Perhaps you are already aware that inward unhappiness is often relieved if we look _outside_ ourselves and make the effort to help and comfort _other_ people. There's a saying, "You can't help someone else climb up a hill without getting higher up yourself." And in this effort, we can find use for every gift God gives us. In your case, since you _are_ in fact a fabulously attractive young woman, this can be made to be a blessing to others.... by the fact of your _not_ being stuck-up about it. Having a sort of cultural authority in the beauty you possess, you can be an example of righteousness by treating other people as having _equal_ personal value, NO MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.

But before someone gets annoyed by my "straying off topic"--here's a link that should take people to a recent photo of me, standing with my artist friend who used to be on this forum as "Sculpted Thought." I'm the old, short one.!/photo.php?fbid=1919214461961&set=t.1166251412&type=3&theater
Depression, eh? Perhaps you are already aware that inward unhappiness is often relieved if we look _outside_ ourselves and make the effort to help and comfort _other_ people. There's a saying, "You can't help someone else climb up a hill without getting higher up yourself." And in this effort, we can find use for every gift God gives us. In your case, since you _are_ in fact a fabulously attractive young woman, this can be made to be a blessing to others.... by the fact of your _not_ being stuck-up about it. Having a sort of cultural authority in the beauty you possess, you can be an example of righteousness by treating other people as having _equal_ personal value, NO MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.

But before someone gets annoyed by my "straying off topic"--here's a link that should take people to a recent photo of me, standing with my artist friend who used to be on this forum as "Sculpted Thought." I'm the old, short one.!/photo.php?fbid=1919214461961&set=t.1166251412&type=3&theater

Oh no worries. I love long thoughts and discussions, and I ramble all the time with my thoughts. Feel free to read my blog, and you'll see. And I actually have done that! I only started suffering with depression within the past four years after my family moved. I remember telling my mom last year when I was really stressed with school and life that I just wanted to get away from people and spend some quality "me" time to find some ounce of peace in my soul. I expected her to say, "Of course. You need some time for yourself." And yet she told me no, and that that in itself would make things far worse than I felt them to be. So....I started helping people by tutoring, doing volunteer work and beginning more ministry with friends. Life seemed to spark a light after that, and I've felt so at home focusing on others. People are so important to me, and God has really blessed that whole learning experience.

But looks have never been important to me. Honestly, I've known so many people who are drop dead gorgeous, and they have no heart or spirit about them. Therefore I've learned to only respond to those who's nature responds to mine. If that makes sense....but thanks Copperfox. You always have such insight and wisdom. I love reading your posts. :)

Anywho! Not to get off track...since this is a post a pic thread I thought I shouldn't spam it. Here's a picture I took when I was in Hawaii two years ago. LOVE this valley, but it's the windiest place on this perch.

Oh, and I actually can't see your photo on Fb. But I'm sure it's great! :D
But looks have never been important to me. Honestly, I've known so many people who are drop dead gorgeous, and they have no heart or spirit about them. Therefore I've learned to only respond to those who's nature responds to mine. If that makes sense....but thanks Copperfox. You always have such insight and wisdom. I love reading your posts. :)

That actually my prob! Self-confidance... I feel so ugly and ignored all the time! and I wish I was really good looking! But I know how those kind of people act like you said!
That actually my prob! Self-confidance... I feel so ugly and ignored all the time! and I wish I was really good looking! But I know how those kind of people act like you said!

I know it's easier said than done, but don't ever feel like that. I know how you feel though. Dr. Seuss makes me feel better with this quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

And so does Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I don't care how people look, as long as they have heart enough to believe in themselves and others, they have my respect and love.

Some more pictures of mine to give everyone on TDL a piece of sunshine ^_^
Those are great! I love your work. My favorite of the new pictures you posted is the first, but they're all lovely!

I also liked seeing the picture of you. You are lovely. :)
I know it's easier said than done, but don't ever feel like that. I know how you feel though. Dr. Seuss makes me feel better with this quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

And so does Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I don't care how people look, as long as they have heart enough to believe in themselves and others, they have my respect and love.

Some more pictures of mine to give everyone on TDL a piece of sunshine ^_^

:eek: Breathtaking, literally.
I think I may start a thread in the Socratic Club for this topic....

PLEASE send me the link!

I know it's easier said than done, but don't ever feel like that. I know how you feel though. Dr. Seuss makes me feel better with this quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

And so does Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I don't care how people look, as long as they have heart enough to believe in themselves and others, they have my respect and love.

Some more pictures of mine to give everyone on TDL a piece of sunshine ^_^

Thanks soo much ;)... You don't know how much it means!

I REALLY like the first and third pics! Here's a GREAT wallpaper website if you want to submit them!

A CUP(le) of Bunnies! :D
Afton, your photos (that you took) are lovely. Nice work!

The cup of bunnies is adorable, too!

Joseph/CF, I would not have described you the way you described yourself in the photo! I think you look perfect for your age and who you are. How's that?
I know it's easier said than done, but don't ever feel like that. I know how you feel though. Dr. Seuss makes me feel better with this quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

And so does Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I don't care how people look, as long as they have heart enough to believe in themselves and others, they have my respect and love.

Some more pictures of mine to give everyone on TDL a piece of sunshine ^_^

Those are all really pretty, but the first is absolutely breathtaking!


A CUP(le) of Bunnies! :D

Oh my great goodness, those bunnies are adorable. Check out those little wiggling noses! Ah. That just made my day much better.

More photos....

This is where I live... (yes, it's out in the boondocks, but I love it)

Buttered Dill Flounder with Carrots and Couscous that I made the other night. I'm kind of obsessed with cooking.

And a friend and I at a wedding this summer (I'm on the left)
This is where I live... (yes, it's out in the boondocks, but I love it)

Buttered Dill Flounder with Carrots and Couscous that I made the other night. I'm kind of obsessed with cooking.

And a friend and I at a wedding this summer (I'm on the left)

That looks... lonely. In a good way. :)

Mmm... looks good!

Hey, you even look good in black & white!

That looks... lonely. In a good way. :)

Mmm... looks good!

Hey, you even look good in black & white!

It was hard to get used to when we first moved...but I'm happy with it now. We live at the foot of a mountain, so I can go hiking any time I want, which is really nice.

I'll just have to make some for you sometime. ;)

Heh. Thank you! :p
I love this picture because you two are the center of the picture, and its perfectly focused on you two, but at the same time you can see the exciting bustle in the background! Black n White is perfect for this pic!


I LOVE this picture!


Thanks for sharing ;)