Share a Pic! III

Nice pic marleybug! I like your haircolor
LC I totally LOVE your hair! It's gorgeous
OG Very nice pic! Red suits you well!
GP, nice hat!

Here are some pics of me in a trip to oxford.

At our beloved author's grave.

C. S. Lewis' picture and the Narnian tree

The Narnia stained glass in C. S. Lewis' church

At my most favorite author's grave. J. R. R. Tolkien

BK: No, sadly my eyes aren't green. I wish they were though! I have medium brown eyes with different kinds of browns, and I'm pretty sure I have some flecks of least a little. :p
MGGT: you look like what I thought you'd look like too! :p weird, eh?
CF:whoah...... I'll keep that in mind when I'm looking for a guy.
mb: you're a cutie! I love your eyes. ^_^

and for all who thought my hair gorgeous, thanks! I love it too. ^_^ It's a pain to deal with though because it can be really frizzy. :rolleyes:
Well, don't be sad. Usually red hair comes with green eyes, but I like it with brown more!!:) And green eyes don't come out in pictures well most of the time. So no worries. I still think you're beautiful!

LadyArya: Nope, it did not work. You have to be myspace member. Sorry.
Marleybug, you resemble one of my first wife Mary's dearest friends, Elaine Lemen, who is now in Heaven with her husband and my wives.

DearHeart, thank you so much for letting us visit those historic gravesites with you.

LC, what was that you were going to remember about men? If you have in mind my post about college days, the lesson would be: DON'T be charmed by the bad-boy mystique, nothing good ever comes of it!
MGGT I've been to Oxford especially for Tolkien's and Lewis' graves :p but I had to pretend that I wanna visit the Blenheim Palace in order to get there :) (I was together with my sister so I had find something that she would like in order to get to Oxford :p)

Copperfox, You're very welcome :)

And BK I hope you'll get to see them one day!

LC, what was that you were going to remember about men? If you have in mind my post about college days, the lesson would be: DON'T be charmed by the bad-boy mystique, nothing good ever comes of it!
That's exactly what I was going to remember, and no I'm not bothered by your post.
So THAT's what was glowing!!!! I knew you were mean :p

Hey! I'm not mean! and that was the flash shining on my face! :p
Nice pic marleybug! I like your haircolor
LC I totally LOVE your hair! It's gorgeous
OG Very nice pic! Red suits you well!
GP, nice hat!

Here are some pics of me in a trip to oxford.

At our beloved author's grave.

C. S. Lewis' picture and the Narnian tree

The Narnia stained glass in C. S. Lewis' church

At my most favorite author's grave. J. R. R. Tolkien


LUCKY i so want to visit there
Thanx! :) You too will get there one day :) I'm sure of it! But when you do, just know that there are signs that will direct you to the graves. So look for them and don't wander around from grave to grave as I did :p :eek:

Wow, awesome photos everyone! I had to go through about 5 pages, so I don't remember everyone who posted by name -- but everyone looked beautiful.
Well...after seeing everyone else post a pic(s) of themselves, I decided I'd post one of myself. Its from the mission trip I was on recently, so if the wall looks a little odd, that's why.

My friend had my camera at this time too...:D

Oops...looks like 1000px is to wide :eek:

Nice Pic Nathan!:)