Share a Pic! III

ya'll are just too darn gorgeous. :)

here's a picture of me singing at this thing called "Coffee House" at my school. it's like a musical talent show basically.

Post 827 said "Those are fake swords." No, they're not. The slim blade Amy held is admittedly a ceremonial Knights of St. John sword, but of real steel with a point. The one I held is a full-tang blade, made in Pakistan. I own some other blades which are ALL the way genuine.
McFly is beautiful! You look just like a singer, a rock star.

And ToJ, look at the eyeballs on you! Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers? And your lips are quite pretty too. What a doll you are!
McFly is beautiful! You look just like a singer, a rock star.

And ToJ, look at the eyeballs on you! Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers? And your lips are quite pretty too. What a doll you are!

PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY TOJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
You're gorgeous.

I got my eyes from my father...:p (but you like them or are you...i'm going with the like)

and thankyou!
Love them! You have great big beautiful eyes. Very pretty. I'm en eye person, as you can probably tell. :)
Are your eyes dark like that, or is that the contacts? They look very striking. My eyes are actually green, but they change a bit based on the colors around me, only they never look big and dark like yours until I got some brown contacts. Then it looked, I don't know, spooky. But I liked it.
Are your eyes dark like that, or is that the contacts? They look very striking. My eyes are actually green, but they change a bit based on the colors around me, only they never look big and dark like yours until I got some brown contacts. Then it looked, I don't know, spooky. But I liked it.

my eyes are naturally dark - i wear clear contacts

You're very adult-looking there, Orange.

ooooh...Nice. Thankyou

McFly -- By your photo, I could sit and listen to you all night long!
ANd ToJ -- WOW wow wow you are a beautiful reflection of God.